Marijuana legalization bill approved

id like to see it legalized for the simple reason it would be more popular than coke smack and e's, as it would be just as easy to get hold off then. :Clap:
id like to see it legalized for the simple reason it would be more popular than coke smack and e's, as it would be just as easy to get hold off then. :Clap:

Its pretty easy to get hold off just now mate and i would think its more popular than other class a drugs.
I would legalize it tomorrow for many different reasons.
Its pretty easy to get hold off just now mate and i would think its more popular than other class a drugs.
I would legalize it tomorrow for many different reasons.

no, its not easy to get hold of.
no, its not easy to get hold of.

A suppose it does depend on where you live but i would have thought in any city or town its pretty much easy.
where exatly do you live on your own feckin island??? its piss easy to get hold off like any other drug is.

have you got some spare superman :proud: the other drugs are shit as are you if you take them .....
i personally would keep it the way it is


if it was legalized it would be so heavily taxed like cigarettes and the price would always rise each year and it would be in the the rant room about the rises of dope tax

in fact its gone down over the years and it would still be imported in and still have the black market for untaxed weed and where would all the dope smokers go for there weed??

the same place you got it before it was legalized

better the devil you know
It would probably not be cheaper, but it certainly would not be more expensive.

You would rather the profits go to dealers, instead of being spent on hospitals etc?

Ok. :)
It would probably not be cheaper, but it certainly would not be more expensive.

You would rather the profits go to dealers, instead of being spent on hospitals etc?

Ok. :)

We would also be able to direct the money saved from policing it to better causes like kicking in smack dealers doors.
wouldn't be more expensive??

would have to disagree with you

booze and cigs go up every year coz the government earn a shit load out of it

dope would be on the same wagon

whenever there is demand the price will always be hiked up for sure
wouldn't be more expensive??

would have to disagree with you

booze and cigs go up every year coz the government earn a shit load out of it

dope would be on the same wagon

whenever there is demand the price will always be hiked up for sure

A wonder what the quality would be like?
You would rather the profits go to dealers, instead of being spent on hospitals etc?

it wouldn't happen like that though would it. like our tax money goes anywhere near hospitals.

we want it to , but it doesn't.
Although this is an interesting development in the US, its not that new. California has been administiring medical weed for quite sometime, with people able to see a doctor, and get a card, which allows them to goto a special store and get the weed for medical reasons.

Check out Marijuana Nation off National Geographic

Also with regards to the tax and such, yes the government would tax the hell out of it, but that would still make it cheaper than buying it off the black market. For instance a 9 oz bar now retails for £300, a dealer will sell 1 oz for £60, therefore they still make a massive profit.

The government could import, or even export it to Holland and make millions for the economy, to be used for better things like hospitals, schools, and also use the monies to educate people about drugs and the problems people face. Holland actually has the lowest drug dependancy rate in Europe, and we could actually grow it in Wales, or other places, and distribute around the UK.
wouldnt people just grow there own insted of buying it
wouldnt people just grow there own insted of buying it

You would need a license like in Holland. And you would also need some kit, and know how. Although all is readily available on the internet, and also electricity bill would go through the roof.
If drink was class as a drug. it would be class A, So whats the probs with b class drug. Yeah if you sit there and smoke shit allday everyday your going t get ill, Just like cigs and drink or any other drugs.

but what this will remove the dealers/pushers, That sell weed just to push harder drugs..
Ive done some work with AA and Ca when helping a mate off crack, And its a eye opener when you learn how most people end up in rehab.

Drink and drugs effect people from every waik of life.