And just down the road from me, its going to be a couple of interesting days

Being from the country they originated I find it very embarassing to see these leeches doing what they are doing. The trouble they cause over here is nothing short of scandalous. They are classified as a minority ethnic group over here and if you say or do anything to or about them you will find yourself in court for racism. The dont pay tax, insurance, rates, they get housing estates built especially for them and there very large extended families. Publicans try to bar them but get treatened with court and when they do get into a pub they always always end up trashing it. About 2 year ago I fiited a cctv system on behalf of the council on one of there estates for there protection payed for by my taxes and others. They got a specially fit electronic barrier fitted with each of them getting there own fob for entry exit. I hope the lot off them get fooked off that land in essex the are pure disgust to me being Irish.
Can't friggin believe. Another injunction. Due to be heard on Friday so definitely no eviction this week. Turning in to an episode of big brother.
Everyone should petition them to leave instead of costing this £18M or whatever and being even more of a burden on society.
Charge them rent to stay on the land they'll soon move. In all seriousness, if they dont want to go then turn it into a static caravan estate. Charge them rent, add paid electric points and add staffing to the site and have it managed. Have them put something back into society and manage it properly. I dont uderstand the fact they dont have a fixed address, they obviously dont pay any rates etc but the issue is the land they are on - not that they are bypassing rates etc.

Makes me mad... And common sense doesnt seem to prevail.
Charge them rent to stay on the land they'll soon move. In all seriousness, if they dont want to go then turn it into a static caravan estate. Charge them rent, add paid electric points and add staffing to the site and have it managed. Have them put something back into society and manage it properly. I dont uderstand the fact they dont have a fixed address, they obviously dont pay any rates etc but the issue is the land they are on - not that they are bypassing rates etc.

Makes me mad... And common sense doesnt seem to prevail.

i could be wrong here but i think they do actuall own the land, they bought it years ago.

however they did not get permission for hundreds of families or for buildings.
They do own the land so why would they pay rent. They do pay their utility bills.
They did get planning permission but half of it was withdrawn.

I don't know where people get the idea that they are closing the site, they are not the site is staying it's just the ones where planning permission was given then retracted that are being asked to leave.
As people seem to misunderstand
The Site is remaining as a pikey camp it will just be half the size.

£18,000,000 to make a pikey camp a smaller pikey camp does that really seem reasonable when nurse, coppers, doctors are losing their jobs ?

Someone please explain the logic as i'm lost here.
They do own the land so why would they pay rent. They do pay their utility bills.
They did get planning permission but half of it was withdrawn.

withdrawn is withdrawn the law is the law(the laws of our once great country before do-gooders like you become pikey huggers)....(suppose you are against our valiant troops fighting our gloriuos battles against our nations enemies too )
I don't know where people get the idea that they are closing the site, they are not the site is staying it's just the ones where planning permission was given then retracted that are being asked to leave.

as above retreacted is retracted and over 70% was built on after retraction(illegal part of pikey camp)as per google view on telegraph live feed kindly posted earlier by normal person(pikey hater)
As people seem to misunderstand
The Site is remaining as a pikey camp it will just be half the size.
50% gone hey ho gotta start somewhere will gladly accept other halfs help in removing thier illegal nieghbours from the unlawfully occupied field(surely ANY law abiding citizen would help our wonderful boys in blue)
£18,000,000 to make a pikey camp a smaller pikey camp does that really seem reasonable when nurse, coppers, doctors are losing their jobs ?

Someone please explain the logic as i'm lost here.

it is not about the cost is about the laws and principles of our once great land being over-run by immigrants and their pikey/tree hugging molly coodling do gooders that have made me and english people like me a third rate citizen in my own country( i build an extension illegally it would not take 10 years for it to be removed at my cost and no do-good tosser will stand by and help me !!!)

the way you are standing up for them i question your honourabilty at the fact that the only problem you have is that they will live near you.... i know that estate and they will probably not want to live there as it is already got worse living conditions than their field(most nights got more police there too)
most eagerly await your normal self righteous reply :)
after looking through some of your posts elsewhere bellie i notice that you own a caravan.....a dag(sorry dog to normal people) and even have chickens.

even though ii know you are not born a pikey are you a wanna be :)
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@Cantona7 theres no need to start getting personal mate, this is just a forum where all are allowed to give their views be they right or wrong. But personal attacks are prohibited in the rules.

PS now I know who you are, carry on lol
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i know this man personally and argue with him nearly every time we meet...i KNOW he will not take it personally and if he does hey ho we can meet one night for a chat on our continuing difference of opinions......,

thank you for your input on this delicate matter

ps get the f$$king pikeys out...and all thier pikey hugging lovers(just to keep my post in the thread peramiters

BTW he supports west ham ,,,,stay on side mate :)
anyone else think that for 'Travellers' - they don't half want to stay somewhere for a long time, not really travelling in the great scheme of things....
i know this man personally and argue with him nearly every time we meet...i KNOW he will not take it personally and if he does hey ho we can meet one night for a chat on our continuing difference of opinions......,

thank you for your input on this delicate matter

ps get the f$$king pikeys out...and all thier pikey hugging lovers(just to keep my post in the thread peramiters

BTW he supports west ham ,,,,stay on side mate :)

Yes will do for sure now I know it's a windup between fellow pikeys lol
Yes will do for sure now I know it's a windup between fellow pikeys lol

yes i do own a caravan ....but i do not have a dag or chickens unlike him/her (it is a girls name after all)might try me luck i once heard pikey birds are well game for a fat bloke
the way you are standing up for them i question your honourabilty at the fact that the only problem you have is that they will live near you....

You must be reading different posts then me m8,
nowhere in any of your quoted posts does ellie stand up for them?
fair game and point taken....


he is still advocating the site staying open just so the pikeys dont have to downgrade thier accomadation to the estate he lives on...

which BTW is so bad over 2 thirds is ear marked for demolition in a £200m renovation scheme which is a lot more than the £18m to evict the do as you likeys
fair game and point taken....


he is still advocating the site staying open just so the pikeys dont have to downgrade thier accomadation to the estate he lives on...

which BTW is so bad over 2 thirds is ear marked for demolition in a £200m renovation scheme which is a lot more than the £18m to evict the do as you likeys

I think his main gripe would be the fact that they will most probably jump the Housing list,
plus I dont think any of us would want them living near us in fairness
They are not travellers they are pikeys.

I like your new avatar cantona7 :roflmao: