car accident, who is at fault


Inactive User
Jan 7, 2007
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Hi all

On the 30th of november around 3pm I was driving in the middle lane of a 3 lane road near pc world, currys and other retailers only going about 10 to 20 mph due to coming to a round about. A lady was in the lane to my right going slightly faster than me coming upto the roundabout, she decided to come into my lane as she passed me with no indication making me brake but due to slow speed and the minus temperature I clipped the left back part of her bumper. It left a scrape mark on my front right bumper, no dents in either car due to slow speed and just skimming each other.

We went around the roundabout and pulled in at the time I thought as I hit her car it would be either 50 50 or I would get the blame. She called her son as he worked on that road, I gave her my details, I took photo of the cars etc. Her son turned up and said her scrape would got 60 to 80 pound as it was minor, to get this over with I gave her 100 and she was fine with that.

I took my car to a local bodyshop and all it needed was buffering out and cost me only 20 pound. Friday I got a call of her saying she's got a bad neck yeah yeah, and she thinks its better if we go through the insurance, she dropped the money back with a scarf around her neck making it look difficult to turn her neck lol.

I've informed my insurance and the legal department us looking into it, they did say I should of informed them anyway.

My question is there is no witnesses, police weren't called and I don't think there is any cctv cameras in that area, might be wrong. As she came into my lane and clipped my car who's to blame, I would of thought it was 50/50. Any help?
seem irrelevant on fault of the accident... she is going to stuff ur insurers for whiplash mate as its an injury that can not be proved or disproved... !

I had a shunt from behind back in june and I did have whiplash as well as few other bits wrong, and was given £2k. The cost of repair on my car was only £1700 ! lol

Stress to your insurers that there was no violent impact and it was mearly a passing contact of a slight scrape. That there was no jolt and you think she is trying it on. Beside saying that, if the other party has been to see a Dr at hospital then the insurers will get the report and pay her based on that....

The insurers do have a fruad dept though that will looking futher into the claim if they think it is dodgy, so make a fuss :)

Things like this piss me right off as puts everyones priemum up ! If you are genuienely hurt, fine... but ffs.... going by what you have said she would get more hurt bumping her trolly in tescos lol
if she cut into your lane without indicating then it is her fault, if she was indicating then it would be 50/50
I would say its her fault as she moved into a lane you were occupying. What yoi can say is that you were keeping a safe distance infront of you due to the weather conditions, but she moved in without indicating and applied her brakes.
if she cut into your lane without indicating then it is her fault, if she was indicating then it would be 50/50

disagree to be honest if you have went into the back of her the insurers will go with her...
hard to say really with no witnesses, and the fact that you have given her money means you have admitted liability :err:
i think you you were right when you said you would get blame or 50/50 because you were the car at that back.
also more worryingly
you gave her money to fix her car, which could be interpreted as admitting liability.
and she has a witness, her son.....

she sounds a bit dishonest with regards to the neck injury claim.
as she has a witness, who knows what they could cook up and say.

(not an expert , just an opinion)
Let the insurance sort it. They will almost certianly call it 50/50. That would then screw her whiplash claim up.
@ Colin not all rear end contacts are automaticaly the rear cars fault. If the car in front is stopped then yes its a total fault case. If the car in front is moving and has changed direction without signal then that changes everything.
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its her fault as she hit you, not you hit her,
as you were in your lane and she was entering your lane not vice versa.
but the question is can you prove it?
if ya can get witness`s by puting in local paper/radio etc
if it ends up she`s trying to blame you and sue that is.

ps if i was you sue her first, put in ya claim for your bad back and neck and now that your paranoid to drive near women lol
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Hi all

On the 30th of november around 3pm I was driving in the middle lane of a 3 lane road near pc world, currys and other retailers only going about 10 to 20 mph due to coming to a round about. A lady was in the lane to my right going slightly faster than me coming upto the roundabout, she decided to come into my lane as she passed me with no indication making me brake but due to slow speed and the minus temperature I clipped the left back part of her bumper. It left a scrape mark on my front right bumper, no dents in either car due to slow speed and just skimming each other.

We went around the roundabout and pulled in at the time I thought as I hit her car it would be either 50 50 or I would get the blame. She called her son as he worked on that road, I gave her my details, I took photo of the cars etc. Her son turned up and said her scrape would got 60 to 80 pound as it was minor, to get this over with I gave her 100 and she was fine with that.

I took my car to a local bodyshop and all it needed was buffering out and cost me only 20 pound. Friday I got a call of her saying she's got a bad neck yeah yeah, and she thinks its better if we go through the insurance, she dropped the money back with a scarf around her neck making it look difficult to turn her neck lol.

I've informed my insurance and the legal department us looking into it, they did say I should of informed them anyway.

