anyone making money online

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i guess we should leave it to the people who ive sent the link to im my pm's to decide for the 100th time i will only benefit as much as the others all im doing is trying to build a team to work together and make money together simple as that i wont benefit any extra from this particular team
I have my own things on the side like everyone else has in affiliate marketing but this is strictly fair team work and making money together

I have guys writing courses and doing programming free why? as we will all benefit as a group

if in doubt you may pm for the link im giving have a look around if you see anything suspicious feel free to report back here what else can i say guys

alternatively as ive mentioned before there is no need for you to pm me for my link jus use google and search there's plenty of places you can learn this stuff

But the advantage of our team we are 100% uk specific whereas other places are american and canadian based and the time's zones are different so to get help from there your looking at 2-3 am but thats entirely upto you guys my jobs to inform you and make you aware of the money people are making so you too can make some
from where and how is upto you :)
So instead of a pyramid, it's more of an equilateral triangle?
So instead of a pyramid, it's more of an equilateral triangle?

lol, u got some quality responses

What a thread though. I read last 5 pages or so, not all. I would of thought that if the mods/admins feel this thread is okay then let surely its up to the DW members to decide if they want to go with it or not. Those opposed have made their point but wonder if its worth continuing on with that.

I should start looking into these things. My company has announced no payrises this year, 50% cut in divident payouts yet bonuses still to be paid to directors. So its not just the banking sector that are wankers, but also IT outfits.

There is a website called Quomon where I occasionally visit and its basially a IT forum. I signed up to adsense because that site lets you through them put adsense on their site but it appears only on questions that you answered successfully. Good move to get more people onto that site. Just recently did it but made about 8 us dollars already for doing jack! Yea I know its not much but in the long run, it could add up. You cant complain for getting something, no matter how small, without any effort (well apart from easy answering of questions!)
Can't believe the amount of flaming and personal abuse that JimmyQ has taken in this thread. If it were me id use the report button, some of the replies on here have been argumentative at best and goading/insulting at worst.
Here's a tip, You have a point about the system....make it and move on. You think its a great up and move on.....You think its all a load of up and move on.
JimmyQ has been here and helped out a lot more people than the majoritory of the responders on this thread. Personally I have no opinion, but TBH I do get the hump when the pack mentality takes over and start to attack OP without any proof of wrongdoing on his part. If you have proof that he's scamming then post it up.....if not....well er say nowt.
Can't believe the amount of flaming and personal abuse that JimmyQ has taken in this thread. If it were me id use the report button, some of the replies on here have been argumentative at best and goading/insulting at worst.
Here's a tip, You have a point about the system....make it and move on. You think its a great up and move on.....You think its all a load of up and move on.
JimmyQ has been here and helped out a lot more people than the majoritory of the responders on this thread. Personally I have no opinion, but TBH I do get the hump when the pack mentality takes over and start to attack OP without any proof of wrongdoing on his part. If you have proof that he's scamming then post it up.....if not....well er say nowt.

thanks mate much appreciated im not letting it get to me as there are idiots in every forum so leave them to it your right though ive had some abuse but i guess its pure jealousy :Laugh:
i was going to flip yesterday but no point causing a scene leave the jokers to it
i know im right and so do most other so feck em!
and if anyone can prove me wrong in my posts or link please do so here :)

i guess if i was scamming or in the wrong this thread would of been shut by now as i know the admin team here are not daft and always on top of things (especially

eventhough the same jokers have accused them of reading pm's too :(
ive been here long enough to know how it works and therefore Dw is what it is today still the best on the net!
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This has got out of hand.. I think a few have jumped on the band wagon with slating.. even ive been slated off a feucking newbie.. wtf..

Like i said prev.. the site JQ offered is a forum.. their is no recruiting.. all you do is register, they show you how to make the money and off you go dow your own thing.. if you was recruited you would be told to do it.... that just isnt on the site.. like i said its like this site.. its just info..

@JQ moved on now.. new enemies lol.
ffs ever heard of examples?
tell you what though this place has definately got some jokers on it now
if you dont appreciate help dont bother replying just ignore the thread instead of trying to cause shite you and v14

ive put three points to you where you have contradicted yourself mate youve just ignored them and choose to say i was causing trouble.that to me sounds like you dont want me to bring the truth to the forfront and your happy to brush your contradictory comments under the carpet.

A famous man once said the bigger the lie the more people will believe it,he wasnt a very nice bloke either
Well if jimmy wants to tout a few fellas then that is up to him i guess its not harming anyone if they try.... we do not allow advertising of any kind but if they want to PM jimmyq I do not have a problem with that.

Mostly anything like this takes time and you have to put allot of hours into it.... my opinion is try (I said try lol) and get a job it keeps you fit and active (most of the time) and gets you out of the house and away from the mrs lol.

