Stupid f***ing woman!!


Feb 19, 2009
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This has annoyed the shit out of me, I gotta say.
Why do people with a disabled parking badge think its perfectly acceptable for them to park in a mother and child bay?
Anyway,there has been a bit of a debate over this issue in my local paper, and all of a sudden pops up this idiot of a woman with this letter:

" I WAS enraged by the letter criticising Disabled Badge Holders for using spaces designated for Mother and Baby ‘Do you think you can just park anywhere?’ (Dear Star, February 19).

If a Disabled Bay is not available, or indeed, not convenient, of course we can park elsewhere. Spaces for Mother and Baby are a convenience, not a necessity, unlike Disabled Bays.

For a disabled person, parking space near the shop is something which allows them some quality of life. All too often we have to walk a long way into the supermarket because inconsiderate, ignorant people have taken up all the designated bays because they are too lazy to walk a few extra yards.

Parents with prams do no need their own parking bays, but seem to have this idea that because they push a pram, the world owes them a living and politically correct idiots pander to this silly notion.

Until a few years ago these bays were not even heard of.

I fail to see why a fit and healthy, able bodied person needs to park right outside a shop just because they have made the lifestyle choice to have a child and bring that child to the shops with them.

Disabled people have no choice or control over their lack of mobility and in general, need wider spaces for wheelchairs, and spaces near to the shop entrance, to cut down on the distance they have to walk.

In relation the lady’s comment about her getting a ‘mouthful of abuse’ from a disabled couple who parked in a mother and baby bay, I would question what she said to them first, that she warrant that reply?

If it was anything like the rubbish in her letter, I would say she probably deserved it.

Personally, I would think that any disabled person taking up a parent and child bay needed the space more than me and thank God that I was able bodied enough to walk from a space a little further away from the shops.

Why do we give spaces so close to the shops to parents with children anyway? Surely a space away from the main body of traffic would be safer? i.e. further away from the main entrance.

Leave the spaces near the door for disabled people and those who are able bodied, please be more considerate about where you park."

Please tell me she is in the wrong about every point she has made because I am absolutely incadescent with rage at the moment regarding the stupidity of this woman!!!
my sister has a badge if theres no disabled spaces left we park in the parent and and child she can hardly walk whats the problem

If she can hardly walk then thats her problem. A 3mnth old can't walk either but people like you expect them to.

Bays are there for a reason. If a mother/child parked in a disabled bay and took the last space there would be merry hell to pay. Why is it any different?
If she can hardly walk then thats her problem. A 3mnth old can't walk either but people like you expect them to.

Bays are there for a reason. If a mother/child parked in a disabled bay and took the last space there would be merry hell to pay. Why is it any different?

because I don't think car parks have to have parent/child (why always mother?), but disabled, car parks have to allocate a set number of places.
I can see your point, that letter was a rant to far, fair enough disabled spaces for people who are genuinely disabled but the parent and child bays for people with children, I know from experience that when you have a young baby trying to get that child into a car seat when some fecker parks 2 inches away from your car is impossible and it can even be dangerous when you get some boy racer just swinging into a normal space almost knocking down prams, toddlers etc when your trying to get shopping children into a car. This woman sounds like a right stuck up cow.
What a fecking joke, is this for real...?

You can carry a baby, and stick it in the trolley when you get to the shop. A disabled person needs the parking bays closer because they have mobility problems. Of course they should be nearer the store...!!!

FFS, I can't believe I'm reading this nonsense.


Half the bleddy cars in the disabled bays shouldn't be parked there anyway, people are just too lazy to find a space further away, which then ends up making it a real PITA for a genuine disabled driver.

And, half the cars in the Mother and baby spaces are parked there, minus the children in tow...! They think 'cos they've got a child seat in the car, they can park there... Errrmm, no, you're meant to have your kid/s with you too...

Again, by the selfishness of others, the genuine cases needing to park close to the store are the ones being screwed.... Both disabled and mother and baby...

