E-BAY - DW Style ????


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
hi guys i have been told there will be a vbulletin version of E-BAY called V-BAY lol

it has not been finsihed yet, but is well underway

it will fully intergr8 into the forums and only members can use it !!!

so i wonder what you lot thought about the idea of having an auction software on here ????
do you think that it will be used often enough to be justifyable....
... perhaps use another of this forums facilities.........a poll might give a good idea.

or see how much the trading and wants section gets used as a guide

yeah i agree it might not be used alot to begin with like any thing patients is a vurtue m8

but i know at the momment that the site is not as busy as it used to be :(, but we are working on that all the time !!!

i think if it gets used to its full potential it will be massive .,.. but as you pointed out its no point having something that wont be used :(

lets see i might do it for a trial see how it goes !!!
The current problem with e bay is fraudsters who buy from you and never contact or pay you, we would not want any of that
personally i think its a great idea the whole idea of dw is based on trust and a willingness to help others.
so an auction site dedicated to members only would mean when we bid or sell we have a good knowledge of the buyer/seller
and more than often would trust them.
go 4 it mickie u got my support.

cheers alf
yeah when i look at it that way alf i do see the picture.

there will be strict rules anyway.... and yes most of us know each other, so on that front it would be safer... and newbies to this site would have to prove they can be trusted b4 they can use the auctions :)

a whole lot would have to be sorted out b4 we went ahead with it :)

but i will trial it and see what it goes like ... but this addon is not even nearly finished... so we will have to wait i just wanted to see what members would think of that :)
good idea m8, it,s worth thinking about
cheers big-arth
Sounds like a good idea to me if you can't trust the members on this forum then who can you trust !!!
go for it m8 i have some stuff that could be auctioned off gr888 idea
anyone want to buy a 22yr old blonde, she only been married once, no P&P to pay (i'll make her walk), offers on the back of a postcard lol

sounds like a good idea m8, give it a go
Would that be a real, matching collar and cuffs blonde, or what? ;)