CLi dm600

has ur commport converter worked with vista? i would hazzard a guess its a vista /com port /dreamup compatibility problem have u another pc to try it on maybe ?



thanks osbourne, yep the vista/ commport worked fine 2 weeks ago.have to get a new hd for my desktop. will try it with that when i get one thanks
The gateway should be and you can check your nameserver by using your pc and doing

Start > Run > cmd >(type in the dos prompt) ipconfig /all

You will find ip addresses for two Domain Name Servers listed, use one of these in your network configuration.

thanks curious123 i,ll give it a go but i think i tried that after i seen it in one of your posts and it came up as a bad command.
will the next version of Cli-UR have sky box office on the channel listings when you search for channels, i've tried about 4 different methods on current cli-ur and just cannot get sky box office:(