Biinoculars for Star Gazing?


Banned for good!
Jul 20, 2005
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After the recent spectacular skies, my kids have been asking me a lot of questions about planets, stars, space etc.

I'm interested in grabbing a set of binoculars as I've been told they are a great way to introduce kids to astronomy, and cost much less than a decent Telescope.

AFAIK I'll need at least a 50mm lens with between 7 - 10 x magnification, anything higher would need a tripod to get a stable image - correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm looking for recommendations for a set, that both my kids and I would enjoy.

They won't be used for terrestial use, only viewing the skies.
teaching the kids the art of peeping tommery!

Well Played Mr Witchy :proud:

Yea right m8. Its for perving on the neighbours lol.

my kids are the same, I enjoyed it too
@ Gav, round here you don't need binoculors to be a peeping Tom, most of the neighbours don't know how to pull their blinds or pull their curtains. ;)

Would be ok, if only most of them weren't pensioners :)
Get yourself a decent pair as the chances are you'll never replace them. These seem like good value for the money.

They're great for moon gazing but in order to look into the stars you need something that is mounted on a tripod, shaky hands just won't cut it.

Take a look at mine, one day you'll own something as powerful as this, I can see your caravan from my loft.


That site is utterly brilliant check it out.
the aldi scope is excellent value for bird watching but no good for star gazing I have one for star watching you need a much higher magnification and a specialized tripod aldi do one but only round christmas time.have a look round cah converters and simular second hand shops.

the aldi scope is excellent value for bird watching but no good for star gazing I have one for star watching you need a much higher magnification and a specialized tripod aldi do one but only round christmas time.have a look round cah converters and simular second hand shops.


What magnification and lense size do you look for ?

Is the info printed on all scopes, always see them in cash conv windows when walking past.

I want to be able to see the american flag and the buggy they bleft on the
What magnification and lense size do you look for ?

If you get a telescope with a 1000mm focal lense and use a 25mm focal eyepiece then

1000/25 = 40

The object you are looking at would seem 40 times (40X) bigger :)

Most telescopes would come with various eyepieces and up to 250X as standard (1000mm focal lense with 4mm focal eyepiece)
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