Door Knockers FFS


Inactive User
Dec 1, 2005
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Over the hill and far away
Hi all,

Firstly let me make it clear that this post is not meant to offend anybody who holds religion dear.

I was disturbed this morning at 08:45 by someone at the front door, when I opened the door a woman tried to thrust a pamphlet into my hand, I was stunned, it was not even 9 'o'clock yet and these people deem it acceptable to come to my door and try to foist their views on me, please don't get me wrong, I respect anybody's views and beliefs but I don't want ANYBODY at my front door trying to force their beliefs onto me and my family.

I find it staggering that these people find it acceptable to disturb people, it's not like we all don't know about religion and need someone to come to the door and explain it all.

If it wasn't for the fact it was a couple of middle aged ladies I would have launched into a tirade of abuse, I find it insulting that these people feel the need to bang on the door when there are so many churches and religions so freely available, there's a church less than half a mile from me.

I can appreciate that these people may provide a service to some but also find it very insulting that they need to bang on the door regularly to push their views and beliefs on me.

I wish I could find out where these people live so I could go and bang on their door and have a rant at them and see what they think, no doubt they would call the police and have me removed but, they find what they do acceptable?

As I said I have no problem with religion and respect other peoples views on God, Allah, Budda, etc but I have a serious problem with these "foot soldiers" who bring their views to my door.

I am going to put a sign on the door shortly telling these people not to bother me or be prepared to weather the storm of abuse and foul language that disturbing me will bring them.

Phew, much better, rant over :proud:
Are people still allowed to knock on doors peddling stuff?
ive had gentlemen from a certain religion that is well known for this quite recently..
really get on my t*ts.
its just cold selling. shouldn't be allowed...
they wouldnt like it if you stood outside there church with leaflets for another religion....
I feel your pain here too, at least once a week for past few months I have been hassled by these religious pests who cycle around the town I walk home from work through. On one occasion I've had to give them a fake address and invite them round to that address another time just to get away!
I'm pleased to read that I'm not the only one who see's these people as "pests".

If I could have held my temper I would of asked them why they thought I needed what they were offering.

It can't be because they think I can't get about (disabled) as the muppets had to squeeze around a Bandit 600 to get to the door.

Maybe it's because they think I haven't noticed religion and need "informing".

I don't know the motives of these people but it looks to me almost like pressure selling but they justify it by stating that they are not selling anything, so I suppose that rules them out of any door selling regulations.

I do have to admit seriously "baiting" two young (16-18) year old mormon lads that knocked on our door once when we lived in Crewe, I had just finished 13 straight 12 hour nights and was giving a bottle of rum a good seeing too and these 2 kids knocked on the door.

The missus just about wet herself listening to me asking them how many times they jacked off each day coz they couldn't do any horizontal aerobics before marriage, then asking them to arm-wrestle me because they must have arms like popeye with knocking one out so regular.

Poor kids didn't know where to look, mind you, the mormons never called again.

I'll just stick a sign on the door stating that if you knock on the door for any religious reasons be prepared to accept the abuse the disrespect of my views will bring.
They don't call to my house anymore, they used to call regularly lol

Stopped after i invited two of the young lads in while i was sitting there in a short silk dressing gown (and nothing else) and kept offering them a drink ;)

This was around ten or 11 am one morning, they never came back after that, i wonder why lmao
They don't call to my house anymore, they used to call regularly lol

Stopped after i invited two of the young lads in while i was sitting there in a short silk dressing gown (and nothing else) and kept offering them a drink ;)

This was around ten or 11 am one morning, they never came back after that, i wonder why lmao

Where they from the gay rights Eva if that was me i would be back the next day and the next:FLASHER: :Yikes:
Where they from the gay rights Eva if that was me i would be back the next day and the next:FLASHER: :Yikes:

