laptop wont connect to net?


DW Regular
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
hi guys
i have a portege laptop but i cannot connect the thing to the internet via the ethernet adapter it shows packets sent but none received i have tried enabling and disabling and rebooting but it wont connect please help!!!!
i have a pc that connects fine to the same modem but try it on my laptop and it wont :(
either something is blocking the connection (a firewall or VirusScan/firewall combo), or, the network card isnt running the correct driver, or u been trying to setup a fixed IP (to a dbox ???) and havent set it back to automatic settings in the driver.
LOL ... u were trying it on a dbox wern't u :)
(your previous posts say it all).
Just redo the process for setting the fixed IP, and select auto instead.
U could just delete the connection, in network properties, then run the wizard and create a new connection.

My preference would be to delete the ethernet driver, reset, and reinstall
(but u said before u didnt have a driver to do this).
Can u go into the devices (in System properties) and find out wot driver & ethernet card name is being used ???
Then go to the laptop website and download wot u need.
Have you tried the repair function of windows xp where you right click the connection select repair and it will disable, re-enable and then obtain the ip configuration.. worth a try?
yeah woodzy ive tried this option mate.
wolf yes i can goto device manager and find out what the ethernet name is it is an intel 8255x based pci ethernet adapter (10/100)
its ok guys ive deleted the ethernet and reinstalled and it works!!!!!

thanks for all your help guys!!

Ok as u found out windows already has the driver for most Intel cards
(so u didnt need a download).
Well done on getting it running :Clap: