BNP compare UK generals to Nazis.

there was zero support in the audience for him but to be honest - who would want to go on TV and admit to being a BNP supporter?

the whole thing was so weighed heavily against him, people now feel SORRY for him! opps!
Got to question that statement, Yorkshire and the Humber is a diverse region, with 8 per cent of people from a BAME group - only London and the West Midlands are more ethnically diverse. 20 per cent of Pakistani people in Britain live in the region. The work of the BME third sector helps people from the communities they represent and they help make all communities in the region stronger and more cohesive.this was taken from Yorkshire and Humber Black and Ethnic Minority Voluntary Community Sector conference - Corporate - Communities and Local Government

I think you will find British National Party won the MEP election for Yorkshire and Humberside

You can question it but I would contend that there are issues in that region which stop it being 'truly multicultural', like areas of London for instance. Multiculturalism for me is not about having a certain ethnic quota. It is about integration and understanding, a commonality within the diversity.

If immigration was handled more effectively, then the BNP would still be the national front, and we could continue to point and laugh.
Like Nara, I almost felt sorry for him.

I thought Bonnie Greer was great. I have a lot of time for her.
You can question it but I would contend that there are issues in that region which stop it being 'truly multicultural', like areas of London for instance. Multiculturalism for me is not about having a certain ethnic quota. It is about integration and understanding, a commonality within the diversity.

If immigration was handled more effectively, then the BNP would still be the national front, and we could continue to point and laugh.

What issues would they be ?
What areas of London are you referring to ?
NG is not only a racist he is also a homophobic twat as well.
Whats next for him to have a go at? The disabled.
NG is not only a racist he is also a homophobic twat as well.
Whats next for him to have a go at? The disabled.

Homophobic twat, are you saying that everyone who dislike gays, or find it revolting, or just see it as unnatural, are they all twats ?
Yes... you've summed that up well

That's painting with a very very wide brush, do you know that the whole of Islam fall into your twat category, as well as my 84 year old granny.
That also places me in the Twat category as I find it creepy to see two men kissing.

What they do behind clolsed door is their business, but I never want to explain to my 5 year old Grandaughter why 2 grown men are snogging again.
Taking all views on last nights Question Time, numerous debates through the day, I've congitated, deliberated, and, decided, that Nick Griffin, The son of former Conservative councillor Edgar Griffin, and a graduate from Cambridge University, IS AS THICK AS SH1T!

I've never heard someone, who's supposedly educated to that standard, be so 'childish' in his answers to the questions thrown at him.

Pressured to explain his Holocaust denial, the BNP leader replied: “I cannot explain why I used to say those things” but stressed he had “changed his mind” on the subject.

He's a fcuking grown-up for fcuk sake! Of course he knows why he said "those things", but refuses to say why because it will destroy any credibility left in his Party!

From someone educated at Cambridge? :SSEXY:
Like ive said in a previous thread homophobia is as bad as racisim in my view. I say lets live and let live. But thats a different debate for another time as it is kind of taking this thread off topic.
Taking all views on last nights Question Time, numerous debates through the day, I've congitated, deliberated, and, decided, that Nick Griffin, The son of former Conservative councillor Edgar Griffin, and a graduate from Cambridge University, IS AS THICK AS SH1T!

I've never heard someone, who's supposedly educated to that standard, be so 'childish' in his answers to the questions thrown at him.

Pressured to explain his Holocaust denial, the BNP leader replied: “I cannot explain why I used to say those things” but stressed he had “changed his mind” on the subject.

He's a fcuking grown-up for fcuk sake! Of course he knows why he said "those things", but refuses to say why because it will destroy any credibility left in his Party!

From someone educated at Cambridge? :SSEXY:

He tried to imply that any explanation as to his change of view on the holocaust would leave him open to prosecution under European law.

Bit of a pishy excuse when you have the Justice Minister sitting 3 feet to your right telling you that no such holocaust denial laws exist in the UK.
Last night didn't suprise me as we all know NG is a dobber and that the BNP is simply the National Front with a fancy veneer.
It was the right decision to let him appear on question time and enter the political arena and be shown for what he and his party are all about.
Rather than being shown up as a racist xenophobic he came across as a weak, homophobic piece of slime who talks a lot but says very little.

A don't think our mainstream politicians held up well either and they should be asking themselves how the BNP have gained so much in so little time!
I am all for immigration and have mixed ethnic friends but i also think that Labour has lost the plot with immigration and too many too soon combined with a recession has convinced the weak minded that immigrants are to blame.
I like a mixed race culture and Britain is built on this but when you change things too quickly then you will always have problems.

Labour have failed with immigration and what makes it worse is their refusal to acknowledge this opting instead to release bullshit numbers and blame previous governments even though they have been in power for over a decade.
This has made people angry and when they get angry they lash out and the BNP gains support.

I would love to see NG and his party members on the telly more often against our mainstream party's so that people get to see how hideous the BNP are and how they crumble in front of opposition.
It would also help restore faith in our own politicians by seeing them in action at debating these clowns out of the political arena and send them back to the sewers where they belong.
I would love to see NG and his party members on the telly more often against our mainstream party's so that people get to see how hideous the BNP are and how they crumble in front of opposition.
It would also help restore faith in our own politicians by seeing them in action at debating these clowns out of the political arena and send them back to the sewers where they belong.

British voters who consider British sovereignty to be of a high importance when deciding who to vote for were really denied a chance to hear anything that was of any relevance to them. I was really surprised by the lack of discussion on the British Constitution and the effects the European Commission has on it. If the BNP get a chance to debate this along with other topics such as the signing of the Lisbon treaty with a similar sized TV audiences, I'm fairly confident that they'd gain even more popularity.
British voters who consider British sovereignty to be of a high importance when deciding who to vote for were really denied a chance to hear anything that was of any relevance to them. I was really surprised by the lack of discussion on the British Constitution and the effects the European Commission has on it. If the BNP get a chance to debate this along with other topics such as the signing of the Lisbon treaty with a similar sized TV audiences, I'm fairly confident that they'd gain even more popularity.

I admit last night was a slagging match and not up to usual QT standards but that's only down to it being such a one off imo.
NG done nothing except make an arse of himself and everyone ive spoken to today think that it done nothing to bolster support for the BNP.
It kinda made people question why they even have a following with such a shallow leader.
I think with more in depth debates their piss would start to boil and their true nature would be exposed.
If our politicians are worth anything then they should out gun BNP's views on a live debate with ease.
I do take your points Munkey but i just think the BNP wouldn't cut it in the political ring under questioning from genuine mainstream politicians..