Do you smoke?

I use to smoke Regal king size but in the last few years its Silkcut and its only when I have a few pints, the rest of the time smoking would not cross my mind.
Amber leaf rolls ups when at home but not around the kids, Richmonds if i go out because i can't be arsed to roll when p1ssed.
i smoked roll ups and give up now and thank fook i did

its so nice to breath again.
Regal - the king of cigarettes.

However, i quit last may. i still miss them though, occasioanlly...
Cigars for me, mostly I smoke Classic gigars, those Hamlet things are shite.

I do occasionally smoke some good Cohibas.

Why do I even bother its disgusting, smelly and costs a bomb.

Good for you jaffa.

I got a nice Humidor for xmas, and a box of nice Cubans to fill it.

I only smoke once a week/fortnight, depending on where I am.

I don't smoke cigarettes (pumped full of chemicals). A hand made Cigar (from Cuba, The Dominican Republic, Costa Rica), after a nice meal whilst relaxing is the definition of heaven.

I smoked in my teens, and gave up until a few years ago. Part of the reason for taking interest again was the smoking ban in pubs. It is one of the most invasive measures taken against our freedom, and I took great umbrage at it.

Fight child abuse, house the homeless, repay the national debt? No, let's tell people where they can fucking smoke. Idiots. A complete waste of legislative time.

As the late great Bill Hicks once said, non-smokers die every day.

Life is short, and too much time is spent chastising oneself and the things you do. Drink, smoke, eat, screw, and be happy.
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My poison is Regal, its a bad habit but I like it :)

@ Mozr love the Bill Hicks quote :)
I smoke roll ups usually Amber or Gold leaf as its cheaper and comes with free papers but if im out having a few beers then its club king size.
Hicks also said "I'm a heavy smoker, I go through two lighters a day." :)


Bill Hicks on smoking.

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quit after 16 years over 3 weeks ago

nasty dirty habit and i really hope i dont go back on em
I smoke circa 15-20 a day. Favorite poison is Benson & Hedges Gold. Smoothest cigs in my opinion. Thinking of quitting, never had the balls to go through with it!
i smoke roll ups with menthol filters, i hate smoking, and want to pack up, been trying the inhaler , but so hard :(
Smoked from about the age of 14 and quit about 18 months ago now, im 23 now so had about 7 years of it but i got to 20 a day as i used to boredom smoke. I quit cause 20 a day at 21 was bad . Had a few when pissed on nights out but never had the urge to start again and still dont feel like i'll ever start again :proud:
Totally agree but I have that disgusting habit. Cigars for me, mostly I smoke Classic gigars, those Hamlet things are shite.


BTW, where is the poll? :err:
I smoke circa 15-20 a day. Favorite poison is Benson & Hedges Gold. Smoothest cigs in my opinion. Thinking of quitting, never had the balls to go through with it!

Exactly this. ^^

Smoked B&H for nearly as long as I have smoked. I cut my teeth on JPS Black, then moved on to B&H and have stuck to them. Never flash the ash, 'cos people only smoke shit brands, and I end up well down! :proud:

It is a vile, stinking habit though, and I think about quitting everyday.
Embassy Regal used to be my Cancer Stick.

B&H was a close second.

I used to really enjoy my smoking habit, science and my wife told me otherwise.

Still miss it.
I'm going to have a cigar tonight.

Thanks for the inspiration guys!