Dreamteam banter thread ;)

so we'll all be transfer busy this week....i need a fair few players, fancy swapping teams anyone? LOL or perhaps a teams merger could be on the cards.
robson the ******

if he played earnshaw (good player)

my score would be much higher :(
what changes ?

can i make a change in players then ????

if so you should post this in the sports section and make it a sticky ;)
You can make 3 changes to your team, you need to follow the existing rules i.e. don't go over budget (40 million) follow the same formation and make sure you only ever have two players from any one team :)
im gonna kick ass lol ;)

what happens if players are injured like ashley cole ?

cheers dutcho ;)
well anyway sometimes its not so bad to have no problems with defenders they can cost you points and he when he gets back will be great as usual ;)

ok i have done a little homework i hope and changed some players im gonna change one more aswell .... not sure if this was a good idea lol seeing as im 6th on the high score board ;)

Mickie D
can someone post a different version of this weeks scores and table ,iv scored a tidy 48 points this week and i cant read the xls file, cheers if someone can help
Unzipped it but its not workin mate ,the info has come up along the bottom okay,teams and weekly totals etc but the main page wont display
PM'd wiz with the changes ;)

hopefully made some good changes...
Changes done...roll on next transfer window!