Vat to rise to 20%?

This myth that being on the dole is fantastic and you get paid so much money is unbelievable. If it’s a family they get £100 a week or if it is a single person it’s £65 how can people survive on that? The real question is do you believe there should be any unemployment benefit? I get the feeling that a lot of people want to demonise the unemployed yet people who support the Tories cost the country much more because of the huge amount of tax evasion.

I believe that in a fair and civilised society there must be a safety net for people when they hit hard times but I don’t think its right if people abuse the system but that is a minority so why everyone should be labelled a scrounger is beyond me. It’s always the same when the hard times start the weak get kicked first, people want to point the finger but they won’t do it at anyone stronger than them.

How about all the other benefits of being on low income including council housing (no need to pay rent), no council tax to pay, whole heap of other benefits including free school lunches, PC for kids, etc I can't find the article right now but I think The Sun (I know not the worlds most reliable source) worked it out that you would need to be earning £3000 a month gross to have the equilvant money/lifestyle a family of 4 could get in benefits.

Now of course given the chose that many people would prefer to work for the money and to be honest things like social care in this country would be fucked if so many people did not do voluntary work. But its a kick in the teeth when you find families being moved into brand new housing, given a couple of thousand to furnish it and then having days of leisure (using facilties that they have free access to), going on flash holidays, when you have to scrimp and save.

BTW, this is based on real life experiance of people I know in these situations. I know that lots of families end up in damp crappy bed-sits and struggle to make ends meet but their are cases out there where it is not the case (*cough* single mum *cough*)

And in case you are wondering I am totally for having a safety net there for people who through no fault of their own end up in shitty situations.
And fanny mae and freddie mac were asking for further BILLIONS from the US government only 2 days ago.

How long before our banks are at it again?

You mean this,

BBC News - Fannie Mae asks for $8.4bn in aid

From what I understand both banks have effectively been nationalised and were used by the government to buy up the sub prime mortgages. Of course this did mean that the instituation that it bought the sub prime debt from effectivity given a free ride by the government.
Now the ConDem's are in power they want to introduce a rule that parliament cannot be dissolved without 55% of the vote which means that if all the other MP's in parliament apart from the Tories want to give the government a vote of no confidence and force a general election they cannot do it. This stinks, so much for the new politics they have spoken so much about, same old corruption just calling it by a different name.

Going back to the unemployment point, I was made unemployed 8 months ago and have just found a job recently. I own my home so doesn’t qualify for free rent, free council tax or anything else along those lines but I did get JSA and tax credits which kept me afloat during the bad times. I'm not the kind of person who gets bitter if I don't get what other people seem to be getting, I'm just grateful that I got help when I needed it.
How about all the other benefits of being on low income including council housing (no need to pay rent), no council tax to pay, whole heap of other benefits including free school lunches, PC for kids, etc I can't find the article right now but I think The Sun (I know not the worlds most reliable source) worked it out that you would need to be earning £3000 a month gross to have the equilvant money/lifestyle a family of 4 could get in benefits.

Now of course given the chose that many people would prefer to work for the money and to be honest things like social care in this country would be fucked if so many people did not do voluntary work. But its a kick in the teeth when you find families being moved into brand new housing, given a couple of thousand to furnish it and then having days of leisure (using facilties that they have free access to), going on flash holidays, when you have to scrimp and save.

BTW, this is based on real life experiance of people I know in these situations. I know that lots of families end up in damp crappy bed-sits and struggle to make ends meet but their are cases out there where it is not the case (*cough* single mum *cough*)

And in case you are wondering I am totally for having a safety net there for people who through no fault of their own end up in shitty situations.

A think this is where your argument got a bit confused in earlier posts fella as i agree with a lot of what you say in this post.!

A dont really believe anything written in the tabloids as its usually a lot of shit and the Sun should really have been renamed the Scum during this election.

