BBC millionaires

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How astute of you SLASHER.

If the BBC sinks, then where does that leave the likes of Freeview and Freesat? Or, dont you care as you are getting your TV from VM?

The BBC is far from 'shite' as you put it.

Personally, I would love to see a referendum on the license, something needs to be doen to modernise it - as I have stated already. However, I think you will find that not everyone shares your narrow minded views on this subject.

If this is the case an the tv lisence pays for FREEsat and FREEview then they aint free anyway are they! so we are already paying for them.

My point is give people the choice if you want to pay to recive it pay the lisence fee after all you already are paying!

If you dont want to recive it dont pay the liscence fee.

The only people who loose out are the people that pay for somthing they do not want.
And so by graciously giving people the choice - who then looks after the broadcasting? Or do you expect people to switch over to VM and Sky?

You do realise that Sky and VM dont handle much in the way of broadcasting?

you seem to be missing the point all we are asking for is the choice to pay or not!
Right, lets put this into perspective. There has been a lot of guff here regarding the freedom of choice and the apparent absence of it.

So, I pose this question - are we all forced to own a TV, radio, digi box, cable box or satellite receiver? I think you will find the answer is no, we are not. We can choose to own one of these things.

If you do choose to own one, then you have to pay. If you choose not to own one then you dont.

Also, if you go for Sky and get the full package with all the channels, do you want them all? Probably not. So the same thing applies.

AH right so now you are saying im paying the lisence fee for the privelage of owning a tv?

So it doesnt actualy go to the upkeep of the network now or anything else you keep resaying?
Of course it pays for the broadcasting - thats the point. I feel I need to keep saying it again and again because people dont seem to understand that these programs dont get onto our TVs by magic.

Sky doesnt run any broadcasting systems, neither does VM. All they do is use a couple of multiplexes to get content out to customers. If the BBC didnt get the license fee then it wouldnt be able to broadcast anything, and neither would the likes of ITV or Channel 4 so a certain extent. Which means, VM and Sky wouldnt be able to show any of the BBC channels.

And yes, we are paying for the right to own a TV - it says as much on the TV License web site!

And the end of the day, you just dont like paying for the license, which is fine - I am not saying you are wrong for thinking that. However, you need to understand that other people dont see a problem with it and some people like paying for it.

Personally, I dont mind paying for it, but I would have preferred we didnt untill I heard of the BBC's new plans for IPTV.

Yeah i see what your saying but this was started as a rant by people just like me and you have done your utmost to defend them which i dont understand like i said i dont care if i loose the beeb channels after all if i choose not to pay my fee then that is only fair.

I also fail to belive that if people dont pay there fee the beeb/broadcasting of any kind will dissapear because of it either. In the early days it was the only form of income for the bbc now they it isnt but we continue to get stinged and threatened with fines via nasty adds on the tv.

I was read somewere once that the average 3 minute commercial costs £40,000 (this was a while ago now). So think of the money they get from advertising alone!
Which countries are doing nicely then?

And why shouldnt percevied TV stars be paid large amounts of money? Thats not really the fault of the BBC, its endemic of the industry across the world - or do you want to blame the BBC for that also?

USA ?... or are you going to tell us that their system is about to collapse too :Laugh:

And as for the Beebs salary scale for it's "stars" they should not pay huge salaries because it is PUBLIC MONEY ! and as such we should be allowed a say in how it is spent.

And as for your other point about not owning a TV, get real in this day and age, the point you seem to miss completely is that the TV license is hated by the vast amount of people who see it as an out of date law that should be scrapped and the Beebs staff made to actually live in the real world and earn their crust, and if they go to the wall then so be it, if they are as good as you say they are then they will flourish wont they ?

If you are not a civil servant already then you should apply soon as, I have known lots of them and you would fit in nicely :ymca:

The above ymca attachment might not be 100% appropriate but I have been itching to use it :)
what on earth are you talking about? Who says the BBC is going to collapse if the license fee is removed?

And what of the US? The majority of their programming is mindless shopping channels and entertainment programs. Hardly proves the cause to scrap the license fee does it?

And, who gives a toss what the people on TV are paid? Are you just upset that they get paid the same as pretty much everyother TV star? Or is it pure jealousy or something? You think if the BBC didnt pay its presenters and stars well that no one else would? The staff at the BBC get a normal wage, this has already been demonstrated. So why do you want them to earn less? Just because you dont like the idea of the license fee?

Also, why do you constantly have to resort to thinly veiled insults all the time?

Please, the majority of US programming is mindless entertainment ?.. at least try and make some sense will you.

And a hell of a lot of people (I would guess the majority) do care what their money is spent on, and I would like them to be paid less in order to reduce or abolish the fee, is that so hard to understand ?

And yes I must resort to wafer thinly veiled insults all the time, it gives me some light refief when wading through your verbal diarrhoea :) (see)
So your whole grip and all this nonsense is just because you dont like the TV personalities on the BBC getting paid so much? How childish.

I will do what you like to do and suggest you go back and read the thread properly and you have seemed to have missed 50% of it if you think that.
No need to, since I have been active on this thread for quite some time.

Don't we all know it :)

Well if that is the case then do try and make a sensible reply up, I have answered properly, the fact is the fee is vastly unpopular and should be scrapped, end off.
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Closed as I am getting tits off'd with certain members always looking for an argument! Yiu know who you are and you have been warned before!
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