CLi dm600

gonna give this image a try

do I need to add the Irish terr file, if so where does it go

do I need to add any cams, again if so where does it go
dm600t fromzen on startup with white screen with Cli logo, cant ftp/telnet, it seems to be busted

Anyone, someone, please help

I flashed the cli 600 image again, put the terrestial file into share/tuxbox

dreambox scans chorus mmds find transponders but no channels, any idea where im going wrong
Not sure about the Irish configurations but if the terrestial file is the same as the cables.xml file than I would try putting that in the var/etc directory and doing a scan.

I flashed the cli 600 image again, put the terrestial file into share/tuxbox

dreambox scans chorus mmds find transponders but no channels, any idea where im going wrong don't need to add the terr file it is already in there, I am in ireland and it works fine, I find you need to use mgcamd, it is the first one in the options.
when you scan the box go to rte1, it should have a picture, press the blue botton, scroll across to mgcamd and select it, it will say it is staring mgcamd, when its done leave it on rte for a minute then go to one of the sky premium channels, you probably wont have a picture straight away, just leave it for 5 to 10 minutes and it will eventually clear and kick in.........should be fine from there
I've been having some problems since swapping to CLi image, was on MrDude Nood.
I have only been able to get the Cli image to clear on MgCamd 2.12, it won't work on any of the others.
Even tried updating cams and keys, but then everything stopped and I had to reflash.
Any advice..............what is the best cam for chorus do I update and switch properly......
How about going back to MrDude's N00b image. It works, and you're only having problems since you changed.
I've been having some problems since swapping to CLi image, was on MrDude Nood.
I have only been able to get the Cli image to clear on MgCamd 2.12, it won't work on any of the others.
Even tried updating cams and keys, but then everything stopped and I had to reflash.
Any advice..............what is the best cam for chorus do I update and switch properly......

use the softcam menu and turn off all emus now ftp the attached keys/scce over to /usr reboot dreambox with the remote
now re-activate a emu (i find gbox rock solid at the min) give it a min or so should clear fine :)


use the softcam menu and turn off all emus now ftp the attached keys/scce over to /usr reboot dreambox with the remote
now re-activate a emu (i find gbox rock solid at the min) give it a min or so should clear fine :)



Thanx works for me. Image is great just too much stuff to play with - lol -

would problems have been anything to do with the atributes of certain files?

Also I'm playing with Streaming to XBMC with this image Picture is perfect but got no sound, streams perfect on PC!

Back to playing.
How about going back to MrDude's N00b image. It works, and you're only having problems since you changed.

I'll try the keys update from osbourne first, it's too nice an image to give up on easily and it has great features that the NOOB doesn't,

but the NOOB is a great steady image I'll give it that............but, did have to do a keys update on that also as it lost the picture..............
As osborne82 said gbox seems the most solid, woz same on noob for me!

os does this image have the sideways scroll in bouquets, I can't remember how I changed this in noob n can't seem to find it.

use the softcam menu and turn off all emus now ftp the attached keys/scce over to /usr reboot dreambox with the remote
now re-activate a emu (i find gbox rock solid at the min) give it a min or so should clear fine :)



I'm not sure how you turn off emus, I can't see that in the softcam window, please explain what I am missing..

Also I have the box hooked up thru my router, so I was hoping I can just keep it updated that way, how do I do this properly, I tried before and froze the box and had to reflash.............

cheers for the help...
I have not got this image loaded anymore but when Osborne syas turn of the emus you probably need to press the blue button and remove whatever cam you have showing.
Switch Default to Common Interface basically card slot!
Switch Default to Common Interface basically card slot!

cheers, figured it might be that....................can I delete all the existing softcams and then use the box to download new cams and switch to them.

What is the correct way to load a new cam, do you have to do anything after it installs........

I assume that say mgcamd 2.25 is a newer better version than mgcamd 1.22........etc
is it always best to swap to the latest version or is it better to stay with older versions for certain areas..

......apologies for all the questions.............I'm just trying to get all this softcam / update stuff locked into my head.............................cheers for the help..
The latest is not always the best is what have found after being a chronic fiddler lol. Remeber what worked and go back to it but hey if you don't experiment how are you going to learn or improve the box.
services - /etc/enigma

userbouquets - /etc/enigma/cable

Hi, I'm also having trouble editing my bouquets.
The above paths dont seem to work in this image. I have used DreamBoxEdit to transfer my info to the dreambox. This is fine but the box still sees nothing, even after a restart.
I can retreive the info from my dreambox using DreamBoxEdit and I get the same stuff back, so it is deffinatly on there but the dreambox cant see it.
Error downloading new cam onto CLI DM600


I am getting the following error when I try and download new softcam's:

Error: Cannot find file /tmp/smartcam.config...

Any ideas what's happening?

The softcam that I was previously using successfully (evocamd_214) which came with the image doesn't clear the channels anymore. I went playing with the box and dowloaded more softcams to see what was the best and uninstalled some. Between the jigs and the reels I can only see RTE1 and the other channels don't de-scramble. I've tried to flash the image again but that didn't resolve the matter.

I think I'm after doing something silly... any ideas of where to start?