Anti British Racism

Are you British?

  • Born in Scotland and regard yourself as British

    Votes: 17 16.8%
  • Born in Wales and regard yourself as British

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • Born in Northern Ireland and regard yourself as British

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • Born in England and regard yourself as British

    Votes: 52 51.5%
  • Born in Britain but don't regard yourself as British

    Votes: 22 21.8%

  • Total voters
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I have spoken
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Oct 6, 2005
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nr.Cov.... pure n*l
Didn't really know how to title this thread but will say now this has nothing to do with non-white racism for want of a better phrase.

Have had 2 serious discussions regarding this subject of late, the more recent being last night.
A guy comes into my local regularly who is is probably in his 40s' and is almost confined to a mobility scooter. I have always passed the time of day with him but actually got into a conversation with him last night.

It transpired that he has a multitude of problems, ms and arthritis to mention just a couple.
He went on to tell me that he had served in the "English army" as an RMP. I pointed out that it is the British army to which he replied that it is the English army.

I asked him if he was English or British, you can guess his reply. I then asked him if he had an English or British passport, which after a while he admitted was a British passport.

I asked him why Scottish, Welsh and N.I born soldiers were returning from Afghanistan in coffins if it were the English army fighting the war. His reply was that it serves them right cos England have been paying them for years.

I am now trying to remember that this fat, twisted f****r is disabled so behave myself. He then goes on to moan that the Scottish Parliament has allowed uni students a grant to cover their fees and that the "English" have to bear the cost.

This is when I took my leave and wished him a long life. May he suffer a long time. As I mentioned earlier, I have come across this attitude before.

Are there any English on here who don't think they are British?

He's probably a member of the ENP! :banana:

Tbh though, he seems to be somebody with a rather stunted intellect. I wouldn't let him upset me.
Are there any English on here who don't think they are British?


You could ask that the other way round, is there Scots on here who don't think their British,
like nara said, he's just a bitter twisted small minded barsteward. :proud:

Hmmmm i think you could be opening a can of worms here m8
Whys' that IANB?.
I'm proud of my Scottish heritage but am also proud to be British. Can't see anything wrong with that and if this were to open a can of worms then it surely will only be caused by the worms.

You could ask that the other way round, is there Scots on here who don't think their British,
like nara said, he's just a bitter twisted small minded barsteward. :proud:

The poll attached to this thread covers that question HibbyDave.

Whys' that IANB?.
I'm proud of my Scottish heritage but am also proud to be British. Can't see anything wrong with that and if this were to open a can of worms then it surely will only be caused by the worms.


Sadly you are correct m8 and thats what i was meaning. The usual suspects love these threads to spout their racist vile but hopefuly they will prove me wrong and stay clear.
you are all british but if you go by the passport
you are either
british english
british irish
british scottish
british welsh
born in england regard myself as english :banana:

If I was born in England I would regard myself as English, same with Scotish and Welsh, but I would also be proud to be British.

When on holiday, if anyone asks me were I am from, I say Northern Ireland and 99% of the time they respond with, ah you are which I respond, no I am British, it confuses the hell out of them and makes me snigger.
Sadly you are correct m8 and thats what i was meaning. The usual suspects love these threads to spout their racist vile but hopefuly they will prove me wrong and stay clear.
I know exactly what you mean IANB which is why I have tried to pick my words carefully and hopefully this thread will remain colour blind and religion free.

I was born in Scotland but my ancestors whom I've traced where vikings that came over hundreds of years ago from Sweden, and as soon as our boats fixed were fecking off back there. :proud:

I'm just one of Jock Tamsons bairns.

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this has been about in another thread somewhere and i got slated as i class my self as english. i still class myself as english, i dont really see the problem, if everyone was the same, this would be a very boring world!

i have 3 nationalities in my family and i make up a 4th.
I'm a new member, who is kicking on in years, and would like to add my two 'pennorth for what it's worth. I think, if you are born in England, you are English first, then British. If you are born in Scotland, you are Scottish first and then British. This is the same for the other " Home Countries".
I have travelled and worked all over the so called British Isles and have found both great tollerance and great intollerance to the fact I am English. It's all down to the individuals I have met. But there is one thing that I have found 100% certain and that is NOBODY in the " British Isles " considers themselves British first. They are Welsh, Irish, Scottish or English first and foremost and only British when taking on the rest of the world, for whatever reason.
So I don't believe there is Anti British Racism, just a natural distrust or dislike of our different nationalities! Which is all down to the histories of our 4 nations.
this has been about in another thread somewhere and i got slated as i class my self as english. i still class myself as english, i dont really see the problem, if everyone was the same, this would be a very boring world!

i have 3 nationalities in my family and i make up a 4th.[/QUOTE
The problem is mate with the context or conversation it is used in.
As per my first post the idiot used it as regards to the Army. His uneducated views on how the National parliaments are governed and his belief that England pay for all other British nationals regardless.

You like some others regard yourself as English, not British. If you ran into trouble abroad, where would the first place be that you would run to?

The English embassy?? No mate, you would be a British citizen when it suited you.

I'm a new member, who is kicking on in years, and would like to add my two 'pennorth for what it's worth. I think, if you are born in England, you are English first, then British. If you are born in Scotland, you are Scottish first and then British. This is the same for the other " Home Countries".
I have travelled and worked all over the so called British Isles and have found both great tollerance and great intollerance to the fact I am English. It's all down to the individuals I have met. But there is one thing that I have found 100% certain and that is NOBODY in the " British Isles " considers themselves British first. They are Welsh, Irish, Scottish or English first and foremost and only British when taking on the rest of the world, for whatever reason.
So I don't believe there is Anti British Racism, just a natural distrust or dislike of our different nationalities! Which is all down to the histories of our 4 nations.

Well put there young Len. :Clap:

Im Welsh and proud of it, to be 'British' means fook all, i have no choice what my (expired) passport says, but my driving license is in welsh

Anyone can be british, but to be English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh runs through your veins

Cymru am Byth
But there is one thing that I have found 100% certain and that is NOBODY in the " British Isles " considers themselves British first.
That is a brave statement LenW and suggests that you have met and got the views from every single person in the British Isles.
Personally I don't recall you and would prefer to speak for myself.

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