Manchester United thread

Park for me was the unsung hero,he never stopped running and chasing the ball down.Giggs came a close 2nd fantastic passes for the goals,and Rooney was superb dropping into midfield and spraying the ball around.In all it was a great night for the boys and long may it continue!!!!:Clap:

Three Lungs Park is the unsung hero too often. I was watching it on some sat channel where Lineker was the presenter and one of the guests on the panel, some ex Liverpool player I think, said Park doesn't score goals. I was like, WHAT??

Doesn't matter who you are on the pitch: defender, midfield, forward, keeper; you need to be aware of Park!!!
there's no doubt that the team has hit a rich vein of form over the last 3-4 weeks... players have suddenly woken up, namely rooney, carrick, giggs plus a few others... and its great to see... the rooney/hernandez partnership seems to be takin off and the number of players who have come from injury have given us a major boost...

however..... lol.... dont kid yourself that the squad does not a need a revamp... we are still lacking some serious talent in the middle of the park and our recent form shouldnt paper over our rubbish form prior to the last few weeks... we still need to sign players in the summer and get rid of some too....

all in all to get to where we are at the moment with a pretty poor squad compared to previous utd squads, i think we have done remarkably well.. for a team in transition, it is quite and achievement and hopefully the players can keep this going for the remainder of the season...
Well in recent seasons we have peaked b4 now but on some occasions looked spent by the last couple of games.IF we are peaking now,its a brilliant time to do it.
I cringed when I saw O'Shea at right back and thought he would get turned inside out,but he got loads of protection from Park and Rooney.Was a great team performance..and it had to be. All the neg talk about Chelsea and tactics/personnel,I think if we hadn't of been on it,they would have turned us over.The workrate throughout was fantastic.Top Night!!!
What more f***ing evidence does fergie need to get rid of this carrick prick, thats another cup game this useless sh!tbag has cost us.

Dont think we'll see Berbatov start another game for rest of season either
Wheres Bronto when you need him ?? LOL hard luck m8

MEH !!!:Clap:

I'm about m8, Just waiting to see you lot do the treble .............. doh :proud:

lol Hard luck m8 :)

PS - Why couldn't you play like that against us ? lmao
What more f***ing evidence does fergie need to get rid of this carrick prick, thats another cup game this useless sh!tbag has cost us.

Dont think we'll see Berbatov start another game for rest of season either

Cant exactly blame him for berbatov's two misses though ;)

In fairness City were the better team,we didnt look hungry enough tbh,
lets just hope its a blip :)
Cant exactly blame him for berbatov's two misses though ;)

In fairness City were the better team,we didnt look hungry enough tbh,
lets just hope its a blip :)
hopefully a blip that lasts just a few more days mate, lol, :proud:
its unfortunate that carrick, one of our better players over the last few weeks made a typical carrick mistake that cost us the game... i did say if u look at my post above that we need to make changes, especially in the midfield....

scholes was absolute shite! what does he bring to the utd midfield these days? is it any coincidence that some of our top performances this season has been without him in the team? ive been saying it was 2 seasons now that against quicker, powerful, more dynamic midfields, the guy just cannot cope... hopefully he gracefully retires because he just isnt good enough... look at gary neville.. after that game v west brom when he was skinned time after time and he got away with that penalty, he realised his time was up and he wasnt contributing to the team... today should be scholes' west brom moment....

couldnt understand fergie's tactics either today.. we beat chelski home and away in the last week playing 4-4-2 yet we play 4-5-1 against an inferior team... why? hernandez, one of the league player of the season is benched... no doubtin that he would have put away of those berba chances who i felt was again left in the lurch by a shite midfield and shite formation.. berba isnt a 4-5-1 player and park who was awful too...

hopefully we dont screw up in the league now, tough game away v newcastle after a semi-final, wont be easy.....
Think Lazytov and Carrick will be finding alternative transport home. Back to ****in Tottenham would be nice. All Berbatov had to do was get his studs on that ball....still,Scholes showed him how its done!
its unfortunate that carrick, one of our better players over the last few weeks made a typical carrick mistake that cost us the game... i did say if u look at my post above that we need to make changes, especially in the midfield....

scholes was absolute shite! what does he bring to the utd midfield these days? is it any coincidence that some of our top performances this season has been without him in the team? ive been saying it was 2 seasons now that against quicker, powerful, more dynamic midfields, the guy just cannot cope... hopefully he gracefully retires because he just isnt good enough... look at gary neville.. after that game v west brom when he was skinned time after time and he got away with that penalty, he realised his time was up and he wasnt contributing to the team... today should be scholes' west brom moment....

