ECM WARNING - Ambit 250 modems - Remote brickage!

i live near london and its happened to me,my modem is not working at all so it might be random but vm have done something to make these modems fall like a sack of shite
there must be atleast 20 people from the stoke area having the same probs thats not counting the peeps that are not signed up on this i wouldn't say its random ...
and its been going on since august

20 people out of a possible many thousand??

If it has been ongoing since August then why was it only announced last night?

Another example of people having problems with their modems then jumping on the bandwagon when someone offers a possible reason for it happening, and the fact that it appears to be happening on a modem to modem basis is just crazy, there is no way in hell VM are logging into each and every cloned modem just to brick it, they would do it universally with a blanket banning.
this was sent to me by a user on here ....no1
hey, im a member of dw, but dont have access to the cable section, could let them know that the serial does actually match the mac address on legit modems
Friend in Ashton-Under-Lyne got hit today so I would say it is definately not random. Don't have a clone but if I did then I reckon I would've been hit too.
still not know how it was done but the effects are obvious...
20 people out of a possible many thousand??
If it has been ongoing since August then why was it only announced last night?
Another example of people having problems with their modems then jumping on the bandwagon when someone offers a possible reason for it happening, and the fact that it appears to be happening on a modem to modem basis is just crazy, there is no way in hell VM are logging into each and every cloned modem just to brick it, they would do it universally with a blanket banning.

its only now they started to brick them
but they been going off for me since end of august
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Clones are up and down all the time. From now on, every time a modem goes down the person will say that they've been hit by the latest ecm and the numbers will grow, it still doesn't mean anything.
Clones are up and down all the time. From now on, every time a modem goes down the person will say that they've been hit by the latest ecm and the numbers will grow, it still doesn't mean anything.

But what if they were to wake up this morning and find out that there was no internet connection and when they tried to login to 192.168 nothing comes up? Would you still say that it's just a one-off?
my modem has gone down many times before but easily cured,but all my usuall tricks are not working and i can't even talk to modem thru hyper or the 250 configurator....

And just looking at the size of the thread and how many views it has had suggests that this out of the normal
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I've had that happen a few times with my Surfboard mate, I eventually found a way in.

I'm not saying that NOTHING is happening, I'm saying that the implementation suggested is wrong, and yes I'm sure that a few of the people claiming to fall into the same boat are actually not effected by the new ecm, but are having your every day ordinary modems troubles.
I'm off to the hospital now, my daughter is having my first grand child :) :)

Hopefully my modem will still be running when i get back! :licka::FRIGHT:
It would be interesting to know from everyone who is online whether they have the 250 modem with infinite default password or not? I'm sure there are a lot of people who are off-line cos of the ECM who will not be able to respond to this thread.
I posted this back in august, the screenshot shows something being written to the modem but at the time i wasn't doing anything, I just couldn't get an Internet connection - possibly related?¿?
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witchy2k1, you don't know what you're talking about and having 3500+ posts does not give you the right to imply I'm talking out of my arse.
Three modems went down, in a short space of time, the behaviour fits scanning of all IPs in a block and sending the handful of commands required to erase the bootloader and reset the modem.
Unless you can actually disprove this rather than claiming I'm lying from a position of ignorance, stfu.
One modem failing might be just general problems that occur from time to time, three in that space of time is more than a coincidence.
And for your information after changing the login/password on the fourth one has not been affected, nor were the 200s.
You didn't even seem to know what ECM I was talking about when you started ranting, the one that people have been talking about for weeks is not the same.
I 've only just changed my user and pass after reading this. my modem had been off on and for a long time now... And its always very limited connectivity! I only just recieved a Bund-03 mac and has been running for quite some time now with no forced cfg. Although, when i connect via Hypertrm i get "Bandwidth request failure! Status = 0" over and over again lol.
went bed last night all3 modem where fine.
home from work now 2 off 1 till on
1 still on is not default passes etc
2 off are default passes

got a spare out with non default passes and its online no probs.

bit of tsop lifting tonight i feel...