Petrol Rant


Member ++
Mar 8, 2006
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South of North
We all know the price of petrol is stupidly high, this is not what my rant is about.

My rant is about the oil companys treating all motorists as idiots.

£1.06.9p litre .WTF is .9 (point 9) about?

No such currency as .9 (point 9)!

Its always .9 never .8 .7 . 6 etc

Hypothetical question. If I went into a petrol station with a can and wanted to buy1 litre of petol at £1.06.9p

give them £1.07p How they gonna give me my change £0.001p? :err:

The oil companys spent millions having every price sign upgraded so as to get the extra digit when prices went over £1 litre.

Oil companys or if anyone works for one please explain why you think we are all numpty's?

Or better still just round the price to a whole number

Or even better LOWER THEM!

Rant over
We all know the price of petrol is stupidly high, this is not what my rant is about.

My rant is about the oil companys treating all motorists as idiots.

£1.06.9p litre .WTF is .9 (point 9) about?

No such currency as .9 (point 9)!

Its always .9 never .8 .7 . 6 etc

Hypothetical question. If I went into a petrol station with a can and wanted to buy1 litre of petol at £1.06.9p

give them £1.07p How they gonna give me my change £0.001p? :err:

The oil companys spent millions having every price sign upgraded so as to get the extra digit when prices went over £1 litre.

Oil companys or if anyone works for one please explain why you think we are all numpty's?

Or better still just round the price to a whole number

Or even better LOWER THEM!

Rant over

I think its basically so it gets rounded up, as anything under .5 would be rounded down. Not sure, but thats how we did it in school. As for the oil companies, the price of oil per barrel has crashed at the moment, due to fears of the US economy going into recession.
I like the psycological effect argument; £1.06.9 sounds cheaper than £1.07. Like a 99p store, we all know that its a pound shop, it just sounds cheaper.

I've seen .5 plenty of times and .2 on occation (usually at Tesco), but we're strange like that on the Wirral.
so as soon as we get the pigs fed and the catapult built we can expect the petrol prices to drop
I work for a well known oil company,currently crudes are harder to find and extract,developing countries no longer sign over devine right to finds either.Also worth mentioning the massive demand for crudes in the far east.

So thats a peek at the manufacturing end of things............worth bearing in mind that on average the oil co make 30p tops on a litre everything else is taken as some form of tax by the government,the north sea declining oil fields also take a battering on tax as well.
Just to give everyone an idea in real time : When the first post was done a litre was £1.06.9 ? round here (surrey) you will pay somewhere in the region of £112.00 and diesel £115.00 ltr !!!! somethings got to give they are taking the piss, these taxes are way to large on all fuels and with the new road tax groups we are all set to be walking soon.:CRYBABY:
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Just to give everyone an idea in real time : When the first post was done a litre was £1.06.9 ? round here (surrey) you will pay somewhere in the region of £112.00 and diesel £115.00 ltr !!!! somethings got to give they are taking the piss, these taxes are way to large on all fuels and with the new road tax groups we are all set to be walking soon.:CRYBABY:

Walking :roflmao: Some of NEED our cars for work ! Luckily i work for a company, not for myself but do around 3000+ miles per month.
Boot is fully loaded and ladders on the roof so not the best MPG... can you see me walking?? :classic:
I think you read that wrong m8 i was trying to put the point across that we will have to walk because of the price of fuel:proud:
Dont ever expect petrol or oil prices to come down by a big drop ever again.

9 years ago oil prices crashed to 9 dollars a barrel and you could get 900 litres of oil for £90. Opec then had to change things and they said then that the comfort zone was 18-23 dollars a barrel.

Last week Nymex oil price was 112 dollars a barrel and its cost approx £450 for 900 litres. Opec now say the comfort zone is 68-75 dollars a barrel. But dont expect it to get anywhere near that as they wont allow it to happen.

The petrol and oil companies do take the piss and I dont mean the major suppliers, just the forecourts etc. If oil takes a major jump they hike the prices immediately but this week they dropped 12 dollars but the price never moved.

I emailed Maxol (my heating oil supplier) and told them I was pissed off with having to troll the net to find the best price so they could match it and was going to just get my oil from whoever I found was the cheapest. They immediately offered me 3p off a litre no matter what amount I ordered but guess still doesnt make them the
the north sea declining oil fields also take a battering on tax as well.

