Football Season


DW Member ++
Jul 11, 2001
Reaction score
As you know football will kick off (pun intended) next weekend.

all those members who are wanting to access the code area shouuld make sure you dont leave it to the last minute, as some have done in the past.

We are only human we do have other things to do as well, so to avoid missing your match think ahead.

5 mins before kickoff it wont happen....just a tip for you all.

Good luck all you footy fans in the new season.
Look at what some sites are charging to use the keygen Stick with DW

What does it cost?
We are not, and have never been in this game to make money. If people hadn’t abused our good nature this would still be free, but sadly we live in a world where people couldn’t care less about the time and effort we put in to keep our forums running smoothly and provide pages like this one.

The initial costs have been based on server load, admin time to set up access, time it takes us to calculate the keys, and so on.

Please remember one nights viewing of Redhot is £5.99 and a match on Setanta is normally £8 (or £10 for an old firm) per match, so you’re going to save a lot of money!

7 days access to RH/TVX/SS codes - £2.00

14 days access to RH/TVX/SS codes - £3.00

28 days access to RH/TVX/SS - £5.00

Setanta "Season Ticket" - £25 for all games where keys are available on Freeview for the 06/07 season (this will give you release codes to SS games only)

**********This Is Not Digitalworldz Prices**********​
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Wonder how many people actually pay those prices, although if i had never heard of this forum and that was my only option other than paying £8 for a match i would think i was on to a winner. £2 for 2 setanta games is good.

But when you consider £25 for a "Season Ticket" rather than £16 for here it starts to look like a bad deal and also, what if the codes stopped and their members couldnt get them or setanta changed their method of buying, the £25 would be a waste.

Nice post though red.
EllisIsland said:
Will I still be able to use the extra user cp for Setanta??

Yes you'll be able to use that being a donated member as I used it today to watch the celtic game.
half past and the user cp still hasnt been updated

begining to get itchy fingers here

might have to go to the pub after all to watch todays game.
xtracp has been updated m8 as I used it myself :)
Dutcho said:
What games are going to be shown on there ?
Sat 29 Jul Celtic vs Kilmarnock 12.30pm 10.30pm
Sun 30 Jul Motherwell vs Rangers 2pm 12 noon
Sun 6 Aug Hearts vs Celtic 2pm 12 noon
Sun 13 Aug Dunfermline vs Rangers 2pm 12 noon
Sun 20 Aug Inverness CT vs Celtic 2pm 12 noon
operationmayhem said:
still hasnt been updated and it will now be to late.

oh well better luck next time....
be quick
I just tried by kids box upstairs and worked using xtra cp

so its deffo working
purpleowl said:
cheers rat
worked that time

cheers as well it has finally worked

so you guys have saved me twenty quid as no longer need to go to the pub.

i was getting a bit worried there.

cheers rat for being patient with a bit of a pr!ck like me.
no probs guys :) glad u got sorted ;)
I assume those prices are to go to server costs.

Wow, so lots of sites are charging - bit of an iffy precidence. In the old OnD days people would be prosecuted for selling programmed goldies - freely giving info made you less of a target. Wonder if that will make sites more likely to presecution and we'll see sites going down??
how goes, am a newbie on this site but have been using the dbox for a year or so now,
i've just got a freeview box for the kitchen and am wondering how best to get access to the codes room. i've now got acces to the internet as i previously used my brothers machine when i could (leahyt8)

any advice on this would be great
i think you need a few more posts than 3 mate but if you donate to dw you get access to extra cp and its code generator