Thats very offensive miggy.. so eva......................... answer was they LOL..
theyre a royal pain in the arse where i live, the same gang again and again

just before my missus moved house, i invited them in, got one old woman so wound up i thought she was gonna kill me, arguing about evolution, after about 2 hours, id worked through about 6 cans, so said i was going to the shop across the road, and went to the pub. 3 hours later i went back, and my missus face was a picture, the one woman had left, but the one i was arguing with was still there lmfao

she came backl the next day with 3 others, but i said i had to go to work, and they called every day untill the missus moved house

i know where the woman lives, and im dying to go there at about half 9 on a saturday night, with a slab of cans and a few joints, and tell them how good it all is, and leave her a can and a joint 'to work through at her leisure' like they do with those little books lmao
i had some little twirp knocking on my door from the RSPCA

saying there has been an outbreak of pet abuse in the area and we are looking for donations

i said i got 2 cats and i am doing my bit :)

he got ratty and stormed off

i am sick of the over sensitive ass holes who think they have a right to knock on your door and demand money
i have a sticker on the door something like this. u get them from the police station and council offices. i dont get any bother anymore. yesterday an old canvasser knocked on the door, i just opened the door and as his mouth began giving me the sales pitch i pointed to the sticker and closed the door. felt good!
My son a few months ago stood for ages chatting to some bible bashers after seeing their bible he said "that ain't a bible" before getting a huge leather antique one his grandad left and saying those crocodile dundee classic line "this is a bible" lol.
But the little fecker unknown to anyone else had invited them back for tea n cake next day when he knew he was out and me n misses was in.
I open the door to about 10 of the feckers saying wev've come to see Steve for tea, they wasn't happy when i told them to sod off and now nearly every sunday they knock and ask for him.
lol they were mormons and they were american. i think their churches sponsor them to go abroad for a year as missionaries, i guess it's kinda like the catholic church send/sent missionaries to africa.
lol they were mormons and they were american. i think their churches sponsor them to go abroad for a year as missionaries, i guess it's kinda like the catholic church send/sent missionaries to africa.

you see em going around on mountain bikes in suits

so funny seeing some tubby fat kid in a black suit riding on a £50 quid bike from hawk cycles
you see em going around on mountain bikes in suits

so funny seeing some tubby fat kid in a black suit riding on a £50 quid bike from hawk cycles

Exactly the same here, it always seems to be south African sounding fellas on there push bikes catching anyone they see. I has now started to pretend I'm on the phone whenever I see them, lol
They don't call to my house anymore, they used to call regularly lol

Stopped after i invited two of the young lads in while i was sitting there in a short silk dressing gown (and nothing else) and kept offering them a drink ;)

This was around ten or 11 am one morning, they never came back after that, i wonder why lmao

fook me was that you? lol. if i remember rightly it was when you did the old basic instinct leg cross and i thought saddam hussein was hiding under there that me and the other thought we`d seen


in fairness though, we have a few doggy signs up mainly beware the staffys and the old protected by a pitbull with aids one. my mate has a graphics plotter, so i`m gonna get a sign made up saying NO FOOKING MENUS! in all the asian languages, polish, russian and chinese as i`m feckin sick of coming home to half a tree behind the door, infact i`m gonna make em up and sellem on ebay!!
i guess it's kinda like the catholic church send/sent missionaries to africa.

and a few to northern ireland for terrorist training from the recent news, i said before things where murky over there, the british government are as bad as any terrorist group , including the church, but thats for another thread....
my mate has a graphics plotter, so i`m gonna get a sign made up saying NO FOOKING MENUS! in all the asian languages, polish, russian and chinese as i`m feckin sick of coming home to half a tree behind the door, infact i`m gonna make em up and sellem on ebay!!

i took my missus to barry a few days ago (where im originally from) and round all the gavin and stacey sets, and she asked why loads of peoples door had signs saying 'NO MENUS' on them

gotta love dim valley girls lol
There is a town centre near me and its a fooking nightmare to walk through.
Line of those Have you had a accident lately then a line of rspca next you get the big issue feckers all the time trying to dodge lucky heather shoved up ya nose..
One fecker got me the other day by pointing at my feet because he could see i was wearing earphones and like a knob i stopped took out my earphones and looked down and the git pounced "can i ask you a question" he said , "you just did you crafty coont" was my answer and walked off lol
There is a town centre near me and its a fooking nightmare to walk through.

Ha ha ha, that happened to us when the lad was little and we were shopping, we had someone from a child charity accost us and ask us to make a donation so I told the boy to stay there and told the woman she could have the boy as a donation and asked if that was good enough........exit one very embarrassed and flustered woman, job done, pmsl

I also used to get annoyed when shop assistants asked me if I wanted bags when I had a trolley full of shopping so I used to say loudly "nah, brought me own" and point to the missus, stopped that when the missus tw@tted me one, lol