And just down the road from me, its going to be a couple of interesting days

me too mate, and also moderator Rat. the sooner they get rid the better, its all well and good people saying where do they go - but are travellers suppose to travel at some point???!!!! not take root refusing to put anything back into the community we pay for over and again.
it will be intresting tomorrow.
me too mate, and also moderator Rat. the sooner they get rid the better, its all well and good people saying where do they go - but are travellers suppose to travel at some point???!!!! not take root refusing to put anything back into the community we pay for over and again.
it will be intresting tomorrow.

I don't have an issue with 90% of them, but the 10% spoil it for the rest. Even got a couple of the kids at the same school as my kids and no bother with them. parents make sure they turn up on time and do their homework, etc. Though I believe the culture is education tends to stop when they get to their teens. Had a letter from the parents last week saying they will be moving on in the next few weeks so don't expect them to around much longer. There is one family who moved on tonight, that might be one or two of them.

But I do agree, why the feck build where you have haven't got permission. They had permission for 45 temp plots, they have built on twice that amount. If it was me or you the council would be done in a flash telling us to knock it down. I know some of them have council properties in the midlands they illegally sub-let as well.

Also agree about the taxes, happy to claim everything but no pay tax like the rest of us.

Hopefully they majority should be gone in the next couple of weeks and life return to normal.
Dream on.

The council are renovating some of the houses near me that were compulsory purchased and earmarked for demolition. The are fitting new bathrooms and kitchens for the pikeys to live in.
All well and good kicking them off, now I have to live next to them.

So it's £18,000,000 to kick them off dale farm and they jump the nearly 4000 people on the housing register in Basildon, bet they won't pay rent and people on here think that is good ?, I think people need a reality check.

It's bad enough my estate has a bad name without pikeys living here as well.

I hope they move to them barstable and laindon and see how popular the £18,000,000 eviction is then.

I can't believe people think that they will disappear from the face of the earth, the council are set to rehouse 50 of them and they will jump the queue in front of legitimate people on the waiting lists.

Once they move in near me it won't be an interesting couple of days it's going to be a hellish few years.
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Get a pet T Rex Ellie, see if they cause trouble then. :) :SHOOTING:
Been reading and watching this for a while now being pretty local
I know the others that posted its on your doorstep :(

will be watching to see what happens today, could turn nasty
The thing is its simple, there always has been one rule for them and another for others.

If they have built houses illegally then they have to come down, if they are living on land that they do not have permission to, they should go. If I were to camp illegally I would get moved on straight away, they get 7 days. If I were to build an extension to my house without planning permission I would get told to pull it down.

Anyway if they are "travellers" why the feck do they have houses? They are just dirty thieving scum! They should go back from whence they came!
bailiffs due to go in at 10am
Sod that mate, Im staying well away from that area lol
its about 10/15 minute drive for me, plus I got more important things need doing, gotta go food shopping ;)
"Protesters in blue blue boiler suits, some in masks and dark glasses are mingling with teenage girls dressed in pink crop-tops and sparkly tiaras. Three small dogs are patrolling the barricades barking authoritatively. 'Oh my God, I'm totally famous', laughs one girl as she slips past a BBC camera."

Dale Farm eviction: live - Telegraph
"protesters in blue blue boiler suits, some in masks and dark glasses are mingling with teenage girls dressed in pink crop-tops and sparkly tiaras. Three small dogs are patrolling the barricades barking authoritatively. 'oh my god, i'm totally famous', laughs one girl as she slips past a bbc camera."

dale farm eviction: Live - telegraph

You can tell they are activists. there is too much scrap metal and scaffolding laying around, it has not been weighed in!