FREE Football? Is it True??



I've just stumbled across this and it seems to good to be true....does it actually work and do you need a degree in IT to make it work?
As a Chelsea fan I can't get to that many games @ £43 a ticket(yes you did read that right), so won't feel TOO guilty about it if it works. They've had £££££ off of me over 20 years so time for payback!!!
Any advice much appreciated
yeah its free and anyone can watch it via the web

you have to be aware that sometimes its not the best quality but you can deffo watch the matches ... always get on 30 mins before the game and test then for the best streams :)

i will update the main football page in the next 2 hours with what channels are showing the mathces :)

Mickie D
Mickie D said:
yeah its free and anyone can watch it via the web

you have to be aware that sometimes its not the best quality but you can deffo watch the matches ... always get on 30 mins before the game and test then for the best streams :)

i will update the main football page in the next 2 hours with what channels are showing the mathces :)

Mickie D

TOP MAN MICKIE!! Just a quickie tho...where is the main football page?? Is it here on world - of - digital.....or on another site.
Your advice is really appreciated, sorry if I'm asking a obvious question...still feeling my way around a bit. TA