Benefit shake-up 'revolutionary'

A bit like special constables, lowlifes that do a real officers job for expenses so they can feel big in a uniform and steal real officers overtime and reduce the number of real officers.

What a load of shite ! Special constables make up the numbers because they can't employ enough full time officers, they put their safety at risk for fook all pay just to make the likes of ungreatful arseholes who make such comments like that safer in their beds
Im currently on benefits and got £130 today... we have 40p left after we got a small amount of food, paid gas + electric pre pay rip off money monsters...!
an paid a few bills (water, tv licence, sewage and some rent)....

Got 3 kids and live on the bread line every week.. yes every week.

Reason I dont work, I was crushed in my car in Jan 2002 by a artic...! and shattered L2 & L3 in my back causing paralysis in my legs. I can walk again now, but am in pain. Yes I could work, but not any job and if I did work at present I be back where I am now in 3 months as I could not keep it up due to not being strong enough at the moment.

INSTEAD im at college now till Dec 08, then off to uni on Feb 09 to train as a Adult nurse...yes male nurse...! will be qualified in 3 years time and will build up my fitness over that time, and no im not entitlled to benefits while at uni so going to be a foooooooooking tough time seeing as there is no money to fall back on... just hope labour aint spent all the coffers before they leave office...!

Im talking control of what I want for my kids, so is the misses... shes also doing this as well, at college with me and going to uni to do adult nursing but at diplomia doing degree level nursing.

end result, the support ive got from the DWP has enabled me to recover and find something I can do... had they put me out on the streets doing bin rounds, painting, cutting grass... id be stuck in a bed still in agony.... "but you wouldnt" I hear you say..... Yes i probley would, as some weeks im in little pain... other weeks I could hardly move.... if i did too much one day, id be in agony the following morning...... the ppl that decide who does and dont work in the community wouldnt see this so would likly just rubber stamp the papers...

I can see this backfiring and more than likely someone suing the govermint for injury LOL !!

Well you are doing something to turn your life around, you are not falling under what we on here are refering to as workshy and have obviously faced the sort of situation that the DWP is in place to cover. However there are hundred of thousands, maybe millions who are happy to exist without making any meaningful contribution to society.
However there are hundred of thousands, maybe millions who are happy to exist without making any meaningful contribution to society.

why should they get a 'job' when there Are hardly any decent jobs? certainly not enough. you can't account for what every single one of those people do with their time, it could be anything, not just bumming about.

the influx of immigrants is bringing down wages faster than ever for the trades, so people are rapidly losing interest in gaining proper employment, never mind the hassle and taxes u have to deal with that comes with it. and then there's the credit crunch, rising food prices

why don't u complain about fuel duty? that's costing you a lot more .. that's if u drive of course ;)
Mmmm i thought we had people claiming benefits before we had all the eastern bloc guys coming over here and finding loads of jobs that aren't there ?
yeah but now ppl need those 'crap jobs' they're gone to foreigners ;) just my opinion.
yeah but now ppl need those 'crap jobs' they're gone to foreigners ;) just my opinion.

The lazy unemployed natives (there are quite a few of them) are too lazy or think too much of themselves to do these crap jobs. They would rather sit on their ass and count their dole money to see how much cheap fags and even cheaper liquor they can buy. That's why foreigners do these jobs.
The lazy unemployed natives (there are quite a few of them) are too lazy or think too much of themselves to do these crap jobs. They would rather sit on their ass and count their dole money to see how much cheap fags and even cheaper liquor they can buy. That's why foreigners do these jobs.

