Help Needed urgently

HI there, i have a pace ntl box. I ma currently using an ATMEGA card to view channels. 2day all off the channels have gone off. I have a Infinity usb pheonix progrmmer and i want to reprogramme my ATMEGA card but i havn't a clue how to programme ATMEGA cards to open cable channels up. PLZ Can some one Explain what files and software i need to use to programme these cards 2 open cable channels. thank u.
What area are you in (i.e. exC&W / pure NTL / Telewest)? How long have you had the box working, has the card been autoupdating correctly before now?
i am in exC&W, the box has been working for 4 months. I only want 2 no how to programme my atmega card to open up the channels
it wont be ur card
what box do u have (look underneath)
will be di****n
or di****nc
or di****t
plus do u know how to get into the engineers menu??
if so check the default frequency and on page 2 the network id

let us know what they r
and what area u r in
I am in leeds i have a pace box. i have no idea how to get into the egineers file. i am trying to get the box key . ii tried the software availble to get it but i accidently erased my atmega cards data. so can some 1 plz help me find another way to get the box key plz
all three of my boxes have gone off aswell mate i dont think its a key change but somethings not right. Im in a tw area in liverpool so dont no whats happened ?
@jonsey are your boxes genuine telewest or ntl models? - because if they are ntl (except phase 1b), they will NOT work once Teleport hits your area
all NTL boxes mate with pace wrote on the front ones the di4000 and 2 are 1000's and whats teleport i aint been on for awhile so fills us in ?