Sorry for the rant. It's a serious pet hate of mine...! (I'm entitled to use both sets of bays BTW, if I've got my lad with me anyway!!!)
what an up themself tw@

the majority of people with disabilities complain that they are not treated the same as everyone else, then expect special treatment such as this???

makes me fookin sick, i genuinly feel sorry for those with disabilities, but if youre well enough to get out of your house, take driving lessons and drive a car, youre well enough to walk the extra 15 foot along a car park (or wheel along or whatever) YOU make the cvhoice to leave the house, in the cold and rain sometimes, to go to the shop

the family with a 3 month old baby, 2 year old and 5 year old kid has enough to deal with without an arsehole like this with a chip on their shoulder over the hand life has dealt them and looking for someone to take it out on

im one of those arseholes who will shout across an entire car park at the guy in a suit parking in a kids bay, but ill also do the same to those parking in disabled spaces
what an up themself tw@

the majority of people with disabilities complain that they are not treated the same as everyone else, then expect special treatment such as this???

makes me fookin sick, i genuinly feel sorry for those with disabilities, but if youre well enough to get out of your house, take driving lessons and drive a car, youre well enough to walk the extra 15 foot along a car park (or wheel along or whatever) YOU make the cvhoice to leave the house, in the cold and rain sometimes, to go to the shop

the family with a 3 month old baby, 2 year old and 5 year old kid has enough to deal with without an arsehole like this with a chip on their shoulder over the hand life has dealt them and looking for someone to take it out on

im one of those arseholes who will shout across an entire car park at the guy in a suit parking in a kids bay, but ill also do the same to those parking in disabled spaces

Well said that man i totaly agree with you mate this really pisses me off i have family members who need to use the disabled spaces but i still let them know that it's not right parking in the parent child spaces because there is no disabled spaces left.

If you are really pissed off then go into whatever supermarket you are in get the manager and ask them to get the cars without disabled badges diplayed moved out of the spaces i have done this a few times myself but i do the same with the parent child spaces.

One time i parked my car across the back of a pimped out BMW in tescos that was in the baby space and you should have seen the guys face when he went out to his car (minus any children) and mines was parked across the back it was a picture he awas raging LOL then i went to town on him and went in and finished my shopping so he called the police and they did him for wasting police time as it was a private car park and nothing to do with them ha ha.

As for the feckin idiot in the letter i wouldn't mind meeting her in a carpark cause if she gave me any shit she wouldn't know what hit her.
If she can hardly walk then thats her problem
think you went to far with this comment m80
but yes you do have a point why park in a mother and child space
imo i think the shop owners should make sure that those parkin in a disabled bay need to be doing so see it loads of times men and women with nothing wrong with them parkin where they feel to save a walk
then you have to ask how would they go about makeing people who dont need to be in disabled bay move ? most would turn round and tell em to fook off or take no notice
clamp them ? they would start ranting over that saying it aint fair
but i have to say that parkin in a mother and child bay dont solve it does it
What really pi$$es me off is hwn people with no badge park in disabled bays my son is disabled and can not walk at all and the f00kers think its fine to park in them.And even thou i have diabled badges if mmy son is not with me i wont park in them ill find another space.
the amount of disabled cars are a joke . most dont need them . just another freebie paid by tax payers . as for the badges bugger off . im sick of seeing the drivers get out f all wrong with them . . do my head in . most get mums or dads dla car drive it around . oh and west belfast is the worest . i couldnt count many people i know on this benifit . but it dont stop them playing football on a sat or training during the week . .. just a con . . if you need a car save and buy it like the rest of us . you want to go shopping park where ever you can . scrap these blue badges .
Im pretty sure when i was talking to the tcp attendandt at asda when i used to work there that he told me if there are no disabled spaces left they can use mother and toddler because mother and told have the extra space to get into a pushchair wheelchair.