'natives' PMSL
as I understood it a lot of these crap jobs that weret there werent there coz people didnt want to pay minimium wage or follow safety laws etc

speaking as one of the lazy unemployed natives I used to take any work that was offered, most of it was seriously crap, but it paid the rent, until I couldnt work any more, with a condition like M.E. it is impossible to get full time work (I was deamed a health and safety risk to others) so agency stuff was all that was available, unfortunately it's inadviseable to work this way with M.E. unless you like being in significant pain and virtually unable to move for months on end.

of course according to anyone that see's me I am one of these malingering work shy benefit cheats - if I wasnt so lazy I'd be beating my wife and torturing small animals as well - they may even see me as a fat drunk guy despite the fact that I dont drink (or smoke or do anything else thats fun or costs money) because M.E. can do very unfunny things to my muscle control and speach - I can look and sound as if I am seriously pissed if I get caught out when it's playing up (or seriously retarded lol) - but most of the time I can manage a reasonable level of activity for only a few hours a day, a couple of days a week (hence why I am a fat git lol) - if you saw me at those times you would never know I was ill- but simply coz I can walk to sainsburies and back and you cant spot the signs that I am doesnt mean I'm not.

as for lazy - when the M.E. isnt active - it isnt always - I am one of the fittest people I know - mainly coz most of the time doing anything so so sodding hard that I have to be to survive the bad spells

so - if you want to give me a job then go for it - but it must allow me to maintain my playboy millonaire livestyle and be flexible enough so that I can work when able but not if I am not

any offers?
What a load of shite ! Special constables make up the numbers because they can't employ enough full time officers, they put their safety at risk for fook all pay just to make the likes of ungreatful arseholes who make such comments like that safer in their beds

You just have a problem with me period.
I see you use your moderator status so you can abuse the rules concerning defamatory comments don't count for you

Any member found making racist/religious and/or defamatory comments, inciting anger amongst members; thereby causing distress to them, or their families, WILL be banned.


You should try growing up.

Or stop drinking if you can't handle it :roflmao:
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So where have I made a defamatory comment to you personally ? I generlised the comment because I know how petty you are, if your that bothered about the comment you could report the forum to the human rights board along with the complaint about the data protection act

You should try growing up.

Or stop drinking if you can't handle it :roflmao:

I'm 46 years old and don't drink thankyou very much
Im in favour of this and dont see it as an automatic path to redundancies for council workers. If done correctly this could result in people helping out charites, schools etc by filling voluntary positions. It could also be a way back into work with people able to use the postions as a way to gain work experience and references.

Anyone who is able to work should work. If you are sick then you're sick and shouldnt be made to work. The amount of tax me and my partner pay every year runs into thousands and people on benefits need to realise that the money they are receiving is coming from other ordinary people who are going out to work.

If people dont have the skills they need to get work that pays enough then there should be support for them to retrain or study. People who are retraining should be exempt.

My partner went out to work whilst I retrained for a year. We didnt receive any benefits as she worked more than 15 hours a week. Didnt matter what she earnt just the amount of time worked. That year was one of the hardest financially we have ever been through. A Mars bar was a treat and a holiday was unheard of. I now run my own business and own my own home. If I can do it anyone can. I am a lazy bastard :)
If your on benefits (not meaning those with genuine disabilities etc) , try working for a on the otherside and watch your taxes being used to fund those who are work shy....but find the cash for the pub, fags, sky tv, car, etc etc....

There are many prople who are working hard and still on the breadline struggling to make ends meet...but at least they can hold up their heads with pride!
If your on benefits (not meaning those with genuine disabilities etc) , try working for a on the otherside and watch your taxes being used to fund those who are work shy....but find the cash for the pub, fags, sky tv, car, etc etc....

i'm on 'the other side' and i'm glad my money is being spent on making miserable lives happy.
I guarantee your in the minority mate. I dont pay tax to support others who can work that choose not to. If I have to work then so does everyone else. Unless you dont want benefits of course.
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I guarantee your in the minority mate. I dont pay tax to support others who can work that choose not to. If I have to work then so does everyone else. Unless you dont want benefits of course.

i think you'll find most british taxpayers don't mind helping out people in need.
saw this on the news earlier.

i agree people should work for there money.

the only thing i will say is....if their is work out there cleaning the streets and graffiti off walls then why not employ them properly instead of making them work all week for £60....which i believe is the going rate on job seekers now?
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