can anyone help please?


VIP Member
VIP Member
ok people im a it man and have been a dole head for a year now
and i am sick that i cant get a job its doing my head in and im not getting any younger
i dont drink i dont smoke drugs and i am a family man

i keep myself to myself and believe in live and let live motto

i aint stuckup or anything like it

but i need to get out of the area that im living in as i cant get a job here
i need a job believe it or not

i was working as a supervisor in customer sevices department in a cable company

i also was teaching people to use computers for a while but i had to travel for this and i dont drive

ok what i need is someone that has a house for rent and for the time being accept housing benefit until i get a job

we are a nice family that would look after the property so if you guys know of anyone or if you run a buisness this is what i can do

teach i can build pc's i can communicate with the public and and repair pc's i am willing to help a buisness grow and i am very confident in my work

i have been able to teach all different people to be confident on there pc's

please dont reply to this just pm me if you can help cheers


Hope someone can help ya mate. You sound like a person that every good company could do with.
All the best,
I'm only sorry that I can't help.
Good Luck
hacker999 said:
hope someone helps u gav. sorry mate i cant help that much as im still trying to get me self sorted.:)

cheers m8 glad you posted on it as things have still not changed m8 for me

Ok, heres the thing, it is very unlikely that someone on a forum will offer you places to stay or anything remotely similar, BUT, what you need to do is create a CV. Be creative, dont pull yourself down. What I will say now might seem offensive but it isnt, im saying it to help you. here goes, from your first post it seems like that language you might put on a CV might be very boring. Like "im good at this, im good at that, i like doing this.." and so on. Never do that, you gotta get a thesaurus out. Then, write yourself a cover letter. Spend at least 2 hours on your CV, get someone to help you out. Its not about how good you are at English, its about how creative you are. Everyone can build a PC its not that hard, most people can repair them, and you say you teach, what did you teach? what are you capable of teaching? whats different about you? hopefully this helps with the CV site. Next, go to its a free job search facility. i have had many great jobs from this site. You can search whatever region you want and so on. There are also other great job search sites. hotrecruit is quite good too. Third, get onto your local council office and apply there, you probably have but gotta state the obvious. There are also flat search on the internet, preferably your local council website. Its really difficult but you can do it. Good luck mate. Sorry if i sounded bit harsh or rude. Let us know how it goes.

I live in Derby. I used to be in a smiilar situation to you. We luckily managed to get a council house. Not a great are but we keep ourselves to ourselves and touch wood have never had any trouble. I did a lot and I mean a LOT of agency work, as we had a young son to keep and the dole was nowhere near enough money to support us.

This is one place I went in Derby to better myself and I got a City and Guilds in Electronic Servicing and also City and Guilds in Visual Basic Programming. However many of the tutors there were just like me, only been there a year or so. They were always looking for experienced people for tutoring in building PC's etc.

We have a 3 bed semi. Big back garden full GCH and double glazed. We are looking at buying a New Build home closer to work, for this though I need to get a Buy-to-let mortgage and then live in the new one and let the old property. Not sure if this would be realistic for us but we are going to ask a few mortgage companies anyway.

If all goes to plan you might want to consider moving to Derby. Failing that see if there is a TBG near you. is a very very good recruiting wenbsite........

it has loads of jobs in IT and specailly if you have experience it will make it easier in comparison to others.....Apply to as many as positions you can,, but make sure you keep of record of the ones you apply..just incase they ring you up and you dont have a clue which job they are from..........

plus it will be better to go to estate agents who take dss....i dont think anyone in the forums does property business...i might be wrong
Hi m8 sorry to hear of your situation have you concidered a move some jobs down here in the south m8 if you want me look about i will just let me know.
Keep ya chin up things will change m8 i know it dont look that way at the moment but it will change m8.
same boat

Hi Pal Im in the same Boat as you and Know how you feel.

Try looking at

I use it, it has a lot of training jobs and I.T jobs on it.

Good Luck Pal I hope it works out for you and your family.

keep your chin up.
DessertDog said:
Hi m8 sorry to hear of your situation have you concidered a move some jobs down here in the south m8 if you want me look about i will just let me know.
Keep ya chin up things will change m8 i know it dont look that way at the moment but it will change m8.
thanks m8

i would move around london if i can but i have no money for a place to live m8

but i am willing to work for it

thanks for everyone and your thoughts and keep your eyes open for me lol

as i am a bit depressed as i really want to get out of here lol
hi m8
sorry to hear you situation
why dont you in the mean time put a add in your local paper and a few shop windows that you build and repair computers and that u can also teach people the basics of computers. you never know it could be worth a try till you find what you are looking for and get the move you want.

good luck m8 :)
andyboyrfc said:
hi m8
sorry to hear you situation
why dont you in the mean time put a add in your local paper and a few shop windows that you build and repair computers and that u can also teach people the basics of computers. you never know it could be worth a try till you find what you are looking for and get the move you want.

good luck m8 :)

cheers m8 done it m8 2 months i payed in 5 shops no-one rang as the area is a very bad area

cheers anyway
hi m8

sorry to hear about that but if u can drive then maybe u can work as a taxi driver with ur local taxi firm?

they make about 800+ a week so it should be ok

:Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers:

sorry i couldn't help u m8
have no fear. notanotherone is here. gav dont worry mate. were still looking for a good job for u m8.