New TM800HD video

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hope there's a new section started for it soon or it could get quite confusing :p
It's good to see people taking heed of warnings about possible time bomb problems.
Does this box have easily accessed pins to attach a JTAG cable device? I had a box a few years ago that required soldering of wires to points on the motherboard. Just one slip, and I had to throw the thing in the trash.. The thought of it still upsets me. :Mad2:
This will be my first ever Technomate, I only bought it as it's an E2 box running Pli. :)

Before you all kick off, you should remember that DigiDude did state that all the plugins/downloads were retrieved from the Open-pli server.

Even if it is OpenPli compiled by the UR Team, it's still bound to be a decent image, OpenPli is a fantastic route for any Linux box to take, I'm sure we'll see many re-worked images based on OpenPli and that's the way it should be.

Bottom line for me is, if it's shit, I'll sell it on, and probably make a profit in the meantime.
same here first time getting a tm

i only getting it for hd and as client

if i dont like it then sell it on
That is to copy with litle modifity even OSD ///If you see are modifity some drives to work in TM Hardware and NXP chipset and you can see modification even OSD when start booting RCU picture...he he ...

haw PLI says ..they have no done nothink about TM... hmmm i was RIGHT. ( VU+ is other stories ) i will explain later...haw i says they have their own drive protection and they are Broadcom Chipset....Huge difence..IN Vu+ you evn can load DM IMAGE with no problem ...

Some one have ask for some one here for REVIEW !?

My fist REVIW ENIGMA 2 60% works ...40% not works are many bugs incuding CCcam not strating and not working like Server...

I will Like to see the honest Reviw here of the Best STB on the World. lol

what is your problem with it ?

if your so concerned why not help out

its like you don't want this receiver to sell or am i missing something here

and about the time bomb im sure the software will be checked from now on because they know what to expect, before when it happened it was not expected, and thats if it ever happens
bobi and darkboy must be the same person, so let's all buy spiderbox to make him happy, hurry up.

He is so obvious eheh.

Back on topic.

Is CCcam working on TM800?
bobi its getting boring you bashing the technomate TM 800 HD every day when its not even here yet!

When i get my 2 boxes next week and i will give a unbiased view of the box as i don't sell or make satellite boxes, or have a vested interest in any make of satellite box.

Im sure if there is a major problem with the box digidude would have said so.

So why dont you put all your efforts in to sorting the CCcam problems on your own box first!:grab:
I would never buy an untested box, and anyone who does has to be either a little crazy or has some other motive - perhaps a vested interest. Talking about selling one on and passing it to some other poor soul if it turns out to be defective in performance is reprehensible. Have those people no sense of honour? Even worse, making a profit out of it... terrible.

The average Joe should wait a long time before jumping into buying any new receiver. Until these boxes are proven to work and are safe from sabotage from enigma2 bombs (if they exist) my advice would be to stay away from them.

By the way.. Is the software even finished yet?
It looks a decent box, but as TM havent even managed to fix the CCCAM or widescreen display issues on the TM500 or TM600 yet, I have little faith that the software on the TM800HD will be any good either...

It's good to see they have gone the OpenPLI route however, this image is very good on the Dreamboxes, so theres potential if they can get it to work properly.

Also at 250's nearly 100 quid more than a DM800HD clone...If the DM800 clones sort their tuner issues out..I know what i'd rather go for..
... and ditto to the above. Most of us on here are only interested in watching HD TV with it. If it suck then off to Ebay it goes. Why are people with huuuuuge egos trying to bash it before it's even released? As for Bobi, it's really starting to hurt my head trying to understand your posts in plain English - if you've got hidden agenda's or nothing good to say about a box that isn't even released yet, why don't you crawl back under the rock from whence you came! :)
Talking about selling one on and passing it to some other poor soul if it turns out to be defective in performance is reprehensible. Have those people no sense of honour? Even worse, making a profit out of it... terrible.

You're obviously referring to me, so why not address me directly?

Who said I would sell on a defective machine?

If the machine was defective I'd be getting a refund from the place I bought it.