My question is there is no witnesses, police weren't called and I don't think there is any cctv cameras in that area, might be wrong. As she came into my lane and clipped my car who's to blame, I would of thought it was 50/50. Any help?

Agree with Evastar you gave her money why?, you hit her from behind your at fault, a very common rule never admit liability you have by giving money.Bad news I'm afraid.
If she has come across you then the marks on yours and her car will collaborate that, I know you have had yours buffed out but you took pics.

She took £100 off you so she has admitted it was not a bad bump in the first place. as already said make a fuss with insurers. and also ask if she notified the police re the accident ;)
unless you play them at their own game and say that when you tried to hand over your insurance details and address the son threatened to torch your house if you didnt give them the hundered quid and not go through insurance and that you have been scared to contact police about it as he knew where you lived ;)

(probably not a great idea)
It wasn't a rear shut mind, her back left corner scrapped my front right corner, like I said no dents, hardly felt it, cost me 20 pound at a professional body shop just to buffer out the mark. Its my word against hers regarding indicating but I know she never and we were approaching the round about we were both at a slow pace with her going slightly faster to come into my lane.
unless you play them at their own game and say that when you tried to hand over your insurance details and address the son threatened to torch your house if you didnt give them the hundered quid and not go through insurance and that you have been scared to contact police about it as he knew where you lived ;)

(probably not a great idea)

i totaly agree, play her,
sounds like it could be a scam also you might say to the police.
Let the insurance sort it. They will almost certianly call it 50/50. That would then screw her whiplash claim up.
@ Colin not all rear end contacts are automaticaly the rear cars fault. If the car in front is stopped then yes its a total fault case. If the car in front is moving and has changed direction without signal then that changes everything.

to be honest first job after uni all those years ago was in car insurance claims and cant remember anyone winning who went into the back of someone add to the fact he has paid money (admit liability) i cant see how it will end 50/50
Hi all

On the 30th of november around 3pm I was driving in the middle lane of a 3 lane road near pc world, currys and other retailers only going about 10 to 20 mph due to coming to a round about. A lady was in the lane to my right going slightly faster than me coming upto the roundabout, she decided to come into my lane as she passed me with no indication making me brake but due to slow speed and the minus temperature I clipped the left back part of her bumper. It left a scrape mark on my front right bumper, no dents in either car due to slow speed and just skimming each other.

We went around the roundabout and pulled in at the time I thought as I hit her car it would be either 50 50 or I would get the blame. She called her son as he worked on that road, I gave her my details, I took photo of the cars etc. Her son turned up and said her scrape would got 60 to 80 pound as it was minor, to get this over with I gave her 100 and she was fine with that.

I took my car to a local bodyshop and all it needed was buffering out and cost me only 20 pound. Friday I got a call of her saying she's got a bad neck yeah yeah, and she thinks its better if we go through the insurance, she dropped the money back with a scarf around her neck making it look difficult to turn her neck lol.

I've informed my insurance and the legal department us looking into it, they did say I should of informed them anyway.

My question is there is no witnesses, police weren't called and I don't think there is any cctv cameras in that area, might be wrong. As she came into my lane and clipped my car who's to blame, I would of thought it was 50/50. Any help?
look at the pictures of the damage and it should show u if she clipped you or you clipped her the direction of the scrapes will show it all
say in you claim that she moved in to ur lane causing you to break if she reports that she moved into the middle lane she will fook her claim upfor u to hit her nearside rear quarter with your outside front quarter means she moved into your lane

i won a case similar only opposite sides me in the outside lane and her on the middle lane

for you to hit a car in a rear quater you either have to be in her lane or her in your lane
or part lane

btw didnt you have a pain in your neck as well

she is trying to fook you fook her back

ppl always think because a crash in the rear is allways your fault

no m8 it isnt :)
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I got my money back at he end of the day, Insurers rarely use close relatives as a witness plus I never admitted the accident was my fault, I just wanted to avoid going through insurance. It was her sons quote that she went with, I just wanted to get home. Husband must of talked her into changing her mind

I take it if its a 50/50 and I never made a claim I would keep my no claims discount

I got a sudden pain in my neck
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if she cut into your lane without indicating then it is her fault, if she was indicating then it would be 50/50
sorry wrong there
indicating only means i am attempting to move in to your lane
indicating doesnt mean
i am moving into your lane she would have to wait untill it was safe to do so
and moving into his lane and him hitting her to me proves that her manover was unsafe
and with the collition being her nearside rear to his offside front she wasnt fully into the lane
I got a sudden pain in my neck

i wouldnt play it that way m8,
i would say the impact was at pratically no speed at all.
i would say the cars merely brushed against each other.

fook her whiplash claim right up, if you get me.. ;)
to be honest first job after uni all those years ago was in car insurance claims and cant remember anyone winning who went into the back of someone add to the fact he has paid money (admit liability) i cant see how it will end 50/50
i hit a car in the rear and won