Which is why mother and toddler are a needed otherwise you have to put your baby into a pram/pushchair out in the road with cars driving up and down.
they are quite happy to trade in their disability benefit for a brand new car [motability]

then moan that they got no money

not having a car is not the end of the world

i disagree if your disabled then u shouldn't even be able to drive using the motability scheme, if your able to get into your car and drive to supermarkets then your able to drive to an office and sit on your arse working
they are quite happy to trade in their disability benefit for a brand new car [motability]

then moan that they got no money

not having a car is not the end of the world

i disagree if your disabled then u shouldn't even be able to drive using the motability scheme, if your able to get into your car and drive to supermarkets then your able to drive to an office and sit on your arse working

If they are on higher rate dla they get a car aswell m8.
Although she's very blunt I kinda side with the rude woman and am more annoyed with 'nephilim37's comments.
I feel that mother and baby can easily manage and come across bigger problems from day to day.
At the risk of starting another rant children running around the supermarket is probably the most annoying thing!
If I was shopping with my children and all disabled bays were full I would have no problem with a disabled badge holder taking the Mother and Baby parking spot.
I just feel give them a break their in a worse position than me, i'm mentally and physically well and very grateful for this.
The question is, do we help the needy or not?

Apparently some on here don't give a shit that life has dealt some shitty cards to a few people, and they need a bit of extra help.
easy solution if you have kid(s)...and what my cousin does with her kids, go to the shops when you know it will be a bit quieter and you can easily get a normal space that will have empty bays on either side, even if you have to walk/push a chair a bit, problem sorted!

not so easy for some disabled people tho

im my work we only have disabled spaces and can only be used as that (by law, i think?) but in the building we have separate facilities for both the disabled and parents with kids, and if either wanted to use any of these facilities then i would have no problem letting them as i know if i was in there situation i would be grateful of any help i was givin to make my life a wee bit easier
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Heres a thought for you all
My dad lives in a fairly new estate/cul de sac
Now there are about 12 designated marked bays
About 2 meters form his front door is a disable space
basically right outside his home
Odd thing is none of his neighbours or their friends has a blue badge
There are 2 disabled spaces marked out af about 12
A petition with all the close has been sent to the council to remove em
They got a reply they have to be there even though no 1 is disabled
Now thats what i call stupid
Oh the spaces do get used by the residents when none are left
i recokon 1 day a warden with have someone for it
Some peeps seems to get the feeling that having a kid is a "chore" and that they deserve extra "help", if it's not parking spaces its something else, My mam must have been super woman, she managed to trail 4 of us around to the shops (nearly a whole 2 miles from our house)ect and NEVER had a car to park lol. Fook me I don't think i was even inside a car until i was like 5yo. But the poor soles today can't walk 100 yards without the need for a pit stop or whatever.

With that said I do also agree about the misuse of disabled bays. They should be policed like they are on the public road. Park there without a badge....Fine them. Repeatedly park there with a badge but looking like nowt wrong with you...Report them.

Once people get a few £50 fines then they wont be so fooking lazy. Yes some will moan that they got fined and they wont be back ect ect, but if they all started doing it then they would have to come into line. The spaces are there for people with genuine disabilities.
If she can hardly walk then thats her problem. A 3mnth old can't walk either but people like you expect them to.
It's not the child who chooses to park in a mother-and-child bay, it's the parent, about whom you could just as easily say "if she has a child, that's her problem".

Some peeps seems to get the feeling that having a kid is a "chore" and that they deserve extra "help", if it's not parking spaces its something else, My mam must have been super woman, she managed to trail 4 of us around to the shops (nearly a whole 2 miles from our house)ect and NEVER had a car to park lol. Fook me I don't think i was even inside a car until i was like 5yo. But the poor soles today can't walk 100 yards without the need for a pit stop or whatever.

With that said I do also agree about the misuse of disabled bays. They should be policed like they are on the public road. Park there without a badge....Fine them. Repeatedly park there with a badge but looking like nowt wrong with you...Report them.

Once people get a few £50 fines then they wont be so fooking lazy. Yes some will moan that they got fined and they wont be back ect ect, but if they all started doing it then they would have to come into line. The spaces are there for people with genuine disabilities.
Good post. This thread was in dire need of some common sense.