There is no doubt that there are certain people who kick the arse out of the system and i agree that they should be dealt with or the system should be changed to deal with that.
I haven't got a scoobie how they will do it but it does need taken care of.
My only problem with earlier posts was the attack on genuine people who were down on their luck and trying their best to get employment being branded in the same category.
I was on ma arse a few years ago and i had to claim benefit and it wasn't very pleasant and a burst ma arse to get a job and a was lucky enough to get one quickly.
A took all the help available in benefits and other things like free stamps and envelopes and training on how to write a cv and perform at interviews.
These small things make a big difference when you are at your lowest and they do help and should always be available.

We need to look at how the social side has failed in Britain and to an extent education has slipped ,and why kids are growing up with this mindset that living off benefits is a good thing.
We have the highest divorce rate per head than anywhere else in the world,why?
Am only 39 but a was brought up in a stable working class family and we were taught to get out of bed and get a job and do your bit.
Kids are now being brought up from a broken background where benefit fraud is a way of life so they don't know any better.
Our government needs to tackle this asap if they seriously want Britain to get back on its feet and slashing benefit and help will only hurt the genuine people who are doing their best.

This slide has been going on for a few generations now and has been ignored and sometimes immigrants have had to take the blame as they have taken up the jobs that some of our people ignored.
When a global meltdown and recession is thrown into the mix then things get messy as jobs become rare and everyone blames each other.

Labour and the Conservatives were guilty of ignoring this for years and both are equally to blame.
Thatcher's axe destroyed familys in the 80,s and early 90,s by turning Britain from an industrial powerhouse into a retail nation too quickly which was devastating to our social structure.
Her reforms were too extreme which resulted in working class familys being chucked on the dole and the ones fortunate enough to stay in work bought their council houses whilst the rest remained unemployed and broken.
She created a new class overnight and created this benefit way of life for people who couldn't adapt.

When Labour came to power they also ignored it although they did try at first with breaks like working tax credit but on a whole they failed to fix a problem on the increase.
They boosted production by using cheap foreign labour and that was fine when the country was in boom and jobs were ten a penny.
People who wanted to work, could work but the maths didn't really add up for some single parents who quickly worked out that they were not that much worse off staying put.
Nobody was really that bothered at first when the economy was booming but when the crash came it all went Pete Tong and now we are blaming immigrants,single mothers the unemployed and Partick Thistle supporters..

The truth is our governments and the banks systems failed us and we are pissed off as we need to take the pain of their failure.
The general election result says it all,,we don't really trust any of them.
One thing a do know, a made up coalition government of left to centre and right wing parties desperate for power is not the way to go.

Am fooked and going for a nap and am sure ma post will get ripped apart.:proud:
~I hate the Cons, and now the Libs are sucking upto them i dont think it makes them any better.
Everyone blaimes Labour for this and that, i bet it would be no different if any other party was in power, except that the "working" class would have still been the hardest hit!!

I understand how people feel on unemployed, but there is a differance between unemployed and dont want a job!
You will see the unemployed at the job centre everyday, looking in papers, anything to get a job.
The "no hopers" just wait 6 months for there letter for a back to work interview!

It did not matter what party got elected we all was going to see cuts etc, but again the CONS have just done it to the "working" people again!
NI for emplyees only not for emplyers, first step to make sure the rich keep there money in there pocket, and the working pay for there life style.

I have worked all my life, never signed on, and looked forward to retiring by putting money into a pension.
But all this changed 3 years ago when i became very ill, I think i am lucky, i have my pension of £19k a year thats less than 1/2 of what i earned, i also get disability, but nothing else at all, because i put money away!
My mortgage has not droped, i caqnnot sell my home as i have adappeted it to my needs, i still have all the same bills.
My mrs worked taking home £1000 a month, but i had to have carers look after me 24/7 and i did not like it so we spoke and she has now left work to care for me, and the goverment have rewarded her with £53 a week (which is still going through after 6 months) the cost of my care was over £1600 a week.
Now we have to count every penny we have, i am classed as working or having an income but not entitled to any benefits because i dont do any hours!
If i did not take my pension then i would have had my mortgage paid, dole money for everything, kids would not have to take sarnes into school, they could have dinner, etc... etc...

