How long before the Newcastle fans......

Any minute now m8 by the look on keegans face lol
he will stay for ages due to his reputation but surley the fans cant expect to take anything off man utd arsenal nd mabye chelsea due to the form these teams are in

It all depends on the summer transfer window, but I think the earliest will be Christmas time.
Hope he stays tbh.

got to let him see the season out, then give him a chance to rebuild in the summer.

you cant keep going on sacking managers every 3 or 4 months.

Lets face it the big 4 clubs are getting bigger and more succesfull each season, and it makes it harder for the other teams to compete.

In newcastles case , the previous few managers, have bought in a load of crap, and players that have passed their sell by date.

" I would love it if we beat them "..
depends if they go down ! If he can keep em up , gets some decent players in , in the summer. he will get at least another season.
thats not gunna happen for a long long time MH.

we aren't daft and we know our team is totally shit,BUT it's not KK's team it's fat sams,so KK has got to do the best with it till the summer and just prayer we stay up and if we do i think (hope) he'll get about £100mil to rebuild this shattered squad.

in 3 games we've let in 15 goals and that surely is relegation form so we really need to get a few more points badly from somewhere to stop up
If their not in the Top 10 around christmas time i think the fans will be calling for his head. I think they will beat Blackburn in their next game though, should ease relegation fears.
No offense to any Newcastle United Fans, especially as the missus is one. But I think the fans expect too much from a club that has rarely had the players to match its ambition.

I agree, they have some of the best fans in the world and the most loyal and should demand a little success. But this season, the plan would have to be avoid relegation. Sell alot of the dead weight hanging about and bring in some quality, not at the price of an arm and a leg either.

Michael Owen needs looking at also, as he has done nothing for the club, but the club and fans want to believe he is there to replace shearer. C'mon Shearer can not be replaced, as he is a toon legend and was a much better striker.

I think Keegan is good for them but will need a lot of time, this season is over for Newcastle. Premiership survival and rebuilding is the order of the day.
the guy inherated a poor team , hes not had a chance to build it into his own team , he was promised 50million. in januray he didnt buy which i think was very wise, see what hes got before rushing into things,

newcastle fans wont say sack kev untill maybe nextyear if he spends lots and fails
You anit daft enough to sack him, ffs if you had not sacked the last 3 managers in the short time you allowed them then you wouldnt be in the shit look at the value of players you have in your team, you should not be where you are simple as that yet you are and why ? coz you anit a super star club you think you are now get your head out of the clouds and get on the lazy players backs that you pay the wages for and tell the fookers to play for what they earn.

Lok at our team probs the whole team is valued at what one of your super stars is worth but they play with heart for the club and god willing they will stay up and not yoyo as usall. But even if we did take the drop I know they give it their best, your fookers dont even get out of bed IMO.

It anit the managers fault that the foooken team is lazy, give me a rifle and then tell them I will shoot the laziest one and I bet you win every game.

I think performance related pay should be there for these rock stars that kick a ball and let's face it they only kick a ball coz they couldn't read or write at school and that's all they could foooken do !!!

Ok Rant over ;)

Well no it isn't

Fooken Owen = spent force , get rid before he is worthless. Look at the top teams rushing to cash in on that clause he had in his contract 'NOT'


Now I know all you die hard mags are going to give me grief but the cold facts are I know we are shit and and anything above relagation is brilliant but you guys where going to challenge the top four this season and that make me smile all day :)
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Oh and the guy did not inherit a poor team, there is many a prem outfit would of take at least half your players off your hand's it just the lazy bass'es need a kick up the ass.
i think he will be kept until the end of the season..
he will have a clear out in the summer and buy players he wants..

and if Newcastle have a bad start 2 nx season.. then they will fire him
I can't say anything, we let our selves down today as well. Did everything but score ;(

just like us we totally battered the fookers but just couldnt score,so it looks like you's are behind us for 1 more week (we got liverpool next:()

dont know what keegan sees in smith he cant score to save his life,don't know why he wont play carrol from the start,i'd also have zog on the left instead of duff.

at this rate we will be extremly lucky to stop up if we cant even win a game when we batter them we got no chance against others