Dm800 Sunray clone hanging on every action

Not sure that there is any benefit of running openpli 3 on a 800se its a big image leaves very little space for plugins etc.
But if your getting a new sim then buying the a8p makes sense .

I find it has Huge benefits compared to other none genuine images.its not such a big size either .once you clean install and get rid off all the plugins you do not want you have loads of space no problems at all i have 14 different plugins and still have plenty of space,I have no hesitations in recommending openpli 3.0
I have sold off the e-star already and ordered a vu solo instead.
Found it was not the power supply causing the other box to hang, it still does it occasionally but very rarely on changing channels so its not as much of an annoyance. I will bear with it as it will only be used in my summer house but if it becomes a pain what is the lightest image available ?

dm800se sunray clone