I just want to get back to work, but know i cannot. the way things are going my mrs will have to go back to work, then the tax payer will have to foot the bill for my care and other things, and i really dont want to go down that road again.

So as a "working ish" man, i see that my life will only get harder under the cons, and the harder it gets for me the more it costs the tax payer, and I PAY TAX OUT OF MY PENSION, so this hurts me as well

I hope they make the "no hopers" do community work, this then cut help with the cuts to public spending, the "GIRLS" that get out of school and have a kids, i would also make them do the same, like supervised work in nurserys, then the cost of the nursery place could drop for the people goto work.
Get a few gangs that hang around the streets wearing there "colours", they can fill the pot holes in, as no-one else is.
I would make anyone that comes into this country work for money, not get a single penny untill they prove that they are here for work not a laugh and to send money back home!

I could go on forever, but i know that this would be against "human" rights.

No matter what, we are all in the crap hole now for the next few years, i just hope the belts get tight on all levels not just the working class!

lm vat register and we all knew it was coming ... thing is there going to shot them self's in the foot ...

it suits me, people will pay me cash instead and no bills .. because they forget on a average £200 BILL its less that 2 quid extra
If this VAT increase goes ahead which I'm sure it will, I'm going to make an effort to spend less money on items I don't really need because I really do think it is an unfair tax. I know that once this rise comes in we will be landed with it forever even when the deficit is long forgotten.

I would much rather pay one tax off my wage and know that I've done my bit instead of getting taxed every time I buy something, it's going to affect sales of non essential items for sure.
from april next yr anyone earning min wage on full time hours will not be taxed

if that is not an incentive i dont know what is

labour wanted to take an extra £15 a month off someone earning under £20k a yr in national insurance hikes

hopefully with this VAT increase people will actually re evaluate their spending behaviours and reduce the amount of credit and increase the amount of savings

and cat what do you consider non essential items

60% stamp duty on alcohol
75% tax on petrol
60% stamp duty on ciggys

sickens me how many people on this forum are more worried about their benefits rather than their wages

from april next yr the £10k PAYE threshold will enable more people to be better off as a result of personal allowance increases
and i love the word volunteer and charity

if anyone had an idea how much the previous government wasted in giving billions to foundation trusts to hand out to charities you have a heart attack
from april next yr anyone earning min wage on full time hours will not be taxed

if that is not an incentive i dont know what is

labour wanted to take an extra £15 a month off someone earning under £20k a yr in national insurance hikes

hopefully with this VAT increase people will actually re evaluate their spending behaviours and reduce the amount of credit and increase the amount of savings

and cat what do you consider non essential items

60% stamp duty on alcohol
75% tax on petrol
60% stamp duty on ciggys

sickens me how many people on this forum are more worried about their benefits rather than their wages

from april next yr the £10k PAYE threshold will enable more people to be better off as a result of personal allowance increases

They are moving towards the 10K threshold progressively (a long term goal). We will get a larger allowance increase than usual in april but it wont be 10k for a good few years yet.
I consider non essential items as the wording would suggest items that are not essential to get by, e.g., electrical goods, entertainment, computing equipment, etc.

I don't smoke, hardly drink alcohol but I do drive so petrol unfortunately will be required.

Once the price of everything starts getting higher a lot of us will cancel services, stop buying goods and then the economic effect of this will be felt with companies paying off staff. Here comes the double dip that Gordon Brown was talking about. Brace yourself! :FRIGHT:
it would only be a double dip if we were out of recession in the first place

how can u say we are out of recession lol
and i love the word volunteer and charity

if anyone had an idea how much the previous government wasted in giving billions to foundation trusts to hand out to charities you have a heart attack

Having been on the recieving end, much like any public sector spending the level of waste is unbelivable. That is a crazy thing that there are billions being spent on trusts (quango anyone) controlled by the rich with little idea on what really makes a difference.

Something like the NHS, the amount of waste on admin and other overheads plus 'jobs for the boys' and other back handed stuff no wonder the bill for the NHS is as high as it is.

