Chats Back


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
just to let you all know i have re installed the chat room :)

its not yet made to look nice like our old one but its going for the time be until i get some time to mess about with it again.

have fun :)

PS its on the menu in the forums (left hand side menu)

or you can go here [DLMURL][/DLMURL]

this should get you in :)
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i guess there are not many people interested in chat ??? except dark angel shes always there lol

we will have to wait for the chat members to start flooding in :)
Popped in last night and saw @angel present. Typed in a few lines but no response.
Mickie, do you have direct link for chat room when using mIRC?
yes i do m8y :)

right the irc addy is
port 6667 (im sure its 6667 it could be 6668 or 6669 have a play)

and also the channel is


type /join #digital

that should get you there ok :)

cheers i will have my server running it but at the mo its suffering a minor hickup of some sort :(
sorry speccy...i left the chat running....but was afk. (away from keyboard)

At the moment the chat is not working for me.

unable to connect to server.
Connection closed.

What happened ???

Cheers Angel !