Card Share

Why don't the ones of you who are interested in cardsharing and watching tv for "free" now that cable has come to its end, look towards buying the equipment and some cards so that you can share between yourselves. If you have 15-20 people within your group, all sharing cards for different providers between yourselves you will be able to watch quite a lot of TV and it will be very stable. This is the whole essence of cardsharing and not connecting to an oversubscribed payserver and lining someone else pockets with your money. There are plenty of cards to source that are sold for European broadcasters here in the UK, you just need to do the legwork and invest wisely. Once you have the cards and the sharing ring setup you can then look towards sharing these cards out with other people who in turn have cards in their servers who will be willing to connect you for free. Its all quite simple but does need a bit of time and effort to get it up and running. One word of warning though Sky UK is aware of the ongoing problems they face with Cardsharing and as most of you know they have recently issued new cards, at this current moment in time everything is working but nobody knows for how long and nobody knows what they can do to stop their keys being re-transmitted. Tread very carefully with NDS because people may be watching a black screen in the near future.


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With all this talk on CS got me thinking, from a technical point of view what should be a max number of clients to one server, now I am not talking about any particular card but just in general?

When I say max, what I mean if you wanted high reliability system, not talking about pay servers etc.

So 5, 10, 15 clients what do you think?

It all depends on a number of things, which type of card it is as some cards can handle up to 150 clients on one card, maybe even more and you also need to consider the connection to that card. Your upload and download speed as this can also affect reliability. As the clients are sending ECM requests the server is working to reply to those requests. You also need to think about the speed of the server, some people quite happily use their Linux based receivers as servers, whereas other people build a custom PC using Linux, generally Ubuntu or a Debian 5 based machine to run as a card server. It all depends on how far you are willing to take it, but normally if you have a card sharing ring of 20-30 people all sharing with each other then there should be no problems. You can also overclock the cards which again allows you send out ECMs a lot quicker so you can add even more clients. So the answer to your question really is How long is a piece of string?

One word of warning though Sky UK is aware of the ongoing problems they face with Cardsharing and as most of you know they have recently issued new cards, at this current moment in time everything is working but nobody knows for how long and nobody knows what they can do to stop their keys being re-transmitted. Tread very carefully with NDS because people may be watching a black screen in the near future.



Hi Liam, I could've sworn I read somewhere, (cant remember where though), that only just recently S** Italia killed cs somehow or other? In your opinion do you think that this is a likely prospect over here as well, and if so whats the current thinking as to when it will happen? I am one of those people looking into setting up a little sub share for family and friends, (cos of the cable), but dont want to get them to shell out and then it all be knocked out.
Hi Liam, I could've sworn I read somewhere, (cant remember where though), that only just recently S** Italia killed cs somehow or other?

They did knock Italia out for a while but back up & running now m8.
@atommo I think it is highly likely that Sky UK have a number of tricks up their sleeves to combat card sharing, and I am sure that they will not play all their cards at once. Yet again it will become a game of cat and mouse. Sky Italia is up and running again for the time being due to the efforts that have been made with OScam, but nodoby knows how long the "fix" will last. So if anybody is considering re-sharing Sky UK keys they need to think long and hard about the possible attacks that may come. Sky are not going to sit back and allow their channels to be hacked by any means. December the 14th is the suggested date when all the old blue cards stop working so I guess the game will start from then. As said in my previous post in this thread there are a number of other European providers available that offer similar programming to Sky UK that are a lot more reliable for CS. It just takes a bit more legwork getting hold of the cards.
A full package subscription to Canal Plus Denmark will cost in the region of £33 per month, and this is on the basis that you know somebody in Denmark who would be able to subscribe on your behalf and send the card over to the UK. Alternatively you could always exchange cards with someone who has one of these cards, but you will need something to barter with. It is all very simple and there are a hell of a lot of channels available to you, certainly more than Sky UK has to offer. So start looking and get a motorised dish installed to get the most out of it all.
There are quite a few different cards available on eBay which can be used and that aren't going to break the bank, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. You could use any of the above cards, the better the card that you have to offer the better the cards that people exchange with you will be.

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Many thanks for the more than comprehensive reply. I didnt realise there was such breadth to this stuff, (I havent long heard of it to be honest).
I should still have cable over xmas so Ive got a month or so before I have to take the plunge. Hopefully by then things will be a little clearer, (at least it will give me time to do some more reading).
Somebody needs to get a mod to oversee the discussion in this thread to make sure that it sticks to the guidelines as laid out, and somebody needs to start a thread up to get a group together and maybe it can start to blossom.

Somebody needs to get a mod to oversee the discussion in this thread to make sure that it sticks to the guidelines as laid out, and somebody needs to start a thread up to get a group together and maybe it can start to blossom.


its being looked over m8 ;)
@atommo Born and raised in channel hacking, from the days of programming a single pic card to building a Linux server that currently runs 8 different cards with room for more, sometimes I think I almost know as much as Digidude lol.


P.S. @Digidude any chance you can activate P.M's for me.
Somebody needs to get a mod to oversee the discussion in this thread to make sure that it sticks to the guidelines as laid out, and somebody needs to start a thread up to get a group together and maybe it can start to blossom.


ATM its perfectly fine.. i hope.. everyone is being good. but it can also get out of hand...

Im a motorised person myself.. We have cable etc etc.. the only problem i have is the mrs.. if it aint english its shyte.. me on the other hand will watch anything lol.. im into spannish horror etc when im ready i will be prouling for german tv as this will help my learning :)

We've had it so easy here in the UK... hopefully the fun will start but not to much to piss the other half off.. lol..
as the mods said... discussion of C/S principle is allowed.. as its a principle. not halm is being done..

its when discussion of certain providers and how to beable to imrove access on cards, and actualy talking about defrauding the big companies.. (VM really aint that big pmsl). threads will get deleted..

tho on the subject.. im just trying to work out how to convince my housing assoication to let me have a 1m motorised dish lol..

dunno how lucky i will be.
as the mods said... discussion of C/S principle is allowed.. as its a principle. not halm is being done..

its when discussion of certain providers and how to beable to imrove access on cards, and actualy talking about defrauding the big companies.. (VM really aint that big pmsl). threads will get deleted..

tho on the subject.. im just trying to work out how to convince my housing assoication to let me have a 1m motorised dish lol..

dunno how lucky i will be.

Sometimes it is better to beg for forgivness rather than ask permission :banana:
as the mods said... discussion of C/S principle is allowed.. as its a principle. not halm is being done..

its when discussion of certain providers and how to beable to imrove access on cards, and actualy talking about defrauding the big companies.. (VM really aint that big pmsl). threads will get deleted..

tho on the subject.. im just trying to work out how to convince my housing assoication to let me have a 1m motorised dish lol..

dunno how lucky i will be.

I was under the impression that under 1m was fine without planning permission, is there anything in your contract that states otherwise
im in a HA house m8, you can have a 1.1M and a 60cm without needing permission (i have slightly more than this though lol)
If you want to put a larger dish that requires planning permission its better to have it in the back garden. This way your unlikely to get any complaints whereas having it in front of your house will get noticed but tbh now days the council turns a blind eye to it unless someone complains.
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