BNP compare UK generals to Nazis.

If our politicians are worth anything then they should out gun BNP's views on a live debate with ease.
That's a very big "if", isn't it?

The reason Mr. Griffin is a bit peeved today is because he didn't get to talk policy. As expected, the show became more or less a 50-odd minute personal attack on him, and issues like immigration, war, EU, etc, where he can actually score real points, got about 2 minutes worth of screen time. He actually got a fairly sympathetic round of applause from at least part of the audience on one or two occasions when he managed to address issues like that.

Make no mistake, misguided as it may be, there is real support for the BNP out there, and even though it was a piss-poor performance, I would think there might be more after Griffin's QT appearance. It really is a sad comment on British politics that people feel they have to turn to lunatic fringe thugs like that to get political support for reasonable concerns that simply aren't being adequately addressed by the two main parties. If there's any kind of silver lining to the emergence of the BNP in mainstream politics, it's that it might be a wake-up call for everyone else. Then again, that's probably another big "if".
i watched the show and thought it was a complete cock up from beggining to end nick ended up being set upon by the majority of people in there and came out of it better than before he went in he made some very good points about immagration ect which the leading partys need to take into account as if they get tougher on these nick griffin and the bnp will not go much further in politics
i never watch question time but this was always gonna be carcrash telly i expected more from jack straw and the others in the way of clear questions and answers but in my opinion jack straw came over as a dick who only wanted to put a slur on nick griffin lets face it he didnt need to try and bully a man who is quite a hated figure anyway but nick managed to come over "quite well" (loosley phrased as in not the next hitler )
it was a sham and should have taken place without a baying audience and then he would have had the opertunerty to let people know what he is like and for people to realise he is quite racist but he has some good points
Everyone is calling the bnp racist coonts and rightly soooooo....

But what will everyone think when they get the seat/s they want?

Just a matter of time I am afraid, While I watched question time and thought that nick was a nob, he got bullied and setup quite badly in there which was the stupidest thing the BBC could of done.

Two wrongs do not make a right!

PC is the problem not the BNP or the others opposing them!

Hate politics its bollox lol

He's one of the most misquoted,attacked politician's,if the press treated any other party that why there would be an uproar in parliment.Weather people agree/disagree with his policys doesent he have the right to voice them? We are ment to be a tollerent socioty that's why we let speakers like abu hamza have there right to speak.