2 connections to 1 ap for more speed


Inactive User
Jan 25, 2006
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I'm not sure if I can do this, seen similar but not the same on google.

I have to have my cable modem downstairs where it is connected to a router.
Upstairs I have another router working as a bridge with an xbox and a pc connected.
The upstairs PC also has wireless.
I can't hit the full 20mb connected to the bridge or connected with the wireless in the PC.

Is there a way of combining the two so I can effectively double my speed?

Cheers for helping if you can.
U will never get the full 20 Meg over wireless due to the overheads used for security and stuff , expect around 12 meg or so

Yes I know, that's why I was hoping to use 2 wireless connections.
Is your upstairs router receiving wireless from the downstairs router? This will be made simpler if you need the link for two separate applications. Doubling bandwidth for a single connection (port) can be difficult/impossible using standard protocols. BGP is one solution for lashing together multiple internet connections coming into your home.
No, I was hoping to use two wireless cards to get double the speed of one. to be honest though I'm now getting 20mb through most of the time, sometimes is goes, but it's probably as good as it is getting.
No, I was hoping to use two wireless cards to get double the speed of one. to be honest though I'm now getting 20mb through most of the time, sometimes is goes, but it's probably as good as it is getting.

Using two wireless cards will NOT help as the bandwidth on a wireless connection is shared between all the devices using the same AP.
That's not how it is - I could for example download at 10mb on the laptop and 10mb on the desktop in the same place at the same time, however each individual connection could not be good enough to go faster.

From what I've read gidoty's response is pretty much how it is. Only a possibilty with different apps - no good for my needs.
That's not how it is - I could for example download at 10mb on the laptop and 10mb on the desktop in the same place at the same time, however each individual connection could not be good enough to go faster.

From what I've read gidoty's response is pretty much how it is. Only a possibilty with different apps - no good for my needs.

I assume that is with your laptop connected to the downstairs router and the PC on the upstairs bridge ?
Yes, but I'm finding it better not using the bridge and using a wireless card with a decent antenna. Bridge still needed for xbox though.
Yes, but I'm finding it better not using the bridge and using a wireless card with a decent antenna. Bridge still needed for xbox though.

No chance of running a ethernet cable ?
Good to hear you've got some speedup by bypassing the bridge - another option if you don't want your xbox hogging lots of bandwidth (it now uses a dedicated ap that may take priority over a pc connection to your other ap) is to install another NIC in your pc and bridging the wifi connection to an Ethernet connection to the Xbox.