Problem is when it is privatised then quality goes out of the window in search of the bottom line.
*cough* railways *cough*

massive mess that will take a term to clear up if nt longer

whatever happens the tories & lib dems will be given stick for the next 5 years

it is in our nature to moan and be cynical and negative - it is being british
You know what, It dont matter now its too late!
Also it was going to happen, but to who is the only differance!

So VAT will go up - within 50 days
NI will go up - within 50 days
Tax threshold will rise to £10k - in about 18+ months

So no matter what we are going to be screwed


Why should we stop buying the "extra" things we want IF we have the money?
this is a collective tax, so will hit everyone but by how much, we dont know yet.

I just hope that they do make sure the scallys that DONT want to work have to, and those that do get given as much help as possible.

The only other things are that we keep moaning how much is waisted in public services, lets hope that we still get public services when they are all hit, without any help or advice on were they have to make the savings.
That does include, schools, nhs, councils, envirmental services, social services.. the list goes on and on.

fook god save the queen, someone help this country!

it would only be a double dip if we were out of recession in the first place

how can u say we are out of recession lol

Sorry mate but we are out of recession the economy has been growing for months. Your comments are so misleading, check out the facts
so we where the only country to bale out the banks??
i dont think so try germany france america etc etc

the the savings that ppl had where in banks such as lloydstsb barcleys all the standard banks

they where going tits up with out the bale out
and as i said bussnesses had there money in these banks and some alos had loans with them
so if the banks go tits up them loans would have been recalled meaning busnesses couldnt pay going bust
them going bust would have meant there employies with out a job

and no i dont have proof
but it doesnt take to much to work out

just think back to Northern Rock and the run on the bank

So david, according to your methodology, they did it (US and Germany etc) so naturally we do what others do? Sorry I don't buy that, when I used to sit on my uncles lap, he used to say, 'if they jumped off a cliff, would you...'

I assume you'll have no complaints when we're hit hard by tax increases, spending cuts and rising unemployment. You're also happy that for every pound you place in the bank you're getting back a mighty half a pence in interest. This seems like a great deal considering we kept them afloat. Just try borrowing some money at that same rate from the money that we gave to them. This is the type of behavior you support, these are the people you wanted to bail out.

A few have asked where is that money? Why won't the banks lend to us? I'd like to know where is that money?

And even more knock ons than that too. Even the businesses that were in the black with no need for credit from the banks would end up fooked due to the ones that went bust owing them money. Also the same in the black businesses that had tied their capital up in these banks would also be fooked. Then ALL the people that worked for these companies would all of a sudden be down at the benefit office looking for crisis loans ect ect and of course signing on the dole. Also putting more strain on the "good banks" who wouldn't be getting paid for mortgages because of the "Bad Banks" putting ALL the above people out of work. It would have been like when you set up a load of dominoes in a line and flick the one at the end....and it would have taken only a matter of weeks. TBH im pretty surprised you can't see that Munkey because I honestly had you down as pretty clued up on these type of things.
It was never an option not to save the banks as much as it makes me feel sick to admit it. The only thing that they missed out on at the time was to ensure that the banks paid us back before ANY bonuses could be paid out to their workers from top to bottom. If this could have been agreed EU wide and with the USA on board as well then the banks would have had nowhere to relocate to and would have been in a position of having to play in a "Fair" system.

Fecking heck, that's worse that The Day After Tomorrow type scenario. I don't scare that easy.

Nor do I propose propping up private insolvent financial institutions with my money, it's immoral, unethical and should be downright illegal.

I think I'm right in assuming that you're working on the too big to fail principle, I don't believe in any such thing. If you can not run a financial institution based on sound business fundamentals, you are not worthy of my support regardless of your size. You're rewarding failure which I am strongly against. Just imagine a society where failure is rewarded with bundles of cash, this is what you are actively promoting.
Sorry mate but we are out of recession the economy has been growing for months. Your comments are so misleading, check out the facts

if you want to be politically correct then yes

but the amount of economic growth this year is less than .5 % in the last 3 months

the economy contracted over 4% in the last 18 months

you say were out of recession, i say it is rubbish

unemployment proves it also