Court bans BNP from recruiting new members

Maybe if we asked nice they might set up a room for racists and their racist ranting. Password protected of course. That way all the racists and closet racist could congrigate and rant away till their hearts were content.
Oh and i will NOT be asking for the password!!
They aren't political parties so your point is pointless.

I would like to open a whites only snooker club( NOT A POLITCAL PARTY)
Also a whites only beer drinking association( NOT A POLITCAL PARTY)
But it would be classed as racist
I would like to open a whites only snooker club( NOT A POLITCAL PARTY)
Also a whites only beer drinking association( NOT A POLITCAL PARTY)
But it would be classed as racist

Of course it would. You're beginning to get to grips with this concept. :Clap:
Based on pure logic, there is possibly an unfair cultural discrepancy regarding ethnic interest groups.

To my knowledge there is not a lobbying group, musical genre group, or any other group with a self interest that is exclusively for white people (any more...).

The existence of organisations that have the term 'black' in the title only strengthens the argument for the closet racists to argue in favour of the BNP. I fail to see why you would want to be positively identified by your skin colour, just as I feel it is wrong for people to be negatively identified for the same reason (the definition of racism).

However, we are not as Nara points out talking about like for like in this particular case. There is no BNP (Black National Party). The BNP is a far right party that wants to gain control of political power. They have realised that they were not getting anywhere by overtly stating their agenda. So they put on sheep's clothing, to the point where Nick Griffin on Question Time would say 'skin colour is irrelevant'.

He does not believe that. He is lying. He wants to have a UK free of anybody of colour. He is just saying that he wants to stop new immigrants to get in. If he got in he would at best send people back to where they came from (in his tiny mind), or worse, eliminate them.

If you are pissed off at the government, the recession, unemployment, a lack of a justice in society, I understand. I feel your pain. But if you have a human bone in your body, and you realise whatever colour we are, we love our family, and want to work to support them, then you would not go near the BNP.

They are not the answer.
Based on pure logic, there is possibly an unfair cultural discrepancy regarding ethnic interest groups.

To my knowledge there is not a lobbying group, musical genre group, or any other group with a self interest that is exclusively for white people (any more...).

The existence of organisations that have the term 'black' in the title only strengthens the argument for the closet racists to argue in favour of the BNP. I fail to see why you would want to be positively identified by your skin colour, just as I feel it is wrong for people to be negatively identified for the same reason (the definition of racism).

However, we are not as Nara points out talking about like for like in this particular case. There is no BNP (Black National Party). The BNP is a far right party that wants to gain control of political power. They have realised that they were not getting anywhere by overtly stating their agenda. So they put on sheep's clothing, to the point where Nick Griffin on Question Time would say 'skin colour is irrelevant'.

He does not believe that. He is lying. He wants to have a UK free of anybody of colour. He is just saying that he wants to stop new immigrants to get in. If he got in he would at best send people back to where they came from (in his tiny mind), or worse, eliminate them.

If you are pissed off at the government, the recession, unemployment, a lack of a justice in society, I understand. I feel your pain. But if you have a human bone in your body, and you realise whatever colour we are, we love our family, and want to work to support them, then you would not go near the BNP.

They are not the answer.

all of what you said.

but they do in my opinion have the right to exist under whatever shitty terms they would like to impose on their potential knuckle dragging membership.

isn't that what democracy is all about?
all of what you said.

but they do in my opinion have the right to exist under whatever shitty terms they would like to impose on their potential knuckle dragging membership.

isn't that what democracy is all about?

