Bouquets Rip Off

I take your bouquet Rat and edit it, then claim to my family that I am the maestro behind it, NOT! :)

Joking aside I do re-arrange the order of the bouquets to suit our viewing pattern/choice.

Don't make jokes m8. I jokingly posted a picture of a can of Sausage and Beans the other day and it got moderated. I think it offended someone who subsequently told me "I was enjoy kick your ass , face to face"

Edit:- apologies, I got my threads mixed up. Delete if you wish.
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I use rats bouqets coz im a lazy git i do change the channels from london to my region before i transfer it over but that takes me seconds as appose to hours making my own bouqets.

I sell rats bouqets on ebay for 99p if anyone wants to buy them from me.
I sell it for 1p, £1.99 postage though with a lifetime set of updates to the bouquets :)

That is provided Rat does the updates but if he stops then I also sell a £1.99 conversion service so that I just move them over to flip-flop :)

I'd proivide link but I think it's against the forum T+Cs