[IMAGE] lakys 2x feedback and uploads please

3dfella said:
Thx mate, still cant stream from live interface though - just shows the traffic cone

try wingrabtv like i said this worked for me on laky's image
renwich said:
I'm able to stream from Jedi using Wnigrab and neutrinotv was able to record as well, mounts connect all the time for me, going to flash Yido's image on and try

ok running laky's now can stream using wingrab , neutrinotv wont connect, can playback ts and avi files even over wireless still messing with the recording

looks a nice stable image
like the lcd logo and boot up screen
The menu mods are interesting, I've never attempted yet to do that, very nice, all the other stuff seems to work fine as well, well done m8

Using the Laky image, I can stream from the Dbox to the PC using Wingrab or Bitcontrol.
I cannot however play avi's from the PC to the Dbox via VLC.
Maybe we should start a new thread on movie streaming and not hijack Lacky's feedback lol

I'll screen dump all my settings off the laky image and post them in a new thread
renwich said:
Maybe we should start a new thread on movie streaming and not hijack Lacky's feedback lol

I'll screen dump all my settings off the laky image and post them in a new thread

That would be cool.

Danny2712 said:
been away on holiday and returned to find what looks like a great new image released!! Is there a x1 version available to try?? i know you can convert the x2 version to a x1 but not that confident in doing it yet?? cheers!

if you look for imageworks that will or should convert it no problems m8

Just got back on the forum after url change lol gav as always m8 a nice stable image love the info bar!!! :Cheers: i dont use the recording features so cant leave any feedback there sorry!!
Griz said:
Just got back on the forum after url change lol gav as always m8 a nice stable image love the info bar!!! :Cheers: i dont use the recording features so cant leave any feedback there sorry!!

cheers griz no problems m8

thanks for the feedback anyway m8

take care

So far so good seems to be an excellent image. Worked a treat from the word go. Fast scan didn't get all the channels even after i deleted my services. But nothin new there. Gonna give a slow scan a go when i get chance. Seems to be rock solid with fast channel changes and great picture quality. Thanks for allyour hard work, wish i was brainy enough to help. Looking forward to v2
just got back also nice image rock solid for me except the recording doesnt work like others are saying but aprt from that good stuff :proud:
worked beautifully apart from recording. switched back to commando v3 as this seems to work best for me for recording to file.

:Cheers: thebigman
had it running for a few days and its faultless and install some plugging on it ie tuxweather, teletex etc and it very ggod. cannot fault it at all. all i can a say avery stable image and would recommend to any to use. keet up the ggod work. thanks.
This image is typical of the frustrations I have encountered with the dbox. It is a lovely, stable image but bits of it dont work as it should. No one image seems to work fully as its supposed to with the possible exception of sportster but the picture quality of the later images is reason enough not to use sportster! I suppose I should be happy because I can get free chans but I can get that using my p@ce box, I want my dbox to be the hub of my entertainment world but sadly is not.

Yido, please take my comments as feedback primarily on the scene and not as a ciritisim of your efforts because that is not my intention in the slightest and I wish I could create an image a 10th as good as yours! I know that if I made this image it would not even boot :proud:
Shindig said:
i agree with you 3dfella. but hey chans for free. saving over 60£

its ok i dont care no one loves me anymore i get the picture no streaming no good i understand that now sorry i will go away now lol

yido said:
its ok i dont care no one loves me anymore i get the picture no streaming no good i understand that now sorry i will go away now lol


when i can get up in a mornig, or come home after a day at work and get 150+ chans!!! and thats cos of your work........ then top man.

so what for the streaming, is a comodity, if it worked then cool. it dont.... pfft so what.
Been using this image the past few days with no problem whatsoever, very stable and quick too, keep up the good work! :Cheers:
every now and then the image freezes just for a second anyone else had this problem
just flashed this image onto a 1x sagem and its very stable! just sorted the teletext plugin out so everythings perfect for me at the moment! thanks for your hard work in making this image!!
i've never come across the 0013 ucode is this a new one?? ive got that set at the default and its working great for me with newcamd!