Belkin PureAV Home Theater Power Console PF30

ok, just checked. The wank*rs have cancelled it. I dont know why as I didnt cancel it. Ive written them an email asking why.

We apologise if you did not request for your order to be cancelled. Please check your e-mail* for more information about why your order was cancelled and should you still need assistance please e-mail Customer Service.

*Please check the email address you provided to us when you placed your ord

Yep, exactly the same for me...
Its like a game of poker this is it just me still in im not holding my breath on this one.
Got an email from them today

Dear Customer,

We are very sorry – we have had an error in our systems, and the product (Belkin PureAV Home Theater Power Console PF30) you thought you were ordering was wrongly priced on our website. The product price of your order related to a completely different product, and was incorrectly linked to the order you requested.

Due to this, your Dell Order Internet Receipt Number: [*****] has not been processed, and has now been cancelled.

To place your order for a different product, please go to or talk to your sales agent.

We are sorry for the inconvenience that this error has caused, and thank you again for choosing Dell.

Ah well, as expected...

Still you live in hope eh?!
Dear Customer,

We are very sorry – we have had an error in our systems, and the product (Belkin PureAV Home Theater Power Console PF30) you thought you were ordering was wrongly priced on our website. The product price of your order related to a completely different product, and was incorrectly linked to the order you requested.

Due to this, your Dell Order Internet Receipt Number: [Gb0131-9483-96749] has not been processed, and has now been cancelled.

To place your order for a different product, please go to or talk to your sales agent.

We are sorry for the inconvenience that this error has caused, and thank you again for choosing Dell.
