n3 keys

they wont just join anybody up there is a lot of trust involved and how much you are willing to give back to the forum but worth a try i suppose the closed forum is limitd to 150 members with 23 taken so be quick and thats what you think thats why its called a secret hidden section

so if u are in there hidden section then u just blew their cover!!!

personally i think u talkin sh*t

i for 1 know that if some 1 is part of a hidden section then they are strictly not allowed to talk about it

and if u did talk about it then said section would be deleted .etc

so yeh keep dreaming ......... if u want to crack n3 get urself a electron microscope and some acid and start disecting the card

then post results in ur hidden section
no u need the keys from your new card and re writting to the new card as its a total new card using your old mosc will not work i personally are in the closed forum so i no it all works but like i say if it all went public vm will only kill the new hack so that why its only released to certain people and since its in a closed forum they cant see what has been done to achieve this

Has the day centre got a wifi-cafe ? Get back to licking windows and trying to solve the JFK assassination
Just been reading linzi comments and just have one thing to say! Thanks! Made me lol literally! If you were a member of the "N3 Templer" you cant be that trusted to openly brag about being a member... Maybe you got your invite because they need a joker in the pack of this imaginary world you are living in.

BTW dont forget to take your pills 3 times a day

lol @ Bally12345, Yes mate! i would like some of what she/he has been Smoking !!! its a shame thers quite a few members on here that would rarther waste time joking about N3 instead of doing some propper Research into it .....................SHAME ON u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :yawn2:
well why keep searching for free tv when you no it dont exist anymore do what i did card ya card out of ya pocket and pay for it you's all no its rubish so why bother starting pointless threads
best part of this is people actually think there is a section now for this lol
ive had someone pm me this morning to check,theres not full stop

i only know off 4 or 5 people that maybe and thats a big maybe could get into this card and i can assure you if they did it wouldnt be released to me you or and tom dick and harry,hopefully they will keep it to themselves and release when they feel neccasary to release it which could be a long time hope this clears it up for everyone.
he means in the closed part off the forum where the keys are hide.

but im sure if anyone want's to join they would have to pm jimmyp and he will check out if they ok to join.:proud:

well Id like to know where you get your information ? I haven't seen this secret room where keys etc are kept lol
yes i know all of that but if i had the key from a n3 card wood they work on a rmosc card

You couldn't even use N2 keys on an N1 mosc (without some serious code in the form of bugcatchers) so what chance is there you could use N3 keys on an N1 Mosc ?

For those of you that are a little slow - the answer is NILL !

As for actually Mosc'ing an N3 card, not a hope in hell !
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Oh. I see. :D

That is a huge security breach and betrayal of our trust. Everyone now knows this is not a joke.

Your access to the section is now revoked and I have requested a perm ban.
Oh. I see. :D


I love how there are 1,337 posts in the forum lmao, and btw your welcome to use my N3 hack, just swipe the card down your butt crack and insert into ANY cable receiver, should work perfectly:Clap:
lmfao you know I went back to the main forum and had to check :frown:

I thought "Ive even posted in there" :err:

That is a huge security breach and betrayal of our trust. Everyone now knows this is not a joke.

Your access to the section is now revoked and I have requested a perm ban.

but..but.. its okay! .. i er, posted it for educational purposes!