Marijuana legalization bill approved

Re: WHOS been smoking?

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Re: WHOS been smoking?

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Dust,Orbit, Buggy,Blast off, Earth, Rocket, things you would associate with the moon.
Re: WHOS been smoking?

@nara unfortunately you arent as clever as you think you are, phantasising about some past enemy or something?? your seeing ghosts, get a life mate. :Clap:

What would make a new member say something like that? ;)

Why would a new member assume nara had old enemies? :err:

Strange choice of words IMO.
agreed. but weed isn't drugs. its weed :p

My missus works in mental health and would disagree ;) You'd be surprised how many weed smokers are really fucked up! Legalizing it would only put more pressure on the NHS having to take care of users that become mentally unwell with it!

I like Jasper Conran have seen close friends (3 in all) lose the plot with drug misuse and it's difficult to watch. Once they are unwell there is very little anybody can do to get them back to a stable mental state.
Re: WHOS been smoking?

What would make a new member say something like that? ;)

Why would a new member assume nara had old enemies? :err:

Strange choice of words IMO.

its the only reason i could come up with for his behaviour, soz. keep smokin m8


*oh. he edited his post from who are you anyway i havent figured you out yet to are you Daz? another reason.
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l think u should be banned .. when l smoke it my head goes all funny
My missus works in mental health and would disagree ;) You'd be surprised how many weed smokers are really fucked up! Legalizing it would only put more pressure on the NHS having to take care of users that become mentally unwell with it!

I'd ban the lot of it, including alcohol!

But surely Alcohol does far more damage than a bit of smoke?

Re: WHOS been smoking?

*oh. he edited his post from who are you anyway i havent figured you out yet to are you Daz? another reason.

Lol, no they were two seperate posts, 28&31.

(btw, that 'Thanks' to Thommo was a dead giveaway.)
Re: WHOS been smoking?

ive been smoking weed for nearly 20 years, every single day (except a few days i stayed over pinkys house in spain) and theres fook all wrong with my mental health. im a good father, good worker, a professional in my field, and a piss head weed smoker

excuses, thats all it is, i used to bong untill i went grey, id smoke an ounce a day, washed down with cans, vodka, pills, tabs, and anything else i could get my hands on, the drugs are a choice, dont blame them if youre a fkin idiot, and if you cant handle them and they turn you into an idiot, choose not to take them

i could easily spend the rest of my life, on the sick, blaming the amount of weed, speed and beer that ive filtered in the last 2 decades, and the state would pay for me to get more

over-hyped bullsh!t, the lot of it
Re: WHOS been smoking?

ive been smoking weed for nearly 20 years, every single day (except a few days i stayed over pinkys house in spain) and theres fook all wrong with my mental health. im a good father, good worker, a professional in my field, and a piss head weed smoker

excuses, thats all it is, i used to bong untill i went grey, id smoke an ounce a day, washed down with cans, vodka, pills, tabs, and anything else i could get my hands on, the drugs are a choice, dont blame them if youre a fkin idiot, and if you cant handle them and they turn you into an idiot, choose not to take them

i could easily spend the rest of my life, on the sick, blaming the amount of weed, speed and beer that ive filtered in the last 2 decades, and the state would pay for me to get more

over-hyped bullsh!t, the lot of it

I'm no angel and have dabbled with a few things myself over the years therefore in kind of the same frame of mind as you Digi. I consider myself a fortunate idiot and have risked my life trying things on the spur of the moment. Being brought in a fairly rough housing scheme (Most are in Dundee) its pretty hard to avoid unless you're peewee herman and have no mates!

Traces of cocaine were found on something like 90% of cisterns in United Nations building and the peeps that frequent that place run the world FFS!

I like a drink and do know that it is the most anti social, cause for violence drug this planet has ever seen, however although people just go mental the vast majority have dabbled with mind blowing drugs.

Maybe its got to do with peoples upbringing and life in general but it certainly seems that the peeps who turn to drugs to try and solve their problems only make matters worse? I'm guessing so **** knows....I'm drunk ;)

Facts are facts and the vast majority of patients my missus sees have smoked blow and are all fucking mental! :happysmile: