Coming to a court near you soon.


VIP Member
Jan 14, 2002
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If you think it’s bad with all those claim firms at present, look what may be coming our way if America is anything to go by.

A woman sued a store for £470,000 after falling over an unruly child.
The child was her own.

A teenager was awarded £45,000 after his neighbour ran over his hand in a Honda Accord.
He had been trying to steal the hub caps at the time.

A prisoner sued the authorities after he made a break for freedom and fell whilst scaling a 40ft wall, and was awarded £12,000, because they failed to inform him climbing the wall was dangerous.

A woman tried to sneak in a nightclub and entered by the toilet window, but slipped and sued the club for £7000.

A woman purchased a new Winnebago motor home, on her first trip set it on cruise control at 70 then went in the back to make a cup of coffee. The vehicle left the road and crashed. She successfully sued the makers because handbook had not motioned you could not leave it unattended. She won £1,250,000.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
hmmmm... god bless America !!!...

I think not
yeah we at digital world have thought about this suing and stuff and have decided to open a business

digital world lawer group

so i dunno about your claim for your fingers but i can sort out the fish and chip shop problem you are having lol.

we can sue scoot for gross misconduct LMFAO ROFL

and man utd for making every dad kick a boot at the son when he plays bad for the school LMFAO ROFL
I honestly cannot believe those stories ..... the law must be really really stupid to allow those claims to even get to court.

Anybody got an automatic car ..... (sorry judge the car didn't stop at red lights as being an automatic i thought it done everything automatically .... didn't see the pedestrian the car ran over for same reason).
funny you said that digi.......

a m8 at work got hit in the rear of his car (while waiting for the traffic lights to change to green)by a taxi,and pushed my m8 into the car in front ,writing his car off.......and the one in front!!
the taxi driver won the case cos he said that my m8 rammed his car into reverse and hit the taxi driver..............

even with an independant witness saying the taxi made no attempt to stop for the traffic lights,just rammed into the back of my m8............

its a bizzarre set up the law in this country!!!
