CFW 3.55 peek&poke patched for upcoming backup managers!


Inactive User
Jan 31, 2007
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Netkas and flukes1 have successfully managed to patch the lv2_kernel in 3.55 to allow peek poke.

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Patch to add peek and poke syscalls to PS3 firmware 3.55
by flukes1 and netkas ( #ps3test)

To create the patched PS3UPDAT.PUP:
1. Use bspatch to apply PS3UPDAT.PUP.bsdiff to Sony's official 3.55 PUP, which is available from their website.
2. Run this from command line : " bspatch PS3UPDAT.PUP PS3UPDAT-NEW.PUP PS3UPDAT.PUP.bsdiff "
2. Ensure that the md5sum of the resulting PS3UPDAT.PUP is 337831fac6a9b05074f73710c4bb7c86

Simply install the patched PS3UPDAT.PUP onto your PS3, then install geohot's jailbreak.

Our PUP can be installed over any firmware version, including 3.55-geohot. If you install over 3.55-geohot, you must reinstall geohot's jailbreak afterwards.

For developers: peek is syscall 6, poke is syscall 7 (same as PL3 dev payload)
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cheers m8, isnt multi manager allready to go with this now then its on the list of 3.55 cfw apps or does the peek & poke move the goal posts but also am i right in thinking we still have the problem that most backups wont work because most dont work without quiting to xmb, im sorry for the dodgy explanation but i cant put into word what im trying to say lol if anybody else as read the post about multimanager that i have they will probably know what i mean i cant find the post to link it at the moment, cheers.

edit: some of the question as just be answered on twitter by psjcl:

Also about previous tweet people are saying that OM isint working and the Multiman signed doesnt have peek n poke wait for a working manager
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well if that signer gui works then in theory couldnt we just grab any backup manager sign it now and test it out? i got the tools but no game backups to try!
So dose this mean it will play backups, when a backup manager is made ?, sorry for sounding like a dumb ass :Clap:
theres managers about m8 half the job done if you get me, my understanding is the managers will need recoding abit and we are good to go but i read the other day that with the custom f/w eboot.bin is not used and the way we use the jailbreak now uses the eboot but the new cfw wont apparently so we shouldnt have any problems with the need for higher f/w for new games but the problem is only 30%~ work using this method. i dont know much about it but the question i was trying to put across in my last post was does the peak & poke fix this problem so we can boot game as we would on 3.41 with jb ie pick game in manager quit to xmb and boot game with disc in
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I tried installing this new cfw with peek and poke it copies the update from the usb stick to the hard drive then tells me because i already have the latest verion theres no need to install so i dont see how it can be "installed over any firmware version"


Tried it in recovery mode and it seems to be taking!


Installed ok i havent reapplied geohots patch so i cant install any pkg's as the option isnt there anymore but the ones already installed still work so i'll just reapply geo's jb and i'll be good to go :)


reapplied geohots jb and all is working! so i can confirm the peek and poke firmware along with geohots ability to install packages works :)
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Google said:
In computing, PEEK is a BASIC programming language extension used for reading the contents of a memory cell at a specified address. The corresponding command to set the contents of a memory cell is POKE.

doesnt mean a whole lot to me but i kinda get it
hi, is there any chance someone can explain peek & poke i thought i got it but im pretty sure i dont lol

There is a little dude inside the ps3 and he peeks round corners and pokes bit's of your ps3 to make backups run.
Well just tried to flash this on my ps3 via recovery mode and it tells me the data is corrupt lol. I don't think my 40gb will ever take a cfw.
any chance of a guide for start to finish . i'm on latest OFW 3.55. I want to install CFW and all the other stuff without bricking my console. Sorry but i'm a noob at this PS3 malarky
Expect a full guide soon, the guys are working on the syscalls to make the backup managers work as I type this... not be long now
forget this upgrade....repeat.....forget this upgrade....

its flawed lads, what ever they did they did it wrong. This will never see the managers ect....

So if you did this today go back to orig then back to geo's only.

There on irc now trying to find a way to make it work right and so far there getting nowhere fast so dont expect anything for a while yet.