Agree completely with yours and Mozr's post. And is what I was trying to say, but failed miserably at.
i myself am not rasist.. i dislike people not race...

although due to the way things have becoe rase has become an issue due to :

immigrants (of many races) sponging of the goverment and the gov letting em do it)
brittish ppl sturggling yet immagrants getting a hand out

one thing that gets me is that there are tv channels and organisations being "rasist" but ok such as BET (black entertainment TV iirc ?> and the asian network... or black music

yet if we say white music (aka rock and roll, folk, country and western) were deemd as rasist

then onto the muslim activisits.. ok there standing for there believs.. yet the way things are going muslims will be the dominant religion cause 1. they keep brreding and 2. cause we still letting them in..

the abve statment may seem rasist but that was not intended that way.. im just saying what i see as a point ioof view...

as i said i have nothing againt people that are struggling and come here to make a life.. heck we wouldnt have corner shops if it werent for the sikhs that came over and set up buisiness as news agents ( i say sikhs as thats the majority)

ill give my time of day for people that take and give back

but not for thoes that take take and take.. that incluses u leecheeers looking for a fix for magra 3 on VM
then onto the muslim activisits.. ok there standing for there believs.. yet the way things are going muslims will be the dominant religion cause 1. they keep brreding and 2. cause we still letting them in..

the abve statment may seem rasist but that was not intended that way.. im just saying what i see as a point ioof view...

I've heard that before applied to many peoples - not least the Irish and the Jews. It didn't happen then, it won't happen now.
I've heard that before applied to many peoples - not least the Irish and the Jews. It didn't happen then, it won't happen now.

The thing with the irish and the jews is their families tend to be the size of a white/black british with the exception of a few.

Muslims on the otherhand tend to breed like rabbits.. and tend to have family sizes that could fill strangeways at peak times..

As oldham doesnt have many rich muslims than other areas im basing this statement on the poorer families.. within the borough.. IDK if this is the case elsewhere in the country...
The thing with the irish and the jews is their families tend to be the size of a white/black british with the exception of a few.

Muslims on the otherhand tend to breed like rabbits.. and tend to have family sizes that could fill strangeways at peak times..

As oldham doesnt have many rich muslims than other areas im basing this statement on the poorer families.. within the borough.. IDK if this is the case elsewhere in the country...

Bit unfair considering most muslim families i know arent that big at all. and me being muslim my family is 2.4 children as you can say.

also if you go down some council estates in london you will find chavs popping out children left right and centre. exists in all races, groups, religions.

I think the bigger problem is education rather than anything and trying to sort the government out who actually give two shits about this country than lining their own pockets.

People say that immigration is killing this country, it aint,its the government.
How many of you can say immigration is directly affecting you? or is it the fact that rising fuel prices, companies not giving pay rises, rising prices of food, bills, travel.

if you want to sort the country out then go march outside downing street...but you cant, because you'd be put in prison under terrorism laws (the biggest bunch of shitty laws in the world)

Not saying that these groups like the muslim council of GB, BNP, etc arent scum, they are both as bad as each other but banning either of them aint gonna make any difference at all.

Dont matter if you are in uk, us, iraq or afghanistan, we all share the same planet,all breathe the same air. it'll be the day when everyone just gets along with the person next to them.
The thing with the irish and the jews is their families tend to be the size of a white/black british with the exception of a few.

Muslims on the otherhand tend to breed like rabbits.. and tend to have family sizes that could fill strangeways at peak times..

As oldham doesnt have many rich muslims than other areas im basing this statement on the poorer families.. within the borough.. IDK if this is the case elsewhere in the country...

Well you've got me beaten there with your scientific analysis. Can't argue with that: can I?
Bit unfair considering most muslim families i know arent that big at all. and me being muslim my family is 2.4 children as you can say.

also if you go down some council estates in london you will find chavs popping out children left right and centre. exists in all races, groups, religions.

Fairness has nothing to do with it. If you have blinkered preconceived ideas about race and religion, you believe what you want to believe.

