How much are you being charged for Gas and Electric ?


Inactive User
Jul 19, 2006
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On a cold and deserlet island
I was paying £90 a month for gas n leccy but nPower have just wacked me with a bill for £238 and want to put my monthly DD up to £137.

Just read on the moneysavingexpert that some guy is paying only £88 a month for both services (3 story town house with 3-5 adults living there). I just dont see how that is possible although if its a mid terrace it would have better insulation than mine (4 bedroom medium size house 2 adults + 1 child). Perhaps I should turn off my PC thats currently running 24/7 and that old freezer needs to take a trip with the scrap man ?!

Just wondered how much you guys pay out per month (please state total amount + type of abode) if ya dont mind ?
atm £80 mid terr 5 bed 1 adult 4 kids
you can be sure that the supplier always doubles it they tried that with me when i was paying £75 a month left it for a bit till they started to get nasty and phoned them and they said 80
i'm with npower - £50 gas and £60 elecy on a 3 bed semi. you've probably been under paying for a little while on the estimated reading - they'll want you to clear that debt first by spreading it over a few months. you're be best working out how much you're actually using per month then add an extra £20 to try get the rest paid off.
Perhaps I should turn off my PC thats currently running 24/7 and that old freezer needs to take a trip with the scrap man ?!

Yes and Yes. i've just come to understand that it's far more expensive nowadays. i've even started turning off my modem/router now when they're not in use.
£100 month Gas, £110 month leccy.

4 bed detached, got a really good condensor boiler but house insulation is terrible.

i saw a huge increase in leccy usage when these new fangled multi bulb light fittings became popular and we ended up with them in most room.

£100 month Gas, £110 month leccy.

4 bed detached, got a really good condensor boiler but house insulation is terrible.

Oooooh that's way too much Messa m8. You need to think seriously about some energy saving measures!
I pay by Pre payment method, and pay around £25 gas, £20 electric each month and have credit left at the end of the month. I am with Ebico for both ( cheapest around ) and live in a 2 bedroom terrace with 2 adults, 1 child
£170 pm dual fuel,4 bed victorian semi,got loft insulation but no cavity wall due to walls being solid.
Old boiler set-up also gonna look to changing in near future,need to have boiler on for 1 hr if want hot water etc for bath/shower.
Got a shit load of credit at mo but know this will get hammered in winter.
I just phoned nPower to see if they would let me borrow a meter for free or hire one out at a low cost but they said NO. I have to buy one. I guess they dont really want me to use less as it means less money in their pocket.

Trouble is that these global wireless monitors cost about £30-£45 which is a bit much as I only need to use it for a few hours/days to check what certain appliances are using.

I thought about the single unit but it wouldnt be much use for appliances like ovens and dishwashers that are wired in directly (no plug).

You would think there would be a government scheme where they loan the monitors out for 2 weeks for free since they are so strung up on getting people to cut back wouldnt you !? ... unless they are taking massive backhanders off the energy companies of course ... ohh but they wouldnt do that would they ?!
3 Bed Semi, we pay £84 Gas and £74 Electric per month, with NPower.

Hopefully though when/if the summer comes the Gas will drop down a bit.
Im in a 3 bedroom mid terrace, 2 Adults 2 Young children.
Im £60 Gas and £50 Electric. Been with Scottish power fixed price from last august to august, I put in my own readins every time DD comes out online to see how much I have used per month etc. I went it debit of £200 by jan and by end of july I will be 60 in credit. So i should be in credit by time the deal runs out (1st time ever)
I live on me jack in a 2 Bed Semi after my quarterly winter gas bill of £297.50 landed i thought fook that and in march i bought a wood burning stove, when lit it heats nearly the whole house as i have to have all the doors open because its that hot :)

i have a combi boiler for hot water when needed, now i pay £40 a month total for gas and electricty with Npower but i know my next gas bill will be next to nothing:)

@Lanstrom you might qualify for a free elecy monitor here
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With Eon mate. They tried to put my payments upto £140 so had to pay £180 in cash off to keep payments down. Now paying £120 per month 4 bedroom semi with 2 adults and 2 kids
Npower did the same to me, I was paying £33 for both in a 3 bed semi. But they sent me a letter saying that I had under paid for a year, and they were upping my DD to £400 a month. Told them politely to FO, and got it reduced to £250 a month.

According to what I have read also, they are not passing on the wholesale savings they are getting, and are currently being prosecuted by OFGAS or the other regulatory bodies.
Just me, three bed semi, gas 45 and leccy 35, both higher to pay off money owing, going to check some sites like money saving expert to see if I can reduce it.
mines a £100 a month with scottish power for both was at 120 but they seem to sort out if it need to go up or down, had a new boiler fitted a few months back and it defo saving me money to what the old boiler was using, got a mutli fuel stove in the garage to fit for this winter hope that saves on the winter bills :)

ps 3 bed detached 2 adults 2 kids
