
Best thing they ever done up here in scotland and all the smokers i know dont mind it either. I love the fsct you come home from a night out and dont stink anymore.
theres going to be a lot of problems , a few of my m8s r headers , bad lads , ex door men , boxers and so on and they love a fag with there drink .. after a few beers if someone asked them to put out a fag theres no way they will , and they r big lads , a 20 quid a night door man isnt going to get into a fight over a fag
I am in Ireland and the smoke ban is in a few years now. Have never seen trouble and I bet you won't either. It creates a who different social aspect in the pubs, people go out in groups to smoke.
Every pub has a beer garden now, some are just out in the back where the kegs are. My local has changed its customers a lot, people come in to eat. I cannot eat in smokey places. Instead of just boozers people are eating and drinking a little. My mother hated smokey pubs and wasnt much of a drinker at all, now has no problem going in.

They offer more stuff like food and proper coffee.

On many forums at the time people were saying "if you dont like the smoke **** off and drink at home, nobody is forcing you into the pub", others were pointing to studies saying passive smoking is not bad for you.

My argument to that is that sniffing glue is perfectly legal, and still will be after the ban, yet glue sniffing would not be tolerated in pubs. It is the smell of smoke that annoyed me, having to wash all your clothes & jacket after a night out, I dont care what a study says, my clothes stank, eyes stung and throat was irritated.
Proper coffee????? What the fook are you on about?

If you wanna drink proper coffee stay at home and put the kettle on!
Proper coffee????? What the fook are you on about?

If you wanna drink proper coffee stay at home and put the kettle on!
Thats heading in the direction of being abusive m8. I'll leave the post for now (admin may remove tho) but just because you feel angry that others disagree with you & have a different opinion it doesnt mean you can abuse this room.
==Please keep to sensible posts that state your views without becoming offensive.==
Calm Down, Calm Down!! lol

My partners prego so I'm happy about the ban so we can go out properly without worrying about it being too smokey, we both gave up when she fell preg so I total understand why smokers are so upset about the ban :(. In the long run it will be a good thing, it will encourage you to give up and improve your health and bank balance, don't know how Mr Brown is gonna recoup the lost revenue? Motorists again probably!
a pub is a pub to drink and smoke
and a Restaurant is a Restaurant for food
Thats heading in the direction of being abusive m8. I'll leave the post for now (admin may remove tho) but just because you feel angry that others disagree with you & have a different opinion it doesnt mean you can abuse this room.
==Please keep to sensible posts that state your views without becoming offensive.==

No no I think you misread that,I wasn't trying to be abusive.
Calm Down, Calm Down!! lol

My partners prego so I'm happy about the ban so we can go out properly without worrying about it being too smokey, we both gave up when she fell preg so I total understand why smokers are so upset about the ban :(. In the long run it will be a good thing, it will encourage you to give up and improve your health and bank balance, don't know how Mr Brown is gonna recoup the lost revenue? Motorists again probably!

easy you still pay m8 just more tax less goods in return
im in scotland as you know the ban is already here , but im a taxi driver and if i get caught smokin in my car be it workin or not because im a taxi i get fined £200 and if any 1 gets caught smokin in my car they get fined £80, also the powers that b have a meter and cant test my car anytime , if they put the meter in my car and it detects cig smoke , guessed it i get fined £200 , also in scotland if you have a public servant worker visiting your house u are told that u are not allowed to smoke 2 hours b4 they visit , and it is also illegal to smoke in a bus shelter (3 sided ) or to smoke in a close or a foye in a multistory flat all these places have become illegal to smoke in now and they now have attendants on the street who will fine u £50 if u stub your cigy out on the street , SO BEWARE ENGLAND u are just getting what we have become use to ?
im in scotland as you know the ban is already here , but im a taxi driver and if i get caught smokin in my car be it workin or not because im a taxi i get fined £200 and if any 1 gets caught smokin in my car they get fined £80, also the powers that b have a meter and cant test my car anytime , if they put the meter in my car and it detects cig smoke , guessed it i get fined £200 , also in scotland if you have a public servant worker visiting your house u are told that u are not allowed to smoke 2 hours b4 they visit , and it is also illegal to smoke in a bus shelter (3 sided ) or to smoke in a close or a foye in a multistory flat all these places have become illegal to smoke in now and they now have attendants on the street who will fine u £50 if u stub your cigy out on the street , SO BEWARE ENGLAND u are just getting what we have become use to ?
f*&king hell why dont they just ban cigarette? make it illegal for any1 make buy or sell cigarette after all its bad for ur health and it kill and it stretches the nhs resources why let some make something that is really bad for ... oops oh no they cant do that they would loose too much ffin money... f*&king hypocrites,,, im off to have a fag
"also in scotland if you have a public servant worker visiting your house u are told that u are not allowed to smoke 2 hours b4 they visit"

Surely that should be you are asked NOT to smoke 2 hours before.
They can't tell you what to do in your own home.If you go out in your garden for a smoke does this still breach the so-called law? If you are a medium/heavy smoker it would take longer than 2 hrs to remove the smell etc from your home so how would they know if you had a cig inside the so called 2hrs?
Would they refuse to treat you/work for you etc if they could smell cigarette smoke in the air? Unless they had an actual whole new contract of employment drawn up to reflect this 'new rule' then they would actually be breaching the terms and conditions of their employment.

Also these ciggy attendants.How exactly do they give you a £50 fine? How do they know who to actually issue the fine to? Whats to stop you doing a runner when you get pulled?
And on what basis can they fine you for stubbing your cig out on the street? Litter? A street is not a workplace or an enclosed space so I don't understand how they can do that. What about young kids dropping litter,spitting chewing gum out,babies losing toys,people eating pies,chips or whatever and dropping bits....does this all constitute littering and should we expect them all to get a £50 fine? I'll let other posters comment on that!
wouldnt it be a good idea if the goverment made the cig companys pay a certain amount of there earnings in lets say a 1 of tax (theres a word for it but i cant remember) and direct this money (all of it ) into the nhs to deal with smoking related illnesses ,.i.e. let the cig companys pay for the damage that they do
wouldnt it be a good idea if the goverment made the cig companys pay a certain amount of there earnings in lets say a 1 of tax (theres a word for it but i cant remember) and direct this money (all of it ) into the nhs to deal with smoking related illnesses ,.i.e. let the cig companys pay for the damage that they do

its called a windfall tax
wouldnt it be a good idea if the goverment made the cig companys pay a certain amount of there earnings in lets say a 1 of tax (theres a word for it but i cant remember) and direct this money (all of it ) into the nhs to deal with smoking related illnesses ,.i.e. let the cig companys pay for the damage that they do

LoL most of the cabinets members are shareholders in tobacco companies, so that wouldnt happen.