The north sea may be declining, but the US has one of the biggest reserves in the world I believe. And also haven't they found oil in Russia? I guess that until demand goes down, then OPEC can charge what they want. Also this is one of the strongest cartels around, who's going to argue that they have created a monopoly and bumped prices up considerably, weren't all the oil companies fined a while back for price fixing too??
The north sea may be declining, but the US has one of the biggest reserves in the world I believe. And also haven't they found oil in Russia? I guess that until demand goes down, then OPEC can charge what they want. Also this is one of the strongest cartels around, who's going to argue that they have created a monopoly and bumped prices up considerably, weren't all the oil companies fined a while back for price fixing too??

Actually Us dont have a vast oil reserve and they only export about 2% and thats heavy crude stuff but they are a major player because the import a lot of oil and gas. They are not even in the top 10 for oil that surprises you.

Saudis and other middle eastern countries have most of the oil so thats why Opec have a big say but Russia are not part of Opec and their oil reserves are really untapped and they are finding more and more all the time so they are a major player too.
The north sea may be declining, but the US has one of the biggest reserves in the world I believe. And also haven't they found oil in Russia? I guess that until demand goes down, then OPEC can charge what they want. Also this is one of the strongest cartels around, who's going to argue that they have created a monopoly and bumped prices up considerably, weren't all the oil companies fined a while back for price fixing too??

There are massive reserves in Canada,but the problem is its 'tar sands'.To release the oil uses massive amounts of energy and has a far impact on the environment.
The UK is also suffering on the diesel front,there just is'nt enough capacity and demand is high.
Actually Us dont have a vast oil reserve and they only export about 2% and thats heavy crude stuff but they are a major player because the import a lot of oil and gas. They are not even in the top 10 for oil that surprises you.

Saudis and other middle eastern countries have most of the oil so thats why Opec have a big say but Russia are not part of Opec and their oil reserves are really untapped and they are finding more and more all the time so they are a major player too.

I am Jaffa, but thats why I asked. Always good to learn new info. I know saudis and middle east are opec, thats why saudi is so rich. Aint oil fields how abramovic made his cash in Russia??
what makes me sick is the fact that the last 'fuel strikes' were because it hit 80p a litre, its now 50% on top of that again, the dollar is bottoming out against the pound, which makes oil even cheaper for us as a country to buy, yet we continually get shafted on what we pay

the governments answer? make it a terror law to blockade a refinery in protest at fuel prices. the answer to that, blockade the refineries in the name of religion, everyone who registered as a jedi knight in the census (over a million people i believe) could say that high fuel tax offends their religion and blockade the gates

will the government go against its own daft PC policies and allow a minority groups religion to be offended?
^ They cant do the 2000 strikes again because they imposed a law so events of 2000 couldnt happen again.

Truckers that would want to do this again cant in fear of loosing there licence/liveyhood.
what makes me sick is the fact that the last 'fuel strikes' were because it hit 80p a litre, its now 50% on top of that again, the dollar is bottoming out against the pound, which makes oil even cheaper for us as a country to buy, yet we continually get shafted on what we pay

the governments answer? make it a terror law to blockade a refinery in protest at fuel prices. the answer to that, blockade the refineries in the name of religion, everyone who registered as a jedi knight in the census (over a million people i believe) could say that high fuel tax offends their religion and blockade the gates

will the government go against its own daft PC policies and allow a minority groups religion to be offended?

Crazy theory digidude but there is an element of logic in your madness. I guess I need to convert to jedism and start protesting. I didn't know of the terror laws regarding blocking refineries, thats a complete abuse of civil liberties if true.
the price of crude oil dropped by around 10% the last few days in america

but we didnt see the price drop reflect the pumps

just the government and oil companies ass raping us
the price of crude oil dropped by around 10% the last few days in america

so it should drop even more over here then, as its cheaper in america because they reflect the current price of oil in what they pay at the pumps, and as the pound is strong against the dollar we should see quite a bit more than 10% slashed off, but then that means the govt aint making that 10%+ in extra tax and when the price of oil rises they can raise it even more

ill be voting for the loonies the next time round, they couldnt possibly fook the country up any more than it is, but at least we'd all be alowed to have fun while it falls to bits around us