What I said was that if I did not like the machine and IMO found it to shit, I'd sell it on to someone else who may like it. There is no way I would sell on a machine that was not fully functional, so please don't pass judgement on me and put words into my mouth.
You're obviously referring to me, so why not address me directly?

Who said I would sell on a defective machine?

If the machine was defective I'd be getting a refund from the place I bought it.

What I said was that if I did not like the machine and IMO found it to shit, I'd sell it on to someone else who may like it. There is no way I would sell on a machine that was not fully functional, so please don't pass judgement on me and put words into my mouth.

You said..

Bottom line for me is, if it's shit, I'll sell it on, and probably make a profit in the meantime.

Apologies if I misinterpreted your intentions. :cool:
oh i get it now

bobi is something to do with spiderbox, and trying to make the TM800 look bad
why you all asocited Digiddue with TM !? Digidude is trying plying his role and trying his best .. ..Digidude is Just Beta tester of some s/w MR TM sending him...Digidude do not know what are the possibilities if the Chip set and what can be in Future not Digidide ( who done IT GATE STB -TM 800 are Hardware Engineers and s/w engineers are the who own the sorce codes...who are trying implement some Job of some one else that 's it...

We are fully aware that Digidude is nothing directly to do with TM, but unlike YOU, Digidude has garnered much respect on here for his knowledge of the scene and his opinion is greatly appreciated. If the box is a piece of shit, he will tell us. If it's the best thing since sliced bread, he will tell us. We can then make our own minds up whether to part with our hard earned cash. Unbiased opinion is clearly something that doesn't translate into whatever language you're trying to speak (think it sounds a bit like bullshit to me). Scaremongering to line you own pocket aint going to work on here so move on to your next target.

I think I speak on behalf of most people on here in saying go away back to your own forums where you have (or think you have) people that want to hear what you say (and god forbid anyone that doesn't).

Get in the queue and buy one, play with it for a week the give your opinion and see if anyone gives a fook.... see how little erm, I mean much appreciation you've got
what is your problem with it ?

if your so concerned why not help out

its like you don't want this receiver to sell or am i missing something here

and about the time bomb im sure the software will be checked from now on because they know what to expect, before when it happened it was not expected, and thats if it ever happens

bobi aka darkman is the guy behind the spiderbox.
The things he says on this forum are extremely mild in comparison to the references he makes on his own forum.

@bobi - thank you for raising your concerns and informing the satellite community. i doubt we'll need reminding again for the... wait how many'th time?

Here we go again, another thread on this forum descending into hate mongering and insults.
There are legitimate concerns about the viability of this receiver, so lets keep to the topic, if possible, for once.
Here we go again, another thread on this forum descending into hate mongering and insults.
There are legitimate concerns about the viability of this receiver, so lets keep to the topic, if possible, for once.

time after time its bobi + spiderbox promo and everything else is shite or this or that will happen to it.

We on this forum just want un-biased reports and reviews I dont care if we finally get the desmond tu tu patch working :) So if bobi or any other pro spider box groupie could just post constructive pro and con for every box it would make for better reading.

Does this kind of openness exist in their forum?

I can remember DD being touted as a spy for Rupert at one point :)
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Here we go again, another thread on this forum descending into hate mongering and insults.
There are legitimate concerns about the viability of this receiver, so lets keep to the topic, if possible, for once.
how can you have concerns about the viability of a box if u havent even tried it yet

what is happening is the box and software are being fully tested and any problems will be ironed out then a working box/software will be released

end of
Matoskah, there's quite afew other places this happens i think it has more to do with "bobi + technomate thread" and his method of informing everyone over and over again about his "hypothetical" problems with an unreleased and untested by him box..
bobi and Matoska sitting in a tree. K......
just joking, although i wouldn't be wrong in branding you as another bobi/spiderbox fanboy/employee.

props to the previous three posters.

Here we go again, another thread on this forum descending into hate mongering and insults.
There are legitimate concerns about the viability of this receiver, so lets keep to the topic, if possible, for once.

and what do you mean by that?
this is not a forum wide issue.
its a problem with one member and his busines model.

Kind regards,
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