I disagree, scholes was hitting pass after pass, city's midfield could not cope wit him and carrick's passing in first half. But yes i am hoping he will retire so that it makes sure that midfield is strengthened in the summer.
I knew after Berbatov missed that sitter, that it would cost us, chicha would have burried it.
When Ando and Chicha came on, looked miles better, there was more speed and urgency in the attack.
Think Fergie might admit that he was a bit late bringin on subs as i think it would have been chico for berbs and anderson for scholes anyway.Gotta admit that Toure was excellent and thats what utd lacked, someone to take control and stick it to the opposition.Outside of Vidic n Ferd there was no one with authority further up the pitch. O'shea offers nothing from right back.Feel a bit for scholes.Always been a big fan but feel he has stayed a season too long.Need some dynamism in there...and it was better when Anderson came on.Think Mr Rooney has a lot on his shoulders in the run-in.We were shit without him
i think it says it all when fergie said we played better once we went down to 10 men... that was because scholes was off the pitch and anderson gave the midfield some energy...

when we're in control of the game, scholes does well because he doesnt really have to run around etc but when the opposition start to dictate, he just hasnt got the legs to chase back or run around and thats when he becomes really ineffective... if scholes is allowed to play and given time, he will destroy you and at his age he needs time because he isnt as quick as he use to be... after the 1st 30mins of the 1st half, scholes disappeared and anderson should have come for him after 10mins in the 2nd half... no doubt fergie was gonna replace him because thats why he sent anderson out for a warm up, but why wait sooo long....?? then he got sent off and it was too late.... ultimately the sending off killed the tie for us because they were dominating the midfield when it 11 v 11....i believe fergie's plan was to bring hernandez on for possibly park and anderson for scholes and then go 4-4-2 but the red card meant he had to change his plans...
Ahh, what can you say, all the analysis in the world is just pointless sometimes.

No one at United had a good game for whatever reason. They all looked tired and deflated and sometimes it's as simple as that. Every dog has its day and City were eventually going to beat United. That's it, get over it and move on and stop over-analysing.
That's it, get over it and move on and stop over-analysing.

Isn't that the whole point of these threads?

I actually take my hat off to Mancini for picking out Scholes and Carrick as weaknesses.They really pressured them and got their rewards.Not that I enjoyed it! Thought Carrick suffered cos of the way they were lined up - he was great against Chelsea in both legs.Thing is for him to be effective.the attacking midfielders/forwards have to press the opposition midfield back to create space for him.Yesterday nobody did that.
lol i said it months ago , carrick is just rank always has and always will be.
he cant tackle for toffee and his passing is well .....a disgrace.
scholes is well past it and i think rooney spreads the ball better than him.

berbatov was just shite yet again. park was at his awful best.

this team doesnt deserve any silverware let alone a treble. If furgie doesnt sort that midfiels for next season i will have lost ALL faith in him.
Also my biggest wish would be to get rid of that P R I C K phelan he is an awful coach.

also as much as i hate to say it i dont think anderson cuts it.

the formation was awful and i new when i saw it and the lineup we where in trouble.

newcastle for me is a must win now to relieve some mental pressure from the team.

come on the stoke!!!
Blame Scholes at will and also blame anyone else whilst were at it but lets face facts no Rooney no penetration !!

Anderson stinks he's a fat shite and will never make it as long as ive a hole in my arse. Came on and changed the game did he ???
The big decision was not playing Hernadez in behind and allowing City to play a high line and dominate the midfield. Scholesy couldnt play and Carrick also suffocated, hate to say it but mankini bested Fergie on the day and Toure was superb for them.
Best thing is the scouse blew the stuffing out of a worse than shit Arsenal making their utter incompetance complete.
If we dont win the league it will be an utter disgrace and if we do !! It will just be down to Arsenals total lack of mentality. What a bag of shit we have all been and a total embaressment to the premier league.

PFFT Arsenal you silly Yankers ;)
It seems it doesnt matter whoever is put in centre midfield, its just rubbish. Giggs seems to be doing the best there out of all of them at moment.

Fergie needs to get rid of Carrick and O'shea, they are so shit its unreal
SAID this months ago no midfield no matter who plays, giggs is shite now if you ask me, nani is well off form at the moment soon.
should give the Da Silva twins a bash in midfield - now theres some energy! Nothin from th wide players all night(again).Personally cant stand Nani.He shows a flash of brilliance now and again and f***s about the rest.Was waitin for Val to come on be he did nowt.Sa shame cos defence and attack look sharp but they spend too much time doin the midfielders jobs