Challenge for DannM


Inactive User
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
If by saying "creating an image" you mean, installing addons and backing up the image, then i might just "create one" :D

No digi's dw were compile here is how to get the source
this is howto setup linux for compiling.

Show us an image as good as the last dw image and I will believe that your not just all mouth.
The fixes Digitalworldz has made for the TM800 hardly merit a thanks anyway.

Its basic, very basic changes anyone in the dreambox/enigma scene could have done.

Prove it or are you just all mouth. So we know it's compiled make the front display show DannM and don't forget all of digi's changes, the dw images were compiled not backups so knock yourself out and prove me wrong as I believe your just full of hot air and bluster.
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Once the receiver has booted, also change BOTH the 'TECHNOMATE' and the 'loading PLi....'

its basic enigma..........

(only took me 9 months to figure out how to change both, and ive already shown you how to do one of them)



dont forget the network fix and USB mapping
one of those moments where you think " should of kept me mouth shut" ;)
one of those moments where you think " should of kept me mouth shut" ;)

I'm totally neutral on this since the limit of my Sat knowledge is Freesat and how you plug it in :) . I couldn't care who, when, why or what normally, but your post has given me interest just to see if the "alleged" loudmouth can produce the goods or needs to have a spanking.

I'll reserve my neutral judgment until he posts his goods.

nobody is daft enough to publically give an ETA on something as complex as releasing a fully working enigma2 image m8


HaHa, im just wondering if there is a time limit before i get called a bullshitter.
One thing I want to mention that if he 's even able to produce the image, say in a week time, then as per his own admission his efforts will not even warrant a Thanks. So, my suggestion is that while he is at it,Try to fix the media player and time-shift issue as well ;)
I guess to be fair, he should provide the date after which we could call him BS.
No date
I know what a mess the cvs is.

I come from the dbox2 and dm500 side of things and the tm800 cvs is a different animal all together, the tm800 cvs is not anything like the dm500 to compile for.

I won't rub his nose in it but will remove the neg rep if he can improve on the last dw image within 12 months.
I should be able to do it tomorrow.

I go on holiday wednesday morning, but im sure i'll manage with the busy scheduel.
No date
I know what a mess the cvs is.

I come from the dbox2 and dm500 side of things and the tm800 cvs is a different animal all together, the tm800 cvs is not anything like the dm500 to compile for.

I won't rub his nose in it but will remove the neg rep if he can improve on the last dw image within 12 months.

We all know you find Enigma too complicated to code hence why you stick to neutrino.

You should remove the neg rep if i do what your initial challenge outlined.
I should be able to do it tomorrow.

I go on holiday wednesday morning, but im sure i'll manage with the busy scheduel.
Now thats what I call optimism, your going to make a better image overnight.
If you do then it will be hero:WORSHIP: from me.

On the enigma I think you will find the 1st dm500 images were enigma as was the dm600 image but your right I do prefer neutrino which is why I keep looking at a coolstream box.

No problem on the negative rep as I said you have 12 months to do it.
We all know you find Enigma too complicated to code hence why you stick to neutrino.

You should remove the neg rep if i do what your initial challenge outlined.

Nice to see some more friendly battles on here again
Now thats what I call optimism, your going to make a better image overnight.
If you do then it will be hero:WORSHIP: from me.

On the enigma I think you will find the 1st dm500 images were enigma as was the dm600 image but your right I do prefer neutrino which is why I keep looking at a coolstream box.

No problem on the negative rep as I said you have 12 months to do it.

Totally taking my response out of context, pathetic really.

Nearly as pathetic as you nearly giving Dr.Linux a warning over one of his latest posts in the section.

I'll complete your challenge tomorrow.

PS. I want the DW dog tag if i do it aswell
lol at this thread seems very childish
is the ur svn even working for this guy though ??
i havnt checked in a few weeks but now iq have it is the old ur still active any one confirm ??


lol at this thread seems very childish
is the ur svn even working for this guy though ??
i havnt checked in a few weeks but now iq have it is the old ur still active any one confirm ??



Totally taking my response out of context, pathetic really.

Nearly as pathetic as you nearly giving Dr.Linux a warning over one of his latest posts in the section.

I'll complete your challenge tomorrow.

PS. I want the DW dog tag if i do it aswell

What time it gonna be finished my friend?
nobody is daft enough to publically give an ETA on something as complex as releasing a fully working enigma2 image m8


YET UR/TM/IQ gave countless dates all flew by pmsl


lol at this thread seems very childish
is the ur svn even working for this guy though ??
i havnt checked in a few weeks but now iq have it is the old ur still active any one confirm ??



the UR SVN is still on rev 495, where its been since about 21/4, even though the final image was always 'a few more days away' its still possible to compile the exact last image that i compiled from the same SVN, as thats what i made it from :)

YET UR/TM/IQ gave countless dates all flew by pmsl

as i posted, only a complete fool would post something like that in public........

No date

I won't rub his nose in it but will remove the neg rep if he can improve on the last dw image within 12 months.

a long time by the looks lol