A86 open

I've got it in compatibility mode, and i've installed sct10en.exe

I still get it crashing out on line 176, it varies how long it will go for though.
It might go on the first glitch attempt, or it might be the 6th. No pattern to it really.

It still runs though so I'll keep trying it till something breaks or it pops open.
Gonna change the delays again.
still trying this script so i assume the card hasn't looped but i still cant get past line 176.....as i havn't got that much of a clue about what settings do what i'm seriously guessing... can someone give me a bit of info as to what settings i could try?????it gives me a purpose in life when the football isn't on...(even though thats not that good at the min)
what quick setting r u using i use my looperand what flash should be bod one
irratic said:
still trying this script so i assume the card hasn't looped but i still cant get past line 176.....as i havn't got that much of a clue about what settings do what i'm seriously guessing... can someone give me a bit of info as to what settings i could try?????it gives me a purpose in life when the football isn't on...(even though thats not that good at the min)

Hi Irratic

I'm in the same boat as u been trying to open my A86 for ages nw been running constantly for abt 20 hours or so card must have clocked itself a few times nw.
but no success as yet, nw i'm trying the card again this time with the voltage lowered to 6 volts and c if that makes any difference to it, as yet i cant see any as the card is still goin and as for me cant get past line 173. I'm also just guessing the settings just like u .

i hope someone can come up with some concrete settings that have worked for them and post them on the forum for us lot to try out , i'm using the new d 11 flash with an original T911. so ur nt the only one in this pickle just keep at it hopefully we might get some luck.

hey up eggie
have you had any luck yet???i still cant get passed line 176... how long is your script running befor time out reading?? i'm using newd11x script....is there any way of getting the script to reset itself after timeout without me doing it manualy?
irratic said:
hey up eggie
have you had any luck yet???i still cant get passed line 176... how long is your script running befor time out reading?? i'm using newd11x script....is there any way of getting the script to reset itself after timeout without me doing it manualy?

hi irratic

Still in the same old boat i treid lowering voltage to 6 Volts the script ran for abt 10 hours clocked itself twice didnt time out on its self but still couldnt open it but what i noticed was by lowerint the voltage to 6 my Vcc was in the range of min 17 high 1B and glitch type normal min 4 high 10 , trying some different settings again to see if get any luck this time gonna set VCC 1f and glitch type 8 to see if make any difference last two times tested the card as normal script first with 9 volts and second with 6 volts . This time 9 volts and VCC and glitch as above.

i just fitted my nexsus with a 5k pot (i broke it.......again..lol) and a
phillps 74hct04n i noticed a few rsts in the range of 1c and 1d but vcc started at 1d - 1c and i went out

when i got back in i noticed that my vcc had jumped to 19 - 12
dip 3 and 4 down 12volts psu

but my card was still locked

so i tried adjusting the 5k pot which i ended up braking because i turned it too much........lol (need to order new 1)

but i have slighlty damaged my orignal pot becuase i used a hot air blower to take it off so my lowest vcc on the standard pot is 12 and if i turn it gently i can get it to reach 70!!!

but i get some errors in hte script like 27 bytes requested only 21 recived .etc

i think my card will be on its way out........lol

but thats how far i have got so far

i noticed that it glitches the bod cards faster like it took 5min with normal chip but with the mod it took 1min

so a improvemnet there

hope some peeps can help with testin on the nexsus

but i warn u

u have to have some good soldering skill

i'll attach a pic l8tr ///edit here it is (soz about quality)

of the mod

( i fogot to get the vero board and socket so i soldered wires directly to chipp and nexsus...........lol)

:Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers:
i changed glitch min from 4 to 2 and dipps 2 3 down

i was getting a hell of alot of resets

here is a log

im confused...........lol

the card hasn't looped yet

nor has it opened yet


hope it helps any 1
fes_786 said:
i changed glitch min from 4 to 2 and dipps 2 3 down

i was getting a hell of alot of resets


Just reading Fes's post i have an original t911 with blue casing and been trying with Dips 2 and 5 up and the rest down i.e 2 and 5 up towards the writing ON and the rest down facing towards the card , am i doin it write as some members mention with the dips down and also what other dips can i try to see if i can open this stubborn A86 rom 10 been at it for a week nw and no success yet.


sorry all

after i was talking to one of u online yesterday i noticed that when u change glitch min below 4

so i changed it to 2 all i was doing was freezing the clock so thats why all the rst's, so there wasn't any thing being written to the card

well im still experimenting so if i get anything good and before i post it i will check it out with 1 of u to make sure im correct (i can't write script nor can i read all the complicated stuff) then i will post the results



:Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers:
now then i wonder how many peeps will be attempting this first stage of the nexus mod and fook there glitchers up.LOL

the script is flawed and testing is more or less stopped for the present, for me anyway lol

regards twobeercans

ps the resets are obviously the result of a void glitch type as the glitch types are cycled through and the resets are almost exactly evenly spaced.
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now then i wonder how many peeps will be attempting this first stage of the nexus mod and fook there glitchers up.LOL

the script is flawed and testing is more or less stopped for the present, for me anyway lol

regards twobeercans

ps the resets are obviously the result of a void glitch type as the glitch types are cycled through and the resets are almost exactly evenly spaced.

lol m8 i havn't fooked up the glitcher yet.........lol

well i figured out that the glitch was void lol stupid mistake but just testing

but the one thing i still dont understand is why the script is sooo hit and misss on a nexsus

i think it isn't much of a hardware problem but the script itself

i think there should be more work done on the script

hope i could write scripts or understand them

im not saying the script is **** im just makeing a suggestion that u need to look in to it more

sorry again



:Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers:
Well bloody bugger me. After weeks of trying I have just popped an a86 using my blue t911 and the 'working a86' script! Persistance was the key for me. This latest attempt took 13 hours but it popped 10 mins ago! The IRD is corrupt due to my previous attempts but the boxkey is good. :banana:
this is a very good news i have many a86 card so know it's time to unlock all card. thanks for info. wating for this day
hi all
you all do such good work on here making these things work, many of you put hours into this to help others which you dont have to do. many thanks for all your hard work. you do a great job
yea defo they do an amazing job and put soo much time into it
i would love to test out the nexus mod see if i can do it with out mashing up my nexus and see if it makes much difference