KDDI to launch 1Gbps fiber-optic service in Oct


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Dec 10, 2004
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KDDI Corp will launch a fiber-optic communications service with upload and download speeds each of up to one gigabit per second on Oct 1. The new service will target people living in single-family homes and low-rise apartment buildings. The traffic speeds will be the fastest in eastern Japan, up drastically from the current 100 megabits per second.

With the service, KDDI aims to catch up with Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp, which has a share of over 70% in the market for fiber-optic broadband services for single-family houses.

KDDI will charge 5,985 yen in basic monthly fees for Internet and telephone services, down 1,155 yen from the current price, if a user subscribes for two consecutive years.

KDDI will start offering its fiber-optic services, which are now available only in six prefectures in the Kanto region and nearby Yamanashi Prefecture, in four cities in the northern prefecture of Hokkaido.

Saturday 27th September, 05:46 AM JST
Source: KDDI to launch 1Gbps fiber-optic service in Oct Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
5,985 yen in basic monthly fees for Internet and telephone services = approx. £31.56. How much do you think we'd pay for that kind of service over here? A tad more than our Japanese counterparts methinks.
for £31.56 you can get 1gbps connection over there for £37 over here you can get a "20mbps" connection?


To be fair you cant really compare th two services !

In Japan, fast broadband is usually only available in dense urban areas and very often only in those areas which are relatively new and have a ducting system designed for all cables/utilites etc (so no digging up roads to lay cable). The costs of giving customers fibre-to-the-door connections are thus relatively low in comparison to the UK where even the sewers are lucky to of been overhauled since Victoria sat on the throne !
lol, too true. At least people in the back of beyond here can get up to 20mbps as well as the city folk.

If memory serves, Japan has been enjoying fast internet connections now for quite a long time. I remember reading an article in 2001 (I think that was the date) discussing the fact they had 12mpbs connections when most of the UK was daydreaming about ADSL.
we live in not only Rip of Britain, but catch up Britain! Kinda an embarassement considering we should be at the forefront of design and technology.