Damp Upstairs Help !!!

Bang on @danforth. Been a bit busy but sweeping up now. If there's no evidence of a roof problem then it's condensation. If you MUST clean down as a temporary measure then use gloves and a mask as mould can be a health issue.

You have to nail the problem though - temporary fixes won't do that.

I saw your post about the "busy". Sad news, I'm sorry!....:'(

The trouble with professionals is they always have something to fix whatever they diagnose is the problem.

So a roofer will probably diagnose a roof problem, given the opportunity. Cynical maybe, but my experience.l
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Ive got someone else
Ne dad friend coming to have a look tmz inside the lift and also the roof. There did look like a tile
Missing on the roof as well which may need sorting. Crap
Is mould this bad ??
@danforth that is true hence getting a few peeps to have a proper look. This was an old man 72 who come to have a look seemed genuine enough his son does all the work. He did over good advice as well checking insulation and the roof as well
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the mould is very bad ,I lost my sight in 2005 due to this,take care when you do a clean.
after wash your seldf very well,if not you could end up with something you don't want .
Jesus mapman that's harsh, thanks for the warning.
I've just discovered a white powderish mould in my teenage kid's bedroom half way up the wall. I'm going to follow the suggestions in this thread and bleach/dehumidify - unless someone tells me different.
Is the problem only in the bathroom? Have you checked in the loft? you may find that the insulation could be soaked due to roof slates missing ect.

I'll second that,
First get up there when it's daytime and see if you can see any daylight,
Check all the felt, make sure none is dangling down,
Go outside and up the ladder (you don't need to get on the roof) and have a good look to see if any tiles are loose,
Check all the gutters and if needed clean them out,
Check the ridge tiles are all pointed up,
If you can't do ladders borrow some binoculars and look from across the road,
but the main one,

Ventilation in the loft and the soffits ain't blocked up and there's a good flow of air,
But the very main one;-

INSULATION !! and lots of it tucked in and no gaps. Don't have one inch of exposed plasterboard showing in the loft. Cold air and rising warm air with no insulation will cause mould like that in your pics.

I had this exact same problem but not to the extent of yours in a bathroom. It was the shower and extractor fan and not enough and missing loft insulation. I changed the fan to a better one and even open a window and loaded the loft above the bathroom ceiling. I even got some mould in the bathroom, that was insulation.

If you do all the above and bleach spray it will go
And ,
Why I'm nearly 100% sure it's insulation and not felt or gutters ?
look at the shape of the damp patch in your pictures. It's nr perfect size for inbetween the joist and right up nr the soffits as well were.
This will be were it's missing or it's not been pushed right up to the end. You can even see were the cross timbers between the joist are not mouldy.
I'll be shocked if I'm wrong.
B&Q do space blanket type insualtion , it's on offer. £8 I think , dont fart around go and buy a roll and get it done.
Nice one silverdale good advice - just checking, you did notice I'd bumped a year old thread?
Nice one silverdale good advice - just checking, you did notice I'd bumped a year old thread?
Lol, I replied on my phone, I cant say my eyes are the best. I wonder if I were right ir not ? :)
THE white mold is bad for kids ,its not the bad one their are ones that would kill.
if you find any try to remove it right back to brick.
you will have leak or the wall is not keeping rain out,9 out of 10 its a leak from roof ,if its on ground then youcould have big problems,it can be easy fixed you might need cctv for drains.or dye on foof
THE white mold is bad for kids ,its not the bad one their are ones that would kill.
if you find any try to remove it right back to brick.
you will have leak or the wall is not keeping rain out,9 out of 10 its a leak from roof ,if its on ground then youcould have big problems,it can be easy fixed you might need cctv for drains.or dye on foof
Its a first floor room so the roof is a good shout.
The white mould was on every wall including internal walls (lath and plaster). Wouldn't it be more concentrated around an area on an outside wall if it was water penetration? (Just trying to understand what's going on in that room).
I still say lack of insulation and loft condensation. Just by the looks of the pics you can see the shape of the joist around the damp on the ceiling and in the corners is probably were the insulation isn't right up to the end.
I'll try to dig out some pics I had of a similar problem in a property I use to own. I solved it with rockwool and expanding foam.