$GME Discussion


Inactive User
Oct 15, 2020
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Hello DigitalHeadz, I hope we're all doing good!?

Has anyone bought any positions in $GME, and what's your stance on the situation as a whole?

Also interested in your thoughts on the other high volatility trades like NOK and AMC

I tried buying at 140 on Thursday, but buying to open a position was blocked. I think the situation reflects that the market is broken. I wish there was a downtick rule symmetric to the uptick rule that prevents selling shares until the price ticks up. It prevents runaway moves.
It's pretty obvious that this is market manipulation. No different to what the bankers/traders do, day to day, just now these are semi ordinary people doing it. By buying at these inflated prices, all you're actually doing is making those people who are "holding" richer. As with most things like this, unless you've gotten in at a low level, then you're just putting money into other peoples pockets. It's like buying bitcoin at the height of it, then complaining when it goes down.

I know the movement on reddit, and I love seeing them giving it back to the bankers, but all they're actually doing is purpetuating the problem, by becoming what they so despise.

I've been holding on to XMR for about a year now, I bought at around £40 per coin, and they're now worth about £130 a coin. Im super tempted to sell, but then I worry that it'll skyrocket, and i'll be crying that I didn't hold.

If you're looking for something to invest in, then get some crypto of all forms, at very low prices, and simply just sit on it. If you're buying at under £1 a coin, then dropping £50 isn't really much money, but should those 50 coins mature in sometime, then you're sitting on a gold mine. Stocks and shares are all about the long term, unless you're shorting, in which case you're looking at very short term investments, and selling quickly, this is why the billionaires are crying because they've been shorting for a vast amount of time, and now the prices have skyrocketed, they're losing billions of their investments.
I've been holding on to XMR for about a year now, I bought at around £40 per coin, and they're now worth about £130 a coin. Im super tempted to sell, but then I worry that it'll skyrocket, and i'll be crying that I didn't hold.

FOMO lol I hate that abbreviation I suffer from it!, and you cannot trade like that. it's a natural feeling and impossible to manage :).
If you wait for the dip you will never buy as you will always miss it, and trying to sell at its peak is the opposite but you will always miss the top peak.

I am the same as you I have £20 - £50 in many of the small crypto, going on the "you never know lets wait 10 years and see".

I also built a small mining rig for etherium, and it was surprisingly easy to do and I just leave that ticking away. but with the Latest introduction of the ETH ASIC Miners, GPU mining I think is about to go down the toilet due to them upping the difficulty soon.
They are making ASIC miners that can mine $200 a day and China is smashing them out in endless farms.

$GME, I enjoyed this hugely, it was like the people saying feck off we will manipulate it now. as previously said this is what the big traders do all the time it's just not news when they do it lol.

I mean, Elon Musk tweets $bitcoin and it drives up 20 points in a day. that's a massive surge in buying then levelling back off. perfect time to sell but that's stock market manipulation right there and I find crypto is so volatile it's gambling.
I don't think any other market could someone say a word on a tweet then it goes through the roof...

Will it be the next gold? New Gold?, or is it already...

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