Mickie D
the only thing i can see wrong with this mate if people get ripped off they are not going to be happy because they read this thread live and admin didnt stop it .and could tarnish the forums excellent rep
I've been branded an idiot and a joker in this thread.
That's fair enough, we're all entitled to our opinion.
A joker i might be, an idiot possibly.

but a bullshitting chancer I am not.

BTW . I've signed up for your site jimmyq.

I'm watching with interest.
the only thing i can see wrong with this mate if people get ripped off they are not going to be happy because they read this thread live and admin didnt stop it .and could tarnish the forums excellent rep
This forum, like any other forum, has a small number of real boneheads, which have never managed to drag its reputation down, and I certainly wouldn't count JimmyQ among them, or suggest that what appears to have been a well intended post could ever have a detrimental effect on the forum's reputation. I think he's presented this opportunity as fairly and honestly as you could possibly hope for, and if someone ends up doing something stupid or getting their fingers burned as a result, that's really their own doing. There really is money to be made from these sort of things, but it's very much down to the individual's work ethic and understanding of what they're getting themselves into, to be able to make the most of it.

On the other hand, the scepticism of some people is easy to understand, considering how these sort of "offers" are often intended to scam people, but between JimmyQ's record as a longstanding, worthwhile member of the forum, and the fact that he doesn't appear to gain anything from you clicking on the sites he linked to, I think he's earned the benefit of the doubt, or at least a more polite response than what he's received from some people.
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This forum, like any other forum, has a small number of real boneheads, which have never managed to drag its reputation down, and I certainly wouldn't count JimmyQ among them, or suggest that what appears to have been a well intended post could ever have a detrimental effect on the forum's reputation. I think he's presented this opportunity as fairly and honestly as you could possibly hope for, and if someone ends up doing something stupid or getting their fingers burned as a result, that's really their own doing. There really is money to be made from these sort of things, but it's very much down to the individual's work ethic and understanding of what they're getting themselves into, to be able to make the most of it.

On the other hand, the scepticism of some people is easy to understand, considering how these sort of "offers" are often intended to scam people, but between JimmyQ's record as a longstanding, worthwhile member of the forum, and the fact that he doesn't appear to gain anything from you clicking on the sites he linked to, I think he's earned the benefit of the doubt, or at least a more polite response that what he's received from some people.

taking all that into consideration would it be possible to show the affiliate link that the OP posted in an earlier thread which was removed?

just so as we can see what the OP is actually all about.
taking all that into consideration would it be possible to show the affiliate link that the OP posted in an earlier thread which was removed?

just so as we can see what the OP is actually all about.
if you have joined up with the uk team thats the link

did you see any affiliate id's in it? NO
have you been asked any money? NO
are you given free information like this site gives you ? yes
do you see any scams? NO
did i force you to join? NO

if anything above or is wrong please report back here :)
This forum, like any other forum, has a small number of real boneheads, which have never managed to drag its reputation down, and I certainly wouldn't count JimmyQ among them, or suggest that what appears to have been a well intended post could ever have a detrimental effect on the forum's reputation. I think he's presented this opportunity as fairly and honestly as you could possibly hope for, and if someone ends up doing something stupid or getting their fingers burned as a result, that's really their own doing. There really is money to be made from these sort of things, but it's very much down to the individual's work ethic and understanding of what they're getting themselves into, to be able to make the most of it.

On the other hand, the scepticism of some people is easy to understand, considering how these sort of "offers" are often intended to scam people, but between JimmyQ's record as a longstanding, worthwhile member of the forum, and the fact that he doesn't appear to gain anything from you clicking on the sites he linked to, I think he's earned the benefit of the doubt, or at least a more polite response than what he's received from some people.

thanks mate good to see some mature and understanding members :)
if you have joined up with the uk team thats the link

did you see any affiliate id's in it? NO
have you been asked any money? NO
are you given free information like this site gives you ? yes
do you see any scams? NO
did i force you to join? NO

if anything above or is wrong please report back here :)

so what was the affiliate link you posted which was removed again?

pm me it if you're embarrassed to do it openly.
so what was the affiliate link you posted which was removed again?

pm me it if you're embarrassed to do it openly.

which affiliate link thats the only link ive given ?
If it was removed then Embarrassment doesnt even enter the equation, quite simply it wasn't allowed !

hope that answers hies questions thanks Dutcho :Cheers:

still not sure what link he is reffering too :confused:
JimmyQ has posted previously in this area previously with affiliate links, and sites that have 'get rich quick - with some nondescript bright white smiled American prick', and it is from this history that I base part of my judgement.

hope that answers hies questions thanks Dutcho :Cheers:

still not sure what link he is reffering too :confused:

thankfully I wasn't the only one that saw it
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