Email reply form Technomate.


DW Regular +
May 25, 2009
Reaction score
I emailed technomate yesterday regarding the finished image here is the response.

Hi John

Thanks for the email,

iQ team is working long hours to finish OE as soon as.

Oe is a very big job took vu+ group over 15 month to finish iQ team started about 6 weeks ago as we understood its about 90% finished also
merging with physon 2.6 and creating special SVN might take a bit longer.
when OE/physon/SVN is done after that any team can make application might take a week or longer depending on each team
iQ team has to write new application from zero might take about 2 weeks to finish,
Please wait a bit longer it will ready soon.
I can not promises 100% exact date but
I will have more information by Monday am,
if the OE version of the source is created from the same source files as the current (and past) images though, then itll be a total waste of time, as the main problem is not that the layout of how everything works is different, its the fact that the scripts that call upon everything during compiling is bloated with so much crap that it makes the end image full of bugs

ive a feeling that the OE is a way of stalling for more time, and its going to be one big anti climax and iQ/UR/ET are bullcrapping technomate for as long as possible
At least you got a reply mate, i'm still waiting for mine, i sent mine, like an hour or two after yours.
Just typical, all the whining about phoning or emailing.
my emails asking for refund was also blanked lol as digi says this OE is time staliing imo
my emails asking for refund was also blanked lol as digi says this OE is time staliing imo

Phone them instead and ask for refund, otherwise you'll get the same lame excuse "virus protection might be blocking email", I bet if you sent a sales enquiry asking to buy 100 recievers it would magically not get blocked by "virus protection".
At least with a phone all they will have to give you a response.

Can someone explain exactly what OE is supposed to refer to ? is it OpenEmbedded ? In effect just removing any reference to "dreambox" or "Enigma2" trademarks owned by DreamMultimmedia from the codebase they used from a Dreambox OpenPLI image ?

Or is OE reffering to the "Final" TM800HD image with all NXPhardware and chipset drivers fixed so SATA, timeshift, PVR etc all work correctly and streaming etc is fixed ?
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Can someone explain exactly what OE is supposed to refer to ? is it OpenEmbedded ? In effect just removing any reference to "dreambox" or "Enigma2" trademarks owned by DreamMultimmedia from the codebase they used from a Dreambox OpenPLI image ?

Or is OE reffering to the "Final" TM800HD image with all NXPhardware and chipset drivers fixed so SATA, timeshift, PVR etc all work correctly and streaming etc is fixed ?

the first question, i do this with DW modified images, its a simple case of finding, and editing, each reference one by one. in the file structure there is probably still a few references that connot be removed, but for the end user, there is NO reference to 'dreambox' 'dream multimedia' or even the generic 'linuxbox' even the greenscreen has been edited with different contact details, and a little bit of humour ;)

apparently, once everything is transfered over to OE, EVERYTHING will work exactly as it does on broadcom receivers (that means my media player and net radio will stop working then lol) ALL dreambox plugins will work, anyone who can create an image for any broadcom based receiver will be able to create an image for the tm800

sounds like voodoo to me lol
Digi if you are still having problems with web radio on your Duo Give this a try works fine. Should work on TM800 also.


  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-webradiofs_5.54_mipsel.rar
    127.3 KB · Views: 8
Since getting a reply to this email I have been in phone contact with Technomate every couple of days since. I have to say I surrender (no gloating Rickie)
They have been nothing but helpfull and have been giving me advice on what to try so as to minimise the problems I have had with the box. Somtimes things work and somtimes they dont. At this point Technomate are swapping my box with another one that they have set up themselfes and say is working ok minus the issues that will be fixed when the OE is released. I look forward to recieving it. The level of attention and courtesy they have given me is somthing I have never recieved from any other company I have dealt with in this business. I dont even buy from Technomate I buy from Vanjak so it would have very easy and there right to refere back to them but they didnt so hats off and thanks for listening and trying. I will stick with it now and I truly hope all or most issues are resolved.


I emailed technomate yesterday regarding the finished image here is the response.

Hi John

Thanks for the email,

iQ team is working long hours to finish OE as soon as.

Oe is a very big job took vu+ group over 15 month to finish iQ team started about 6 weeks ago as we understood its about 90% finished also
merging with physon 2.6 and creating special SVN might take a bit longer.
when OE/physon/SVN is done after that any team can make application might take a week or longer depending on each team
iQ team has to write new application from zero might take about 2 weeks to finish,
Please wait a bit longer it will ready soon.
I can not promises 100% exact date but
I will have more information by Monday am,
i have to say credit where credit is due , im to am getting a new box with new hardrive new wifi , richard was extremley helpful and has set the new box up for me and its working 100% no audio sturring etc .. ill report back once i have tested the box
I will call them in the morning and see if I can take mine up for a replacement.
I know Rat had his changed and he said the difference has to be seen to be believed.

I know I knock tm quite a bit but thats more the delays with the software they do seem very pro active once they are made aware of an hardware issue, many companys would just ignore hardware problems (becko fridge freezers are a good example) but credit where it's due they do seem to be dealing with this problem pretty quickly and at what must be quite a cost to themselves.
Just phoned them up and was told there isn't a problem and that I should reload my software on.
So back to square one.

I have been told to phone a different number but I should get the same level of service if I phone the shop.

Sounds more like a case of who you know than all round good customer service.

I won't bother I have no wish to talk to the owner.
A crap, thats not good Ellie I posted that message cause i was looked after and thought I could spread the word. I respect you and your imput here and all the help you give. Now I feel like a complete nob. sorry Ellie this should not have happened.
id have thought that if you got through to the front desk, or shop, or anywhere with an issue like this, theyd transfer you through to the technical line anyway??
No offer of being passed onto technical support just told I needed a jtag which I said already done then I was told to reload the latest software.
I said to the bloke I hope your not lying as I will pass on what is being said and Richard is aware of the problem but he was very certain there was no problem with the boxes.
I hung up in the end with frustration as I was just wasting my phone talking to him, I have thrown away enough of my hard earned cash on this box without running up a large phone bill as well.
I have a job a few miles from the shop at 5pm today so could have dropped it in but if they are telling me there isn't a problem whats the point.
ellie did you ring the number thats been posted on DW ? or from the TM site ?

the number posted here takes you direct to Tech number on there site will take you to front shop (sales)
I do agree though they should of at least offered to transfer you to someone else
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I dont understand that, firstly are there any boxes left out there not jtaged at this point, that guy you talked to sounds like he dosent no his head from his elbow. Why am I and others being told different whan we call has anyone else been fobbed of like this and if so who did you talk to. I would pop in Ellie if you are near the place print off the posts and get that guy you dealt with and give them to him.
I know if I call the number ending 0259 I can speak with Richard but I don't want to speak to Richard, I would rather throw the box in the bin than speak with Richard.

When I phone the shop as is on the website I should be able to speak to someone knowledgeable about what is going on.

What is being said is that unless your a member of this forum and have access to the owner of the company then your stuck with a box that has possible hardware faults and you will be lied to by his frontline staff or even worse his frontline staff don't even know about this problem so will misinform anybody phoning them with problems.

I find that not to be a good state of affairs and for some reason I feel I am being made to feel bad about it ??? seems like a strange way to do business to me.