Facts don't enter into it.
i myself am not rasist.. i dislike people not race...

although due to the way things have becoe rase has become an issue due to :

immigrants (of many races) sponging of the goverment and the gov letting em do it)
brittish ppl sturggling yet immagrants getting a hand out

one thing that gets me is that there are tv channels and organisations being "rasist" but ok such as BET (black entertainment TV iirc ?> and the asian network... or black music

yet if we say white music (aka rock and roll, folk, country and western) were deemd as rasist

then onto the muslim activisits.. ok there standing for there believs.. yet the way things are going muslims will be the dominant religion cause 1. they keep brreding and 2. cause we still letting them in..

the abve statment may seem rasist but that was not intended that way.. im just saying what i see as a point ioof view...

as i said i have nothing againt people that are struggling and come here to make a life.. heck we wouldnt have corner shops if it werent for the sikhs that came over and set up buisiness as news agents ( i say sikhs as thats the majority)

ill give my time of day for people that take and give back

but not for thoes that take take and take.. that incluses u leecheeers looking for a fix for magra 3 on VM

Am not going to go into the racist argument in this thread as enough has already been said but your last point makes me laugh!!

Personally i am not looking for a nagra fix as i don't watch enough telly but this is a "HACK" site.
Bit unfair considering most muslim families i know arent that big at all. and me being muslim my family is 2.4 children as you can say.

also if you go down some council estates in london you will find chavs popping out children left right and centre. exists in all races, groups, religions.

I think the bigger problem is education rather than anything and trying to sort the government out who actually give two shits about this country than lining their own pockets.

People say that immigration is killing this country, it aint,its the government.
How many of you can say immigration is directly affecting you? or is it the fact that rising fuel prices, companies not giving pay rises, rising prices of food, bills, travel.

if you want to sort the country out then go march outside downing street...but you cant, because you'd be put in prison under terrorism laws (the biggest bunch of shitty laws in the world)

Not saying that these groups like the muslim council of GB, BNP, etc arent scum, they are both as bad as each other but banning either of them aint gonna make any difference at all.

Dont matter if you are in uk, us, iraq or afghanistan, we all share the same planet,all breathe the same air. it'll be the day when everyone just gets along with the person next to them.

i couldnt have put it better myself.

im sick of hearing people bitch about immigrants , no one ever blames the government .. anyone with half a brain knows it is in Fact their fault. (the government) . blame the Labour Party for this one if you like

completely dumb :/
Bit unfair considering most muslim families i know arent that big at all. and me being muslim my family is 2.4 children as you can say.

also if you go down some council estates in london you will find chavs popping out children left right and centre. exists in all races, groups, religions.

I think the bigger problem is education rather than anything and trying to sort the government out who actually give two shits about this country than lining their own pockets.

People say that immigration is killing this country, it aint,its the government.
How many of you can say immigration is directly affecting you? or is it the fact that rising fuel prices, companies not giving pay rises, rising prices of food, bills, travel.

if you want to sort the country out then go march outside downing street...but you cant, because you'd be put in prison under terrorism laws (the biggest bunch of shitty laws in the world)

Not saying that these groups like the muslim council of GB, BNP, etc arent scum, they are both as bad as each other but banning either of them aint gonna make any difference at all.

Dont matter if you are in uk, us, iraq or afghanistan, we all share the same planet,all breathe the same air. it'll be the day when everyone just gets along with the person next to them.

You obv never been to oldham then.. there are families with 6-10 children.. marriage is at a young age..

Obv you wouldnt go to oldham because of the white no go area signs.. i know the news says there isnt/wasnt any but there is..

As for the chav estates in london.. ive never been to any so cant comment.. i also said "The thing with the irish and the jews is their families tend to be the size of a white/black british with the exception of a few."

Hamba, who said anything about scientific analysis, its what i see.

you can argue with your paki loving pc brigade self... yourself..

(i used paki to shorten .. as some people would with yank .. but because theyre so used to getting what they want we cant say it)..
Why the flack do you always have to join in?? WTF is your problem??

Sorry I didn't realise that this was a private thread. :Sorry:

...but I don't think I'm the one with the problem here.