HELP - Can not select things with pointer on web ?


VIP Member
VIP Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Got google chrome and have reinstalled but i can not select things ie on youtube can stop/pause/adjust volume etc.

Also on other sites it is the same, the little box's you slect to choose things do nothing ???

Anjy ideas


Got google chrome and have reinstalled but i can not select things ie on youtube can stop/pause/adjust volume etc.

Also on other sites it is the same, the little box's you slect to choose things do nothing ???

Anjy ideas


Not familiar with Chrome, but to save time, you need to provide more info for others to help.

Are the boxes "greyed out", or do they look normal and just the "pointer" not active ?

Which OS are you using ?

Nothing is greyed out and all looks as normal, just the pointer is not active ?

I just installed Mozilla and it works fine BUT is way to slow to use as a browser.

I am on Windows XP.

Nothing is greyed out and all looks as normal, just the pointer is not active ?

I just installed Mozilla and it works fine BUT is way to slow to use as a browser.

I am on Windows XP.

From memory, Chrome is faster than Firefox, but not by any margin that matters, at least to me.

Are you saying the problem only happens with Chrome now ? Seem to remember there was a problem with Flash, is it up to date ?

I can boot into XP, download Chrome, and try it. In the meantime how about using Firefox to search for info on your problem.

Will get back.
Tried Chrome on XP, agree much faster than Firefox now. Back on Win 7 now.

I downloaded Chrome official version 26.0.1410.64m. This is fully functional on XP pro, 32bit SP3, latest updates. Only tried Utube.

Didn't see Flash (maybe not used now), just used all default settings, no problems.

Can't supply further advice just now, will look on the net, what hardware you using (roughly) ?

Now we have basic groundwork, maybe experts around ?
Sorry, can't find anything specific on the net, but difficult to specify search terms.

Assuming problem only happens on chrome :-

Suggest search "chrome forum", plenty of them. Scan through, pick one, and ask question there.